"You wouldn't hit an alicorn with glasses, would you?"
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"Yes." he answered. "Yes, I would. Provided this supposed alicorn gave me a reason to do so, that is. I'm not unreasonable."
April 19, 2022

"Fair enough, I guess."
April 20, 2022

Yes given reason. I mean just because I have the skills to beat some creature up doesn't mean I'll beat one up without reason.
April 19, 2022

Heating Freeze
"Given a good reason, I would."
April 20, 2022

Jade courage
well, i did hit someone with their own yeah...the real question is would i stake a tremere alicorn?"
April 20, 2022
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."
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The enclosed beanbag lounge of the library was cordoned off. Signs reading 'No Entry', 'Off Limits' and 'Temporarily Closed' were set up around the perimeter. Just inside, however, the bean bag chairs... View More
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Because of this realization, Stardusk took three books, and didn't even check them out. Thievery at it's finest!
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"Well I have two things too add first off looking awesome as heck there, second why are your you librarians always do dang cute?"
February 24, 2022
Bryce closed his eyes as he slowly threw his head back, backing up slowly before turning to a halt. "Aaahhhh....I saw it coming and I still decided to go for it anyways..." He chuckled as he shook his head. "Well guess it is what it is"
He chuckled as he turned to look at her. "Well I mean it was well done and besides you could have egged me on but you didn't, at least it was short but still brutal heh but I wouldn't mind that either talking is always nice and always like having anypony to talk too."
"Does this turtleneck make me look cozy and cute or like a Bond villain?"
2 people like this.
“Like a Bond villain, but one with a personal life outside of trying to kill bond. You know? Like I could definitely sit at the opposite end of a couch with you and have some quiet reading time, with interspersed conversation about your latest death ray or whatever.” Kodak answered, making this exac... View More
"The archives are now open 24 hours a day. Stop in and say hello. I don't bite..."
The alicorn idly licked one of her conspicuously long canines.
4 people like this.
Sheep has entered the area; please be advice your carpet is in danger of being eaten by the creature.
Approximately nine hours later Kodak would come briskly trotting around back to where they had disappeared. “That… was a gratuitous amount of secret passage ways and hidden rooms. I’d like to check out any historic reference texts pertaining to the construction of the archives.”
“I’m planning writi... View More
February 16, 2022
Stardusk walks in to simply take a book, and then walks right out with it!
February 16, 2022
Stardusk examines the book, befofe looking left and right. He then came to realization that he doesn't want this book:
"I don't want this book!"
February 17, 2022
He felt the stare penetrating his soul, which was making him rather uncomfortable, but once the stare down finished, he placed the book over the counter, then ran to get another book, a children's in particular!
February 17, 2022
"I've discovered a fascinating spell."
The alicorn began, idly flipping the page of a book set before her as she stifled a yawn.
"It plays out loud the song that's playing in your head this very mome... View More
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Tomahawk sweats profusely. "♩ HEY I JUST MET YOU, AND THIS IS CRAAZY.. ♩" begins to radiate from somewhere within her. She avoids eye contact.
Bryce stands there with a raised eyebrow before separate ways from journey started playing. "Whoa seriously? I love this song where is it...oh wait you just said it's literally in my brain right's got great taste in music...I might just keep you around brain..." He said smiling up at his he... View More
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