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Sin Stealer

Female. Lives in Many,  Beyond Equestria. Born on March 6, 1993
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Demonhunter ninja minotaur. Ninjataur. Yeah whatever. Mostly just use this for satirically anti-weeb RP.
Roleplay Universe
Equestria Extended
Roleplay Type
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Turnip Lounge
76 Members
The Castle
172 Members
Sin Stealer
I like how I put out a status about my character dying and no one tried to revive her you all suck aren't there like 5 mary sue nurses on this site and that one adorable insane batpony nurse I'm loo... View More
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The heck you talking about? Maybe none of them were active? (And plus I didn’t respond because I didn’t see it oof)
Like April 2, 2019
Daddy Cambia
Post it again. I want to watch.
Like April 2, 2019
Bright Brave
I 💚 cows
Like April 2, 2019
Sin Stealer
She's sitting on top of a roof, eating a hayburger. Why a totally weeb-looking pony is eating a hayburger and not a rice ball is anyone's guess, probably cause her contract was bought by a different c... View More
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Cows eat hay so this is valid.
Like April 2, 2019
Sin Stealer
Are you calling her a cow you disgusting prick?
Like April 2, 2019
What do I want from you? I want... You to pick me up and take me to a restaurant. How dare you.
Like April 2, 2019
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Sin's words struck a chord with Midnight and she took her hand with her hoof and hopped into her arms. "I will have your babies. You said exactly the right thing in the exact right way. You are my Lesbi-lover! Now and forever!" <3
Like April 2, 2019
Sin Stealer
She springs through the hole in the wall she just made, completely disregarding the total property damage as she soars through the air, planting a kiss on the Batwife's nose as she beams. "I shall protect you from all the mary sues and edgelords, and lame plot writing!"
Like April 2, 2019
"Good thing this plot is the best one ever otherwise you would have already failed!" She'd say, her wings trailing in the wind as they spiral out of control.
Like April 2, 2019
Sin Stealer
There is a crash from one of the roofs of Ponyville as a minotaur cow goes flying through it. As she lands in the bottom floor of the rubble, she lays there, panting. One thing she always hates in e... View More
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As per her new job she was called to asses any injured at the scene to which she sees Sin and sighs looking around to make sure no one is watching. "Alright I got one chance at this" The white unicorn spread her robotic wings and charged her horn with dark magic. "Heroes dör aldrig!" With that the ... View More
Like April 2, 2019
Sin Stealer
"Someone asked my earlier about the "Shadow Clone Jutsu", like is it a real thing. Yah, of course it is, I love using it to commit minor crimes and then disappear in a cloud of smoke, making people th... View More
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Cally Ber
Someone, somewhere, an officer is breaking their clipboard knowing they can't issue a misdemeanor due to the very small amount stolen.
Like March 9, 2019
Darren Cuffs
"I plead the fifth."
Like March 9, 2019
Like March 9, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
"Why steal the candy bars from the store when you can just blow up the factory and steal the products?"
Like March 9, 2019
Cally Ber
"Because.. I'm fairly certain you have a high chance of capital felony." Cally explained as she started to write down the description of the pony. The paper definitely going to a FBI watch list. "I'm sorry, what's your full legal name?"
Like March 9, 2019 Edited
Nitro Lionheart
"Nitro." The purple pony explained, "Just plain old Nitro."
Like March 9, 2019
Sin Stealer
She blinks at the anti-changeling propaganda posters, before narrowing her eyes. "Why is this a thing? Demons have destroyed more cities in the past three months, wake up Equestria!" she says as she r... View More
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Crimson Canvas
Half hiding behind a nearby bush Crimson Canvas grinned, pleased to see ponies were still against changelings despite some of them "reforming".
Like February 22, 2019
Sin Stealer
Her Plot Sense:tm: tingles, and she hurls a shuriken at the bush, screaming "I CAN SMELL VILLAINOUS INTENT!"
Like February 22, 2019
Crimson Canvas
*Crim DODGES* also flees.
Like February 22, 2019
Sin Stealer
"Tch. Plot armor strikes again." she folds her arms and strikes a dramatic pose, before jerking. "Wait why am I just standing here staring' at a wall there's ganache to eat..." before smoke bombing out.
Like February 22, 2019 Edited
Sin Stealer
"People say poorly written plot arcs are the number one cause of ninjas dying on the job. I'd humbly submit that's bullshit." she says as she pats burnt patches of her fur. "Last time I buy cheap shit... View More
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Deactive user
Twisted stares and throws some caltrips around her in a circle and waits to see what she would do
Like February 19, 2019
Bright Brave
You're a ninja cow?
Like February 19, 2019
Liath Mac Medb
Like February 19, 2019
Sin Stealer
Honestly given this character is a minotaur I think I'm just gonna make it her thing to physically and violently crash into threads in whatever way possible. Like the Kool-Aid man but instead of givin... View More
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Orion Pink
Oh no
Like February 19, 2019
Sin Stealer
Like February 19, 2019
Like February 19, 2019
Sin Stealer
"Someone tried to boop me the other day. Didn't go well." she snorts.
Sin Stealer
She is sitting on the side of the street, drawing on a scroll with a brush and ink pot. Probably same weeb jutsu On closer inspection she's actually just drawing really elaborate ... View More
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