Friendship Letters
The members of Attack on Mango, and their friends, Ruby, and Deena sit in their living room as they watch a movie together. Well, 'watch' was a generous description. It was more like they have it on in the background while they make conversation. Mostly about Ruby's career as a solo artist, and her explaining her history with the band's original 3 members to Scrappy. At some point, Asuka notices something new about her brother, and opts to point it out to the room.
"Hey, Nar. When did you get a...
Muffled voices fill Aki's ears. She sits curled in the corner of her room in her childhood home. A shadow looms over Aki, as a figure stands in the room's doorway, blocking most of the light trying to get in. The voices of her parents trickle in from the other room. She can hear them talking about her. Comparing her to Miki. Degrading her. "I wish Aki would learn to smile like Miki does!" "Miki has so many friends! She's so popular! Aki just si...
The sound of her phone ringing forces Aki to rouse from her slumber. She lets out a groan as she reaches over to check what time it is. 8 AM? That's far too early for anyone to be making a phone call. However, when she checks the number, she vaguely recognizes it. Too tired to recall exactly who the number belongs to, Aki picks up her phone, and places it to her ear, accepting the call. She doesn't even realize that the number isn't an Equestrian number.
"Hello?" Aki's voice is groggy, and s...
This is a simple recipe for fresh pizza pie!
I have bad news. I knew this would be the outcome, but I'm still just so hurt. I really thought I'd be able to make it, that I could be the pegasus to master unicorn magic. It was always a stupid idea, I should've known that. I feel betrayed, really. Sunset promised me she wouldn't go to the school if I couldn't. Stars, that was a stupid idea too. Obviously an unicorn like herself wouldn't be held back by a silly pegasus' dreams! Some sister she is. I don't need her, I don't need Celestia's s...
Mmmmm, yummy! I hope you all enjoyed this recipe to making some good ol' fashioned Apple Pie. If you make pie using this guide, don't hesitate to post about it with a picture of the pie and reference this recipe for me! I get commissions... in love! I sorta wish it was money, but love is good enough!
Ta-ta for now!
Peachy Pie
//This story is here to wrap up all the band stuff for Attack on Mango, so I don't have to make like, 5 posts about each individual thing. After this, Attack on Mango will essentially only exist when I want to make the occasional band post, instead of being the focus of Nar, and Asuka's profiles.
Deena, Cookie, Betty, Kisho, Hiari, and a few other guests sit beside Mandy Fullbright in the deluxe lounge of the Glorian Amphitheater. The lounge ...
The mid-morning Appaloosan sun beats down on a lone zebra as he works to till one of the fields of his farm. Makabe and his family moved to the town after this farm was passed down to him by his grandfather around a year ago now. All things considered, they have a good life here. With the help of the locals, they've fixed up the farm, made plenty of new friends, and have become well known members of the town. His wife has started her own little business selling tinctures in the town, his farm ma...
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The smell of cheap Neighpanese takeout fills the tiny living room of a two bedroom apartment. Sat on the couch of the small living room, with food laid out on the coffee table in front of them, Nar sits with his new friend, Aki. A plasma TV sitting atop an entertainment center displays scenes from some sort of shonen anime.
After finishing his plate of curry, and rice, Nar leans back into the couch with a contented sigh. Aki doesn't seem to notice, as she's fully invested in the anime they'r...
It's been less than a week since Attack on Mango reached the top of Equestria's music charts. Which, makes it a little weird that Nar has called a band meeting.
With the band gathered in the living room of their shared house (Well, except for Scrappy.) all eyes are gathered on Nar. He stands beneath their large TV, a somber smile on his face. He looks a little nervous, but nobody knows why. The silence almost settles, but Nar breaks it before it can become awkward. "Guys. I know this might n...
With the sun reaching it's peak over the sky of Vanhoover, the city was beginning to come alive in full swing. Everybody is winding down from Mandy's party the day before, with many nursing the worst hangover they've ever had. Despite this, the city is still plastered with Attack on Mango merch, and decor. Seems the city's going to milk their cash-cow for as long as possible.
As Nar skates through the streets, he looks around at his face plastered all over, alongside those of his friends. On...
