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Misty Nights (PR)
Its Nightmare Night! The wind is howling and the shivers run right up your spine during the spookiest- and most fun part of the year! While getting ready for their upcoming Nightmare night party, Mi... View More
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The victor will be crowned after halloween!
Like October 29, 2023
Shifter Burnside
Like October 30, 2023
Polo Fastter
Go #manticores Listen, sit down, and get a drink. You might as well learn of Sheep and why I don't talk about them too much. 7 AM: they usually get out of a random house ventilation system after che... View More
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Shifter Burnside
Like October 30, 2023
Val was chuckling to herself. Why? Because she sent a 'special' package to go attack the Mummies place. A mayonnaise bomb. #rp #manticores
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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
" think this might be getting a bit out nevermind this is pretty normal for you..." He say with a shake of his head.
Like October 30, 2023
Polo Fastter
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Calaco Fleethoof
Calaco had decided to take some ketchup and mustard packets, twisting them and placing them beneath your toilet seat. He then fled the scene unspotted, tilting all the pictures and paintings on the wa... View More
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