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by on February 6, 2021
(warning this story going to be slice of life) polo walked to the store to get a new vest because his fell apart from moths eating it. "i missed this" polo said as he open the store door as his jaw dropped. "hello welcome to soups how may i help you?" a changeling said as polo look at the vest rack and said "do you have a aqua color light combat vest?". ...
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by on February 5, 2021
(warning this story contain a funeral ) hunter was wearing a suit as he walked to the funeral. speedy appeared from light speed and said "i heard the news and are you ok?". "not really" hunter said as speedy stopped him. speedy said "what..." before speedy could finish talking hunter interrupted him and said "i did the job". speedy jaw dropped as he said "oh". speedy and hunter walked to the funeral as cloud was leaning against a cart and said "how could you hunter. cloud slowly walked t...
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by on February 4, 2021
February 14th, 2019. Vanhoover. Asahi stared at his reflection in his car's mirror intently. He doubted every little thing about his own appearance. His mane wasn't styled perfectly. His suit jacket wasn't tucked in right. He had wrinkles in his dress pants. It's like he came here just to get embarrassed. Worst of all, it was February in Vanhoover, so he couldn't let his car's top down like he loved to. The sound of shoes clacking against concrete catches Asahi's attention. As he looks ov...
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by on February 4, 2021
(warning this story goes dark) polo was panicking not because of his house was on fire or the fact his only family photo was burning. his wife photo was burning as he grabbed a small piece of it was left s he runs outside. polo hit the door as it fell from it hinges as a black rift slowly swallowed up the house. "you got to be joking" polo said as he climbed to the roof and jump to the back of the house as he landed on a street as the house vanished into the black rift. "darker caused this...
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by on February 3, 2021
"well there gone my business" darker said as all of his employees leave the building as fake news about darker going bankrupt hit media. "sir are you ok and why are you just watching?" the changeling said as darker replied "am just watching everything i worked for leave me forever". the changeling watch as darker sat down at his desk thinking heavily about something then, the changeling said "listen i have to leave now because the queen calling me" the changeling leave the building as darker thr...
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by on February 3, 2021
This one is LONG overdue, but better late than never. My name is Stickman Gunderson. I lead a elite protection force made up of different heroes named the United Stickman Force. We search far and wide for the bravest of heroes to join our force to fight the forces of evil. But you may be asking: "Who are you SPECIFICALLY? I have never heard of you!" Well, my lovely cadets, thats what this blog post is about. ...
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by on February 2, 2021
(warning this story is just a vampire talking about a collection of stuff he got over the years and no just slice of life this time) you see castle with a sign on it that said "free painting if you come in" then you get knock out force to enter as toxic luck was using vampire magic on you as he said "as you can see this is my house and yes i promised a painting if you come in now if you look to your lef, you will see a few set of armor i collect over the centuries of living here, don't ask ...
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by on February 1, 2021
(story goes dark) gem dagger age 37 knight of the king recently went missing after the event of a jinn almost destroying the country but, stopped by a wish of her being trapped for a few thousand years. " am glad he died because, he cause all this and am not changing what i say" one of the guard said as a fight broke out in the palace as a griffin leave with gem daggers book in the night. "sir what do you think your going?" the griffin said as he watch gem walked to equestrea as gem said...
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by on January 31, 2021
(warning this story goes dark) "polo you alright?" hunter said knocking on the door that was fixe one week after polo was thrown from a window. "just leave me alone..." polo said as he lay down on the couch not even moving to the door. "look if you don't let me in i can't help you out" hunter said as silence followed for about five minutes before the door unlocked as polo walked back to the couch. "it not that bad polo, look you have skill to be a hero, why don't you be one..." before hu...
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by on January 30, 2021
(warning story will go dark) crimson pulled himself out of the sand and said "great now i have to find a way to tray her in an object now where to...". crimson shake the sand off of himself as he looked around then said "ok if i recall this way is north". crimson was walking for about a few hours before he stopped and said "i remember why i don't walk here, way too much sand". crimson found small town about five miles away from the boarder as, he enter the town remembering about 300 ye...
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by on January 30, 2021
(warning this post is going to go dark) darker was in the office when one of his business friend was screaming at him about a bunch of bluitor buying arcade go stocks and he said "your loosing to a bunch of ponies who can't ask a stallion out?". darker make an announcement to his entire work place "everyone who buys arcade stocks i will increase your pay by one dollar and yes you can leave for the rest of the day with pay". darker watch as all of his employees leave the building as n...
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by on January 29, 2021
The monstrutalpus is a large , green , herbivorous tapinocephalian from the jungles of skull island . It measures 12-15 feet long FACTS The broad-bodied monstrutalpus is a ground forager of the deep jungle. Named for its excavating talents ( the genus translation being " monster mole " ) , monstrutalpus has strong forelimbs for digging out the tubers, roots and fungi upon which it lives . The beast's strong sense of smell leads to it the location of choice items buried several feet undergr...