I can't believe it. I'm totally shocked and upset all at once. "Why me?" I said with a cold heart. "Why did I get Cancer?"
I kept asking those questions again and again and again.
The answer is simple, to show the world that I'm stronger than Cancer. To show the people who gave me a death sentence that I will not bow out gracefully. I will not go into the night. Reserved in the fact that the cancer is a progressive killer.
Asuka hates being right. Last night, she said she'd expected a call from Spot the moment the news got out that they'd won the Battle of the Bands in Manehatten. Sure enough, not 30 minutes later, Spot had booked them a flight back to Vanhoover, and sent someone to go drive their tour van back to Vanhoover for them. The Equestrian Music Society wanted to hold a ceremony for Attack on Mango to claim the number one spot on the national music charts ASAP, and Spot chose the next night. The last 24 h...
Getting stood up on a date, and ghosted by the mare who asked you out in the first place, really stunk. Nar COULD feel sorry for himself... OR, he could- oh hey! A text from his friend, Spins! Meet up for pizza? Hell yes! Nar quickly begins to draft a reply, excited for some pizza with his friend whom he hasn't seen in quite a while.
As Nar exits the little park he'd just been in, he stops to complete his reply to Spins. However, he can hear a sounds quickly approaching him from down the stree...
(Finally, small latina bug lore. Some things might change later but this is all I have for now.)
Proxilia Ramirez, known as Ramirez to most, is a changeling pony hybrid born in the packed city of Baltimare. Not much is known about her parents other then her father being a changeling and her mother, judging by her accent, was a Trottingham local (she may or may not have been a unicorn)
At the age of 10, Ramirez along with her father moved from the city to the peaceful and quiet town of ...
Professor Layton was sitting at his desk, sipping a cup of tea while quietly reading the newspaper.
"I see the weather is going to be nice...," he said to himself as he put the newspaper down on the table.
Unfortunately, before going for a walk, he had to finish examining the figure that had arrived this morning. No one knew where it came from, as it didn't seem to be from any known culture, so they decided to have Layton take a look at it, due to his reputation for solving even the greate...
After a long, 4 day drive, Attack on Mango has finally made it to the city of lights, Manehatten. The tour van pulls into a parking spot at a fairly well known Manehatten hotel, and the occupants all begin to pile out.
As Asuka steps out of the tour van, she heaves a sigh of relief that she can finally stretch her legs. The band, and Deena meet on one side of the van to discuss plans for the rest of the day, but are stopped before any of them can get a word out.
A group of 4 approaches the...
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Day 10.
The last of the evidence has been presented, and closing arguments have been made. Now all that's left, is the verdict.
Day 8.
After many days of evidence, testimony, and questioning, the trial was reaching it's conclusion. Following testimony from a captain of the Canterlot guard, multiple witnesses, the two guards who responded to the incident, and even the two guards who had been stationed to patrol the streets around the alley the night of the incident, it was time for one last witness. At this rate, Litigious is hoping for a lighter sentence for his client. He doubts their self defense angle has done muc...
A mind clicks back into place. Foggy at first, stirring from an extended period of vacancy.
Day Three.
"The Prosecution calls the Defendant to the stand."
Nar rises from his position at the defense table, and is escorted to the stand by the bailiff. As he sits, he is sworn in, and the prosecutor approaches the stand.
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//in order to not have a storyline about a trial take as long as an actual trial, I will be splitting the witness testimony segments into their own stories. I'll only be addressing the most important testimonies, leaving the ones with less impact on the storyline out.
Day 2, Asuka Yakushi.
After being called to the stand, Asuka is sworn in, and Litigious Exculpation approaches to begin questioning. (
7:30 AM, Canterlot Courthouse, Courtroom C, Lobby.
Asuka Yakushi and her family sit patiently outside of the courtroom as her mother quietly reminds everyone about courtroom decorum. She's been drilling proper courtroom attire, and how to act inside into everyone's heads for the past few days now. It makes sense. She is an attorney herself, after all. Though, she deals with the civil courts, not the criminal courts. Though, the principals...
(( An off-season short horror story. I don't think I've ever posted this one, seeing that it's been sitting in my WIP folder for a while so.. Have at it! ))
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1/9/25, 12 PM, Solaris Amphitheater, Canterlot.
