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Caramella Seashell

New Album: Get🗡️Banned!

Female. Lives in  Fillydelphia,  Equestria. 24 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Seashell is not like other characters I use. No dark past. No secret powers. She is by far the most normal mare I have.
Roleplay Universe
Adaptative Canon
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Entertainment » Fictional Character
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Author
pony Lake Air Force base
26 Members
The Castle
172 Members
Caramella Seashell
Cara now has joined the trend set by , but in her own way! Thanks, Stormfront!
13 people like this.
Like February 22, 2024 Edited
Caramella Seashell
Cara sings all of the Elena Siegman- CoD Zombies -songs. Accurately.
3 people like this.
Calaco Fleethoof
Calaco bangs his head to the music. A shame there was no mosh pit.
Like February 17, 2024
Caramella Seashell
"Whoever sent me that card, I will forever sing my siren song for you!"
Caramella Seashell
"What is love? Filly don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more."
1 person liked this.
Sprout instinctively reached for her notebook before the reference registered in her mind. She chuckled slightly. "You think the foals would get that?"
Like February 13, 2024
"I don't know!?, And I didn't even hit you!"
Like February 13, 2024
Caramella Seashell
Caramella may have been lying to herself. Maybe she was super lonely! It was like the loner's version of the 7 Stages of Grief. Except it was mostly just denial. Caramella usually doesn't get angry, a... View More
6 people like this.
Poor girl! Caramella has a lot going for her, at the very least. I'm starting to give serious thought for Barney, Mercutio, and any of my other characters to end up as a footnote only to be found as environmental storytelling skeletons in a video game. Barney gets no hoes and stacks no paper; A fate... View More
Like February 10, 2024
Caramella Seashell
Caramella stared at the box of decorations she has never used. The dreaded pinks and reds of Hearts and Hooves Day. She scoffed and slipped it back into storage and shut the door. She never enjoyed th... View More
Caramella Seashell
"My mom tried to set me up with another pony...again! Like, jeesh... I know it's close to a holiday, but I'm fine being single! I honestly don't even know if I like anypony like that." Cara sighed to ... View More
Caramella Seashell
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Queen Lesa
And most was guessing~ ;3 Right in the middle.
Like January 13, 2024
Caramella Seashell
You got the music related ones right, so that's a B+ in my book!
Like January 13, 2024
Caramella Seashell
So close, King Artemis, but it's difficult to know every subject ;P You did get one of the difficult ones, so bonus points! (I can't tag him ;-;)
Like January 13, 2024
Queen Lesa
Like January 13, 2024
Caramella Seashell
So close, but so far away! The instrument one is not too obvious, and it may seem like a contradiction to things she's said, but it is true. Cara will still love her brother all the same! Maybe. Probably!
Like January 13, 2024
Snow Storm
Coco Pommel and ME (Snow Storm) >:3 /jk
Like January 13, 2024
Caramella Seashell
Coco is right! And... she may have a thing for scars, after all! Buuut, she's never met Snow D=, so no one-sided crushes here! You didn't need to bonus for that 100% anyways- did you cheat?~ (Kidding!)
Like January 13, 2024
Caramella Seashell
//Holy crap did I forget I owed replies here. HAHAHA shoot me
2 people like this.
// I've owed you a reply for months :c
Like December 31, 2023
Caramella Seashell
//Dontcha worry, Comp, I figured you were a busy bee!
Like December 31, 2023
Ephemeria Spring
honestly a mood, except I'm aware and just too lazy to go put down the words x.x
Like December 31, 2023 Edited
Caramella Seashell
"I was male once," Cara stated in a matter-of-factly way.
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Sprout looked up from her notebook. " that part of the singer thing, or is that unrelated?"
Like December 7, 2023
Caramella Seashell
Cara did not elaborate.
Like December 7, 2023
"Ehhh... kind of a trend for the last decade. You'd be surprised at what kind of stuff you have to give into for a bit of fame" Petricor shuddered as he whispered to Sprout.
Like December 7, 2023
"..." Sprout wrote it down anyway. "Damn, wait'll I tell Proce, she'll flip..."
Like December 7, 2023
"Huh, Cool! Can you do it again ?" He said, pure amazement shown in his eye's almost like a Foal walking into a candy store.
Like December 7, 2023
Caramella Seashell
"I mean, I could if it's for a play."
Like December 7, 2023
"Soooooo is it a potion orrrrr a Spell ?" He'd ask them, writing down note's on a notebook...using a Crayon.
Like December 8, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Missing the joke.* Wait, somepony put you through the mail service? Why?
Like December 7, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
Honestly same
Like December 7, 2023 Edited
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