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by on June 27, 2023
//CA died on me when I tried to post this regularly, and I'm not willing to type it out again. After 32 hours on shift, Asuka is finally able to go home, and get some sleep. While walking from the tram to her house one may be forgiven for mistaking her for a zombie. Her eyes are bloodshot, sullen, and unmoving. Her hair is disheveled, frayed, and caked with dirt, soot, and blood. Then, there was her uniform. Once a spotless white. Now it's more of a light gray. Asuka's feet can barely mov...
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by on June 27, 2023
Camille took a deep breath, reaching up to adjust the bandage around her head, then the one around her chest and midsection. She winced at the stinging of the wounds underneath but stood strong. Stepping forwards through the darkened hallways of an abandoned hospital, her already activated gauntlets clanking against the cracked floor. The place was definitely freaking haunted. Or at least it seemed like it, for how the place reacted to her presence. It was like the building itself was alive, ...
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Hi there guys it's Cfriday101ArtsReborn. Firstily I wanna say thanks for the mods, staff and other people for allowing me to be here. As per what I do I will be roleplaying as multiple characters as my time extended here. Here is a small list of characters, I'm only doing 10 for now, so I'll have the details up and running soon!
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Hi there guys it's Cfriday101ArtsReborn. Firstily I wanna say thanks for the mods, staff and other people for allowing me to be here. As per what I do I will be roleplaying as multiple characters as my time extended here. Here is a small list of characters, I'm only doing 10 for now, so I'll have the details up and running soon!
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by on June 16, 2023
What remains of the forward team stands in what looks to be a master bedroom to a relatively large house. The room itself is fairly spacious, with what looked to be a fully fledged bathroom, closet, and even a small study. In the middle of the room rests a king sized bed, with a night stand to the left of it. The nightstand sports a picture frame with a picture of what looked to be a married couple on their honeymoon. The bed, sports the bride of said photo, only a few decades older, and much le...
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by on June 15, 2023
Things kept getting worse, and worse. First, the news of a litch running around. Then the news that he'd killed the majority of the explorers on this operation. Then the team started to run low on supplies, and finally the druid never came back after she went to forage for food last night. The team was preparing to abandon their mission, and head out of the AHS. That was, until they found the castle. The halls of the castle were vast. Paintings, and sculptures lined it's walls, some depicting...
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by on June 13, 2023
[Quick note, this chapter is in 3rd Person. It will remain this way from here on out.] The ground was clear. The remaining speckles of blood scattered across the fallen leaves and branches. A broken gauntlet lay beside a magical artifact that shimmered with an evaporating energy. Two mares lay entangled with each other on the dirt, one with her thestral wings pressed back against a fallen tree. The other laying on her lap, eyes scanning the sky above. "I'm sorry." Camille's ears twitched as...
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by on June 9, 2023
Central Headquarters. By far, the largest of the E.S.E.E's HQs. Though on the outside it was no larger than the a small office building, the inside was much larger. Though Nar expected that when he noticed the Astral Highway door on the front of the building. He, and the 9 other members of the E.S.E.E's northern branch who came with him arrived at central HQ just moments ago. They'd practically stepped off of the train, and into the HQ with how close to the station the HQ was. The outside of ...
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by on June 7, 2023
Dr. Lindsley's Report 29th entry. 04/05/1056 A.N. 08:00 PM ...
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by on June 6, 2023
Dr. Lindsley's Report 28th entry. 02/05/1056 A.N. 04:35 PM ...
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by on June 6, 2023
Dr. Lindsley's Report 26th entry. 26/04/1056 A.N. 05:22 AM ...
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by on May 31, 2023
In most times of my life, I've shown to be somewhat of a poetic person. I have a belief that I always seem to stick by. The things you enjoy your life will always be available for you to experience, but will never last forever. As chapters close in on your life, new chapters are opened. A chapter of my life as ended and I'm soon going to be writing the newest the chapter going forward. And with going forward, comes the decision to leave behind what you've been enjoying. I'm leaving the site ...
