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The Coven of Equus
5 members Ponies
Whether touched by a Third Eye or a conduit for those beyond, all bewitching and blessed belong here! The Coven is an organized league of witches on Equus meant to look out for each other. It is governed by three unknown witches, who coordinate with the rest to look out for each other. Grand meetings are only called as necessary. They also work with the leaders of each country to maintain asylum and accountability. To join the Coven, you must make contact with a witch who is in the Coven and accept the oaths. While part of the Coven, you must look out for your sisters and help where requested. While part of the Coven, you may not engage in activity which is meant to harm individuals, be it via curse, hex, poison, or other means. While part of the Coven, you will allow any searches of premises to prove innocence of operations to authorities. Failure to follow these rules will result in excommunication from the Coven.
4 members Ponies
The city of Plesant Bay. A driver's haven. Plenty of roads, of all kinds of types, lots of areas to explore, and plenty of scenic overlooks. But thing's aren't all that. This is a street racer's paradise as well. Or it was, before the new guy showed up. What new guy? Whoever that punk is that leads the city's rebuilt Police force. They've doubled down, and have been trying to put a stop to our fun! During the day it's.. alright. There's this racing festival going on then anyway. But at night, where WE would rule? They've declared all out war. They want to impose 'restrictions.' Make us 'safe.' They destroy, but we come right on back with something new. Take your pick, who do you support?
Trixie Lulamoon
Princess Neon Synthwave
Spec Steele
Baastaville Kingdom, Gillon 9XEI planet
4 members Ponies
Welcome to the Baastaville Kingdom, ruled by storm dragons, and it will be also a place where you will meet the noble Prince Black Hawk and noble Princess Neon Synthwave. More info will come along.
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
Angel Wingate heart
Princess Neon Synthwave
pony Lake Air Force base
26 members Ponies
!!! do not enter the military area without permission you will be thrown in jail without warning !!! I'm not ready to recruit a new group but wish you are interested here is the equestrian air force uniform regulati