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From coast to coast, ponies from all over equestria come to see the cool booths stories and crafts others have made! If you have skills or talent, this is the perfect t... More
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
*Aurora would be sitting in a booth with a sign that says "Life's Lemonade and Sweets " on it. This would be the goddess's first time in a while interacting with ponies that didn't involve taking them... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
"...wait, if life's making lemonade, then who gave life lemons?"
Like August 6, 2024
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
So what do you think?
Like August 8, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Cold...perfect!" She beamed. "Thanks! Canterlot heat is too much, even for my cold-blooded body..."
Like August 8, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
You're welcome
Like August 8, 2024
"Hey," Tality said, coming up to the stand. "Haven't seen you around before, and I remember every alicorn I meet." She pauses, suddenly, frowning, studying the queen, "Have I ... seen you somewhere before?"
Like August 6, 2024
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Ah that's okay dear. Just be mindful of the others while you're here ok?
Like August 8, 2024
"Haha ... " Tality sweat bullets as her master plan to help Aurora bake more goods in a hurry to get to spend more time with her blew up in her face. She had really meant it as a joke, but she really hadn't planned it out in advance enough to realize it was never going to work. Probably because Auro... View More
Like August 8, 2024 Edited
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Like August 10, 2024
Mystral Callous
“Royal sweets from an Alicorn? Please miss, show me what you have.” Their eyes widened at the sign and immediately trotted to the stall, nudging a pony or two to the side.
Like August 6, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Easy now dear, be patient.
Like August 6, 2024
Mystral Callous
"Ah.. My sincerest apologies. This seems like a once-in-a-lifetime chance to taste exclusive delicacies like these. I've never tasted products from an alicorn of all culinarians." The unicorn seemed to have a strange fondness for sweets. Mystral grabbed a notebook, a quill and their coinpurse. "What... View More
Like August 7, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Well it really depends on what you prefer as I have cakes of all kinds same for pies and so on,all made by myself at my castle. I also have lemonade and pink lemonade if you're thirsty.
Like August 7, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Lemonade? What flavors do you have? *He was hoping she had a green colored one, of any flavor.*
Like August 6, 2024
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Actually you can, it could go down the windpipe if you drink it too quickly.
Like August 10, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait what? *Nitroxus would blink in shock. In all of his life, he never choked from drinking. Which is both impressive, and also very concerning.*
Like August 10, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Now then would you like anything else?
Like August 11, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would blow a whistle as he was spinning a large sign. He looked to be having fun.* Come to my booth!
Papyrus he would be walking around the carnival wondering what fun things he can engage with other ponies with since he is a skelepony he hopes he wont scare ponies away.
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout was seen walking out of a bit store, holding a shopping bag in her mouth. "Oh! Uh, these...these aren't the lottery prizes, I...I get those from wholesalers, I promise!" She was clearly on h... View More
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"..." She just stared at her with a Raised eyebrow.
Like August 6, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
" creatures are weird. I'm gonna need a bigger bed to fit all of you."
Like August 8, 2024
"But chu are Cute."
Like August 8, 2024
Tality grimaces, no, she can't help herself. "Oh look, Bright, it's a Buttchu!" She hands Bright Brave a pokeball and puts a red-and-white-cap on his head. "You know what to do."
Like August 8, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Like August 7, 2024
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Tality tried to read the moon runes on the banner. "I don't know what it is, but I'll take it."
Like August 8, 2024
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Tality pulled out and laid a small orange card on the table and slid it towards Cotton-Tail. She stared at the shampoo with an eternally distant look in her eyes. Hut gut roiled in agony with deeply conflicted emotions. Now she knew what her mother's hair smelled like. It made her feel homesick for... View More
Like August 9, 2024
"...Da Frick was that about ?" She asked herself before taking a look at the Ticket, Trying to figure out if it was Legal or just something they created ?
Like August 9, 2024
The reverse side stated the terms: "At any time, hold this ticket and invoke the name _@ ____ in a firm, commanding voice. Limitations of this provider: __There are no limitations._;)______"
Like August 15, 2024 Edited
Snow Storm
"Ooh, cool! This is one way to give away your garbage, ahah... What is this?"
Like August 8, 2024
"I prefer Knick-knack, But that ? Well It's a Cocktail mix that has like... Every Alcoholic beverage in it. " And she wasn't lying, It really did have everything in it, Even the Rare stuff like Sinder Cyder from the Dragonlands, and Vin d'eau from Mount Aris!
Like August 8, 2024
Snow Storm
"Wait- somepony threw this out?! Absurb! Thank you for the gift hehe."
Like August 9, 2024
"You're welcome, Don't know if it's even good though...Only one way to find out!" Cotton would've pulled out 2 glasses for the both of them!