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by on May 19, 2023
Becoming a Queen was no easy this stage it was only a title, but that title would become reality. Lesa wasn't born into a royal family she didn't have any royal bloodline in her whatsoever none that she was aware of. She married into it. She had everything she ever wanted a loving husband and a beautiful daughter~ yes there was a small rumor going around the Castle that The Queen might be pregnant again, but that was only a rumor~ nevertheless tough times were ahead... with her husband...
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by on May 17, 2023
NEFARIOUS! Saw a new movie recently and it was rather... Odd. A bit scary even? The newest upcoming film is about a murderer who hides amongst the shadows as a common worker. Kinda like Patrick Bateman type. However, she is too good at it. Her entire attitude and attire. It was aspiring as a villain. Neffy! Would lean into his seat as he squinted his eyes. Had some popcorn ready and up to his face. "I don't believe it. Not for a moment. I can see the darkness in your eyes. I'll find you. Thi...
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by on May 15, 2023
like if celestia but she was if she was a deer
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by on May 11, 2023
{Very short!} Like cats, Mituna has their "special abilities" as well. Like seeing in the dark, climbing, jumping high, "nine lives," etc. He can get very very VERY jealous. If he feels like he isn't getting his attention he'll meow loudly until he receives it. Mituna is very impatient. ...
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by on May 11, 2023
Rise N' Shine Canterlot Avenue! Don't be lazy, stretch out your limbs and get ready to have an amazing day! ...
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by on May 10, 2023
I have decided to make this blog about my oc! ✨Mituna✨ I wanted to make this since not a lot of my friends understand so I decided to have a further explanation! (plus someone asked) ------------------------------------------ ...
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by on May 9, 2023
//Was going to post this as a regular post, but forgot I was still logged in as a different character, and CA won't let me paste this into the regular post box. 2 Days. A poor little girl has been lost in the Astral Highway System for 2 days. Nar couldn't even begin to imagine just what this little girl was going through. Alone in a chaotic mess of topographies, with no way of knowing anyone was looking for her. Alone, afraid, and likely starting to lose herself. The amount of luck he's h...
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by on May 4, 2023
Hello g*mers, your silly old friend here, you know, the one that used to make jokes about cheese and, as time went on, became boring and eventually vanished entirely. Things are as they are, people grow old and lose the "I'm so random" non-sensical humor of their youth, often exchanging it for sarcasm and the like... Alas, that is not what I am here for. Rather, I've been looking back into the stories I've written so far, my own original universes and fandom-based universes. I've been wanting to...
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by on May 4, 2023
At first, when the health issues started popping up, Asuka thought she could manage them. Then, they started to get worse, and Asuka saw the writing on the wall. Either she could move in with her son and his family for them to take care of him, or she could move into a retirement home to get the care she needed. In the end, Asuka wanted her son and his family to be able to live their lives without having to spend so much time caring for her. Not that they would mind. In fact, Cyan seems pretty u...
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by on May 3, 2023
Every day I wake up and it is something new. Not to mention I have so much to lose. So many depend on ny generosity that I would do anything to see their smiles of gratitude again. It scares me. It scares every part of me. For now though. It's another day. Hallow shades. How grim. Brimsyone would show up to a small town outside of hallow shades called "The Corner of the Earth" or The land of ghosts. Once named Honeywell, the town burnt to the ground from monster hunting murderers. What a ...
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by on April 27, 2023
Have you ever woken up in a sweat from a dream you cannot forget? Have you ever regretted a night when you yelled about a life? I remember getting ready to bed, I was only just a kid. Let's say about around 5 when I yelled about a life. ...
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by on April 26, 2023
What is Ponytown? Ponytown is an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) at first it was a PC game until recently, you can now play it on IOS and even Android! (woohoo!) I usually play on Mobile, sometimes I play it on PC. What can you do on Ponytown? ...
