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by on May 23, 2021
Clover made it to the mountain were he suspected gal was, what he didn't know was that he wasn't the only one in the cave. There were huge bats on the cave's ceiling flying on other resting spots or sleeping so noise wasnt an option, he found a skeleton similar to the beast that dropped him and the others down into the bug pit at last his journey came to an end when he found gal in the clutches of the sleeping beast he whispered to gal telling her to grab his hoof but the beast suddenly woke up ...
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by on May 9, 2021
Clover woke up with pain on his back, he looked up and remembered that Kong threw the log over sending him and the crew over the cliff. He finds filmer on the ground breathing but he doesn't want to get up so clover leaves him be, then he finds spike sitting on a rock thinking about what happened to hayes, lumpy was beside his dead friend and clover tried to figure out how to climb out of this pit, he then turned his head around to see giant crickets hopping towards him, lumpy saw what looked li...
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by on May 1, 2021
In the jungle gal was trying to find her way back to the crew, she took a right turn but she ran into a large lizard like creature, it was to busy eating a dead dino that it didn't hear gal run up behind it. She slowly took a step back and hid behind a tree, she was going to run for it but another one of them stops her in her tracks it was getting to pounce but gal jumped out of the way, the creature was chasing her but gal got inside a log hoping it would give up but the thing just went insid...
387 views 1 like
by on April 25, 2021
Gal opens her eyes to see if he's still there and not to her suprise he is , while the beast was eating bamboo gal crawled to a small hole that lead to what looked like an escape. As she got out she started running but a huge arm blocked her so she ran back to the hole but another arm blocked it , she looked up and saw Kong looking at her with fury gal made a run for it back to the hole but Kong got infront of her. Gal took a few steps back before falling to the ground , Kong started roaring at ...
315 views 2 likes
by on April 18, 2021
After the stampede the crew rested near a swamp to tend to the injured Hayes : " lumpy I need you to do a head count, I wanna know how many injured and how bad " Lumpy : " injured? Four of us are dead " ...
348 views 2 likes
by on April 10, 2021
It was morning on the island and everypony has arrived at the place were they heard gal screaming last night Lumpy : " oh my twilight this place is a bleeding bone yard, they've been ripped limb from limb " After hearing what lumpy said clover was worried more and started yelling her name , filmed spots a path of broken trees and told everypony to go this way ...
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by on April 3, 2021
The crew crossed the bridge and headed into the island to save gal, they yell out for her but on response until they hear branches breaking on the right side of the trees. One of the ponies started firing there gun into the noises direction and soon everypony started firing everywhere until hayes told them to stop , the noise started to get closer so hayes lit a flare to see the trees, then a huge creature broke through the trees and was headed towards the ponies. ( the strangest thing was that ...
362 views 1 like
by on March 27, 2021
After three nights at sea they finally arrived at the great skull island, a wall on their side and behind it was a mountain. But there was a problem, the ship had a hole in it and I was wedged against the rock the crew were trying to cover the hole before the basement would be submerged . Anchor : " how she doing ? Hayes : " shes taking a pounding " Anchor : " what about the hole " ...
303 views 1 like
by on March 13, 2021
It was morning everypony was having breakfast while others where breathing in that fresh sea air Soundwave : you hear that ... seagulls , ship horns , wind and celestia who's what Filmer : I dont care sound , your the sound recordist make it work ...
273 views 1 like
by on March 7, 2021
1 day has pasted since they left equestria to explore the mythical skull island but one crew member is suspicious about filmer's truth about the island's origin Clover : hey , yesterday night you would tell me everything about this place, so what's the hold up ? Filmer : shush shush clover keep your voice down , I dont what the crew getting spooked Clover : why would they get spooked ? What's it called ...
281 views 1 like
by on March 2, 2021
It was finally time for filmer and his crew to venture to the mythical skull island, everyone was doubtful even the captain . The ship was stocked with ammunition ( just in case ) and filled with filmer's equipment, it would be the trip that would make filmer famous. Waiter : Mr filmer I got some bad news , molly wont be joining us . Filmer : no no why what happened? Waiter : she heard you were broke so she left thinking she wasn't gonna get paid . ...
275 views 1 like
by on February 25, 2021
Filmer was happy that princess twilight agreed to his demands, so happy that he didn't notice waiter was trying to get his attention. Waiter : FILMER ..... I was calling you but you weren't answering Filmer : I did it , she agreed . Waiter : you serious , I cant believe it . Your finally gonna get to do your film . ...
232 views 2 likes