Scrappy peers out of the amphitheater's west tunnel, to a packed crowd. With a capacity in the tens of thousands, there isn't an empty seat in sight. It's the first time she's playing in front of a crowd with her new band, and it's by far the most important performance of their entire careers. Panic grips at Scrappy's heart, and she feels herself becoming faint. "My music career is over." She mu...
Beautiful Love, the younger sister of PB. Though separated from each other at her birth Beautiful Love was put up for adoption in a foster home within the multuverse. Now was the foster home a good one only time would tell.
As a filly Beautiful Love had to put all her faith in the caretakers provided for her and the others. She was a special foal one of the few born as an alicorn. Those with control over the foster homes' finances treated Beautiful Love better than the other fillies and foal...
After a long day of travel, Attack on Mango was happy to have made it to their hotel in Canterlot. With the holidays over, and a new year beginning, it was time for Attack on Mango to finally make their move for the number one spot on the Equestrian music charts.
Juno unlocks the door to the suite the band will be staying in for their stay in the capitol. It's a snazzy 2 bedroom suite with a small living room/kitchen area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a VERY luxurious bathroom. Not to mentio...
When PB lost her memory she felt no rage, no remorse but rather a simple peace that she hadn't felt in a long while. She passed out a way from most civilization not knowing what would await for her. As ponyville became more open to different species she, now a peanut butter pony applied for a role as a royal painter and artist hired by Prince Artemis and later on Princess Luna in another universe. She herself always favored the royalty of the night as if understanding even if just a small bit. W...
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Tiny hands push on Nar's arm until he begins to rouse. His eyes begin to open, and his ears pick up a voice, but his brain doesn't quite process the words being said. The bed shakes slightly, and Nar finally turns to see who keeps pushing his arm. There, the excited face of Cookie bounces up, and down, just barely peeking above the bed.
"Papa! Santa! Santa!"
Instantly, Nar is wide awake. He begins to shuffle out of bed, only for Cookie to take off out of the room. Nar slips his slippers ...
"Ma'am, I have good news for you."
The purple unicorn turned around in her swivel chair, her red eyes glaring at the stallion who had entered her office. "Make it quick," she said. "I have a hanging scheduled for this evening."
"One of yours?" the stallion asked, a slight hint of teasing in his voice.
The unicorn nodded. "Is it ever not? If it's not a criminal I found, it's a so-called 'criminal' I own." She stood up, her face obscured by the shadows in the room. "Now, tell me what you ...
//Disclaimer: No, I did not actually write a song for this. I claim no ownership of the song used for this.
The music video begins with a 3 second roll of the production company's logo, then fades to black. White text then appears, showing a disclaimer.
"The stunts featured in this music video were done by an experienced professional with a permit to street skate. Attempting to re-create the stunts performed in this video could lead to injury, or jail time. Don't skate in the street kids. ...
The lands of the Dark World seemed to be at a low silence. The sounds of wind and storm casting over the darkened purple sky, providing a sort of calm ambiance. Upon the tallest mountain within this word, a being stood overlooking the dark lands below from a castle balcony. This figure was one as dark as a shadow. It had no detail appearance. It's appearance was shaped like a Alicorn sized dragon, though no mouth or eyes were seen on the figure in dark. Only physical features the resembled a dra...
Cold wind ravages the outer magical shields that surround the interloper, yet all he feels is a gentle winter breeze. He marches through the apathetic snow on a path that hasn't been used in years, a path that he'd never used before yet knows like the back of his hoof. There in the Frozen North, where the Siren's curse buried whole kingdoms in frost, he will find his quary.
Nestled on the side of a mountain range, a lone castle overlooks the long-abandoned valley. The river that once gave it ...
Good tidings, everypony!
December 4th marks another anniversary for Canterlot Avenue, being our 7th year running. We are happy to still be here and be a space for all our wonderful users to express themselves and have fun role play experiences. Thank you all for your presence and without you, we simply wouldn’t exist.
With that being said, we’d like to continue hosting your adventures and we’re slowly but surely working to improve with time. Development this year has given us a new dice roll ...