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by on April 21, 2023
The rain was clear... Good! He would huff as he put his hands up to start the fight until all the sudden: A giany lady came from the sky. Well, small lady. Giant puppetry arms in a spider formation. Brimstone would have his mouth wide open as he witnessed it. W-What?! One of the vampire would laugh and yell out. "Hey, Idiot! Beat that?! Not a chance!" Brimstone would then glance at the lady with a blush on his face. W-Whoa! She is pretty. Long blonde hair with a nice figure. She lacked leg...
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by on April 20, 2023
Growing up I was left alone with no one to speak to and nowhere to call home. I gave up on making friends with others since my voice brings foes only and no others. I walked near beaches and ran out of sight ...
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by on April 19, 2023
Brim would be making wrapping things up. He would be whistling as he looked up at the beautiful night sky. He contenplated his life like he does every night and would take off his stuffy cloak he wears during his job. In this moment though, he was free to explore. Brim's sharp nails would grow past his bandages. Black nails to reflect the night. He would make a swipe to cut off his thick tight bandages and returned to being a night creature. One of many, many problems. Yet problems were his ...
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by on April 15, 2023
Brim had been walking the streets of manehatten with his basket of food. He heard "Father!" from across the street as he gave a confident chuckle. He looked both ways to meet them at the side walk. The four promiscuously dressed women of various kinds would surround him. "Hello, fine ladies. Care for an offering from her highness herself!" He cooed happily. The ladies would press against him and one said. "Maybe if the offering is you." Another said. "I bet you're hiding a hunk under those ...
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by on April 14, 2023
A new day in this loathsome place. A place of no rest. Here I am on a way to help the downtrodden. "Father Brim! Where do you think you are going?" A nun would stop the assumed clergyman. The fella would look over at the nun. "Yes, Sister Bron?" The sister was a nun of their mock chruch and she didn't understand his position here under the rule her his majesty. To bring the warmth of the sun and the love of the moon. ...
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by on April 3, 2023
The Castle wasn't the first name that was considered when making a Rp Group. Canterlot Castle was to be the official name, however it had soon changed when the sound of it in action seemed rather....cringe. Therefore the words 'The Castle' seemed to fit a better style of title. So much so that it is basically its own brand. (Not really) During the beginning stages of The Castle, Kirra, Velvet, Levi, and Chloe did not exist. It was originally meant to be a Castle with unnamed Lunars, Solars, a...
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by on February 26, 2023
Got news today from the top, big mane's are coming down to introduce us to a new project. We finally can move forward with Project Genesis! I have been hoping that we'd get the chance to take G3 development to a new level! The only issue is getting the team in line before we start dishing out the new collective requirements. I wish I could list every bit of what we are doing here, but Galv says "security is top priority, so redact it all." Well, I need a way to write down my list of notes, don't...
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by on February 23, 2023
"Shit shit shit," Talon yells as he runs through a temple that is collapsing "Dont touch anything! Thats all you had to do!" Knight yells as he runs farther in front with Devine on his back "Argue later boys! Knight left at the next turn!" Devine yells as she reads a map ...
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by on February 22, 2023
"Will you tell me why you have been holding back?" Devine asks Knight as they lay together in a tent. He takes a deep breath and turns to face her, "Long ago I fell in love, but the one who I fell in love with was someone who I was not able to be with easily, we faced many difficulties and all who knew us stood against our relationship. We were even engaged at one point but our opposition was so dead set on ensuring we would never wed that they attacked her during her bachlorette party. She l...
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by on February 18, 2023
Step one : draw a line Step two: draw the rest of it.
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by on February 18, 2023
Dear princess Celestia, Today I learned you should check if you're welcome before joining in a roleplay, otherwise you're likely to make someone uncomfortable. Including, but not limited to, yourself.
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by on February 15, 2023
Fremserp es majik
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