Like August 9, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout rested her head on the counter. "I would like a knick, or perhaps even a knack."
Like August 15, 2024
Misty Nights (PR)
Hey Everypony! Our Good freinds at MLP Forums are hosting a crossover event with us! If you dont want to miss out, and score yourself a unique MLP Forums badge, check out their event page here! http... View More
Misty Nights (PR)
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Bright Brave
Finally. I should buy all the hats. And be the hat king.
Like August 6, 2024
this isnt tf2!
Like August 6, 2024
Bright Brave
I didn't say it was. 😎
Like August 6, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
You had more hats? Comp, are you holding out on me? I want to buy more again, and a street sign...Please
Like August 6, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Darn it! Okay, I will like some hats then...
Like August 6, 2024
Funny enough, someone is seeking out the last hat when the supply starts to wane
Like August 20, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait what? I want some now. Please my blue brother.
Like August 20, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Wha… I thought these were offsale from last year!
Like August 7, 2024
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Shifter Burnside
Also why does it say first edition still it technically should say second edition
Like August 9, 2024
They're still the first batch technically
Like August 20, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Ok… oh ok I get it you just ordered more than you wanted to sell us
Like August 24, 2024
posted a blog.
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Shifter Burnside
Wow nice setup man! (no speech marks? That means I’m not rping.)
Like August 7, 2024
Thanks dude!
Like August 9, 2024
Shifter Burnside
You’re welcome
Like August 24, 2024
Mystral Callous
"Oh, my.. This kind of food in this damn heat..", Mystral exclaimed a bit disgruntled. "... Give me a plate of arroz with two tacos al pastor, please." They gave in, everything just smelled way too good. It's always good to bring some on the way home, maybe even a few leftovers for tomorrow..
Like August 7, 2024
With a grin on his face, Comp would write down her order. "I have 1 plate of rice and 2 tacos al pastor. Do you want anything to drink?"
Like August 9, 2024
"...The Frick is a Taco ?"
Like August 7, 2024
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"W-what is vegan chrystaline?"
Like August 20, 2024
"Something THAT is Vegan, and SOMETHING That IS also part CRYSTAL." She told them, Almost sounding like one of those... Karven ?, Care-ins ?, Whatever they were called!
Like August 20, 2024
Comp looked at the customer with an apologetic stare only to break some news to her. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid we don't have anything part crystal."
Like August 22, 2024
Bright Brave
"One Jeffe margarita please."
Like August 20, 2024
"One jefe for el jefe coming right up!"
Like August 20, 2024
Bright Brave
Like August 20, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
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"I Guess I'll Enter this, From a Fellow half Drgon to another half Drgon" Cotton said, standing in line to wait for her turn after some Random and..Crazy pony.
Like August 6, 2024
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Cotton Did just that, Not even questioning it one bit as She seemed calm about this ?
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
Sky would attach numerous suction cups to Cotton's head, then he'd look at some machine just out of sight which was making a number of computer noises that computers didn't actually name. "Hmmm....good vibes all around. Looks like you passed the vibe check."
Like August 6, 2024
"Is that....Good ?"
Like August 7, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Does doctor-patient confidentiality apply to this? Or at least honor among thieves?"
Like August 6, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"Oh, cool! Not sure what that means, but cool!" She put her disguise back up as she stood up.
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
"It means my work here is done. At least with you. Mostly because you don't need help."
Like August 6, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Thanks. Hope to see you again, you seem cool."
Like August 6, 2024
Snow Storm
"Yo! Vibe check me, my guy."
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
"One moment if you please. I'll get to you shortly."
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
Sky would then return to Snow, waving her over. "Alright I think I can get to you now. Come here, we got science to conduct!"
Like August 6, 2024
Snow Storm
They trot over happily and take a seat. "Oh boy!"
Like August 6, 2024
Bright Brave
Bright didn't trust dragons. And this whole booth looked like a front for a serial killer. But in keeping with the spirit of carnival, he decided to give this vibe check a try. Just in case, he set his payload to a deadmans trigger. The war horse stepped up to the booth, and spoke the words of the ... View More
Like August 6, 2024
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Captain Sky N Nova
Well Sky wasn't Suzie, Sky was a scientist! But despite all the equipment hooked up to that chair, all Sky really had to do was shine a laser at Bright's head and let the hardware do the rest while he looked at an old black and white TV. "Ok lets see.... Elevated paranoia, some PTSD, other trash....... View More
Like August 6, 2024
Bright Brave
"Oof. Oof Oof Oof Oof Oof. That equipment is pretty good. At least I'm taking a vacation next week."
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
"Then thats my job done. Now make room for whoever is next in line."
Like August 6, 2024
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