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by on January 28, 2021
(warning this story is just before hunter getting polo after he fell from the window and yes it will go dark) "well this is not good" hunter said as he just stood in front of the destroyed cart aiming the revolver at the cart. hunter looked at the destroyed cart door and said " how did this get destroyed?". hunter noticed a vine growing between the grooves of the cart wheel and said "strange, didn't think a vine grows that fast and..." hunter fired the revolver at a purple mare. "why do ...
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by on January 27, 2021
(warning go dark and a bag of blood because vampires ) "you sure about taking him here is a good idea..." before the unicorn could say anything else toxic said "no that why i chained him in the dungeon" . the house was not a house but instead a castle near white tail woods. "should we at lease give him a blood bag or something?" the unicorn said as the vampire looked ticked off a bit. "again NO and look as long as he is here we don't have to vorry about him coming after us" toxic said ...
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by on January 26, 2021
*The names of things English translations of what would originally be Rassulian names. The Rassulian Empire from the Metalo Kledia system in the third quarter of the Requos galaxy is known to many as one of the largest and most brutal empire in the mapped universe. Having taken over most off their own galaxy and capable of expanding past that the Rassulian Empire has garnered a fearful reputation, yet are opposed by no military or policing force. All those who intend to fight them are met wi...
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by on January 26, 2021
"what do you mean we ran out of coffee?" darker said as his accountant simply said "well you see our normal mail got changed to well, a flower arrangement". "hello am here to drop off the sheets of paper to a Mr. sky?" a mail griffin said as darker walked over and said "that me and we already got the sheets of paper". the griffin throws a sword at darker who simply grabbed it using magic before setting the sword on the accountant desk. "next time you throw a weapon at someone make sure they ...
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by on January 25, 2021
"now i know why i don't come here" crimson said as he walked into a very bad sandstorm. "all i have to do is find that lamp, destroy it, and maybe get a new crystal for my collection" crimson said as he walked into a town wearing crystal goggles and a heavy cloak. there in the middle of the town gem dagger stood as crimson said "well am glade they kept the statue of me after all these years". "hello you seem new here, i am broken glass..." crimson closed their mouth and said "if your going t...
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by on January 24, 2021
*warning this lore is going to get dark* "look like someone broke in to polo house weird" hunter said as he stepped on top of the front door and walked around. "nothing look like it missing so not a robbery" hunter said as he walked around the place. "the kitchen look damaged, might of been a fight of some kind" hunter said as he picked up a wood splinter then sniffs it. "smell like one of polo chairs, most likely destroyed by unknown person" hunter said as he looked at the brown spots in the r...
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by on January 24, 2021
// Low quality lore post, because that's all that you get. "Oh, for how long have I searched for you, my friends?" Atop of a hill, amidst the snow, a large patch of blue flowers grows. Even in the harshest of temperatures, when all other plants hide away, they stand there and glow their soft hues. Some would consider this a pleasant, albeit uncommon, sight. But others... They knew that these plants were nothing to be in awe by. Any folk with the slight knowledge over the psionic powers cou...
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by on January 23, 2021
crimson sit there as a historian explain the crystal empire and crimson simple said "wrong in fact king sombra didn't exist up until 25 years later during it advancement in science and magic". then the historian started talking about celestia main and why it was always rainbow then crimson said "again wrong, she use all the element which cause her main to turn rainbow from the after effect of using all the elements at once". the historian started yelling at crimson as he simple said "and you...
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by on January 22, 2021
ok so everyone knows this is a summery of what every one opolo fastter is a hybrid of two hybrids (i don't know how to explain it that much) darker sky is a unicorn who has snake fangs and on rare events he look like a skeleton snake hunter sky is a earth pony with wolf fur (and yes he a werewolf but, eyes have a neon look) ...
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by on January 22, 2021
"It's fuckin' hot, dog," said Corporal Persons with a coming sigh, the anger of boredom is evident in his voice before he leaned out the window and spat his small puddle of chewing tobacco spit out the HUMVEE window. He wasn't incorrect; the Syrian sun emitted such a strong radiance of heat among the sands of the desert. We could barely even rest our hooves on the window because the metal of the vehicle was scorching, each time we attempted it felt as if our skin would melt to the metal. What ma...
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by on January 22, 2021
*warning this part of the lore going to go dark* polo was at home drinking tea when his door was broken into. the time was 9:00 pm as someone walked right near polo and said "hello music note it been what, 20 years since i last seen you and my you look better". polo just looked at them and said "who are you talking about?" then, the stranger grabbed the tea kettle and throws in at polo who ducked. "you know what am talking about after all, i own you" the stranger said as they proceed to t...
217 views 0 likes
by on January 22, 2021
It is time. Gray woke up that morning with a single conviction: The guest room. Despite the size of his house, the actor’s massive mansion had but two bedrooms, the one that Gray used and the spare. Truth be told, he had only been to the spare room once since acquiring the property. After which he decided to lock it under suspicion that there might be an angry poltergeist of a washed-out celebrity that committed suicide there decades ago, and who was now a permanent resident. A character so s...
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