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Darren Cuffs

Male. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on September 30, 1995
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
Far from the Cannon
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Company, Organization, or Institution » Health/Medical/Pharmaceuticals
Entertainment » Musical Instrument
Ponysquare Refugees
442 Members
7 Members
Into the 80s
32 Members
Darren Cuffs
Since I'm here, I might as well share this out. Drawn by Baby here on CA. A kind gift from Zephyrus on the mod team. Big thanks to him and kudos to Baby.
12 people like this.
Silver Shield
Whew, that's a good art
Like March 17, 2021
Icy Creation
And only now do I realize the cop pony is a moderator. I find this funny.
Like March 17, 2021
Darren Cuffs
It's pretty fitting I feel.
Like March 17, 2021
Icy Creation
Like March 17, 2021
Darren Cuffs
Whew, it's been a hot minute since I was here. After a long hiatus due to my own consistent personal afflictions these past few months, I believe I'm finally ready again to crack open the ol' cop hors... View More
8 people like this.
Ice Wisp
Wanna beat Wisp with your baton?
Like March 17, 2021
Darren Cuffs
Not entirely.
Like March 17, 2021
Ice Wisp
Like March 17, 2021
Rough Winds
ill do it for free
Like March 17, 2021
Dream Vezpyre
Wanna give Dream2 (2) head pats?
Like March 17, 2021
Darren Cuffs
Yes please.
Like March 17, 2021
Dream Vezpyre
[Happy smol unicorn noises]
Like March 17, 2021
Darren Cuffs
"I feel like I've sold my soul and I'm just waiting for my payment.
2 people like this.
Astral Empyrean
Yeah. If you could just fill out a DD Form 4 Enlistment/Re-Enlistment Contract. I'll see what I can do about that "payment."
Like November 2, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Dream tilts her head. What's a soul? What's a soul?
Like November 2, 2020
Damean the paranormal detective
"You could actually sell your soul and not wait for payment"
Like November 2, 2020
Bright Brave
That's the joke. Its never coming.
Like November 2, 2020
Darren Cuffs
Since I want to have my character appear more human (horse?) I'm gonna list some fun facts that adds more to his character. Darren has Agoraphobia. Darren always has to have some way to run or escape... View More
Darren Cuffs
Fun interesting fact when I designed this character. I originally wanted to design him to be just like me. Me: right handed, life is a mess, corrections... View More
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Yeah, sometimes characters take on a life of their own :eyes:
Like October 5, 2020
Darren Cuffs
Literally anyone: Omg! Look at him! So unprofessional! Darren: Consuming macaroni and cheese like a Roomba consumes hair in a cat lady's house.
3 people like this.
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Me, a professional: idly plays with a hand grenade while listening to my CO speak. I may need to listen to health and safety lectures more...
Like October 3, 2020
Astral Empyrean
Like October 3, 2020
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Yeah I didn’t when realise I’d picked it up and started fiddling with it until someone pointed it out Although I did always want to go out with a bang.
Like October 3, 2020
Darren Cuffs
"Imagine not having a hat."
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Cynbel Ferode
Like September 25, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
She does now! Dream yanks Darren's hat. Or tried to,, standing up in those tippy hooves as she tried to reach up.
Like September 25, 2020
Antique FourHooves
“I know right?”
Like September 25, 2020
Darren Cuffs
No one: Sergeant Cuffs and Deputy when isn't looking for a solid .25 seconds.
12 people like this.
This, this is beautiful
Like August 3, 2020
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Then Wyatt in a sports car smashes into the two of them and yells "LEARN HOW TO DRIVE DICKHEADS" before driving away xD
Like August 3, 2020
"Look's like he Sent the Pig's.... into the Barn.. .YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAH" He said putting on sunglasses
Like August 3, 2020
I'm still proud of that!
Like August 4, 2020
See now I'm considering getting art of them two in small police cars driving around the store
Like August 3, 2020
Darren Cuffs
Like August 4, 2020 Edited
Darren Cuffs I put a LOT of work into this piece. Inspired by my better half's concern for me while I'm at work. If people could give me their thoughts, I w... View More
Darren Cuffs
Recent events have inspired me to say this; If anyone is having a hard time, doesn't matter what it's for, my PMs, discord or anything else is open to talk. I may seem like a hardass at times, but it... View More
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Anzo meep
I'm not good. Severe depression makes a lot of questions pop up in my head. I cry and sleep a lot and dont feel socialize. But I talk with the people on the hospital. That my grown will to die is worrying people. I don't see why it is. But I guess is all I have to say.
Like June 26, 2020
Darren Cuffs
Well hey, I've had to fight times of depression also. Go ahead and get ahold of me on discord or PMs at anytime. I'll provide whatever help I can give.
Like June 26, 2020
Anzo meep
I'm good as I say I'm and out door patient of the hospital and are in a very deep place at the moment. I just wanted to add my mind place maybe it makes it easier for other to do hte same.
Like June 27, 2020
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