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by on September 30, 2021
Rise of the Gods and the Void. Approximately 20,000 years ago, a star was shattered and the eldritch horde was pulled into the world, the moon was sent careening towards the galactic west. The planet was under siege from interstellar menace until a creature of unbridled fury rose up. This was Midan, the god-breaker. The raging flame burned black as he tore through the ranks and stole their power. Accumulating the strength to punch the skull of the eldritch elder god’s head open. Once stealing h...
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by on April 15, 2023
Brim had been walking the streets of manehatten with his basket of food. He heard "Father!" from across the street as he gave a confident chuckle. He looked both ways to meet them at the side walk. The four promiscuously dressed women of various kinds would surround him. "Hello, fine ladies. Care for an offering from her highness herself!" He cooed happily. The ladies would press against him and one said. "Maybe if the offering is you." Another said. "I bet you're hiding a hunk under those ...
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by on May 26, 2020
FZZZsssst. FZZsst. FZZZSSsssst. Amity sighed quietly as sweat dripped down from his brow. He'd grunt every time he'd attempt to focus, his horn going from dull blue to a deep cyan as his magic rose with intensity. Gritting his teeth, a soft aura formed around a small rock in front of him on the ground. It would start to wobble and shake, matching the intensity of the glow from Amity's horn. "GAH!" The red stallion's horn sparked out, leaving a few shallow scorch marks against Amity's foreh...
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by on November 1, 2022
Ephemeria Spring's List of Botanical Oddities! ⠀ ⠀ Ephemeria’s first arcane plant. A plant comprised of orange tones taking on a red gradient upwards, with a tall stem containing five to seven curled leaves. The leaves all have a series of smaller flexible leaves extending from them, and when in full bloom give off the appearance of a line of chimes as they lose all rigidity. It is said that when the area has an abnormally high amount of magic combined with strong winds, one can hear a magic...
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by on April 14, 2021
//It's about time I cracked this out. not really using Tony much anymore, so no point in keeping it a secret. For once, Tony was actually satisfied with the food the cooks had whipped up for lunch. With the help of the RnD guys they'd managed to start growing much of their own food onboard, and it wasn't half bad. Sure, they had plenty of food from Equestria to last the ship for decades, but it was nice to save it for emergencies. He just couldn't believe the sauce he'd had with his veggie-c...
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by on August 29, 2020
"Dude! We nailed that show!" Nar's enthusiasm radiated to the rest of the band huddled around a table in the dining room of the mini-mansion. This time the enthusiasm was well earned instead of just being hopeless encouragement like it normally was. Juno lifts a bottle, and nods in agreement. Asuka also nods, though she is not holding a bottle. Of the four bandmates crowded around the flimsy plastic table only one was unsure of their success. Roy stands with his unblinking eyes staring at a spec...
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by on January 3, 2021
//This is a story that explores a sort of alternate future I had in mind for Asuka. One that I ended up scrapping since it would effectively retire her prematurely. So I've decided to write it as an alternate future story. A young stallion steps off of a rickety old bus in the middle of the Frozen North. Despite his heavy coat the young man can't help but shiver after hearing the crunch of the compacted snow below. His eyes focus on the mountain ahead. A mountain so tall that it pokes above...
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by on June 13, 2022
Lore: Utterly failing to pursue her goal to develop her multiverse technology and magic on a large scale through every avenue available, Briea was out of funding and relying on an abandoned scrap yard for parts to keep her prototype technology running. With the help of her otherworldly companion, Xander, Briea devised a plan. She would approach a publisher with a chronicling of her adventures in journal format under the guise of the adventures being fiction. The publishers adored the idea of a f...
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by on October 24, 2019
Though it's universally believed that the mare has a childish and absent mind, Mina's new hobby says otherwise. She finds that writting them down in the form of poetry a great way to release her own thoughts; those too personal for her to write in a journal. Even if no one quite understands the meanings, Mina still picks up her quill. Onto paper the colour of snow, in a cute little pink book, the mare found sometime to be alone, so she could confess her feelings as shown: A brave little kitten ...
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by on February 9, 2022
A band of griffin mercenaries were traveling south toward Equestrian territory when they came across a factory in the mountains. They figured they’d stop there to rest for a day before setting off again. The crystal magitech that could be found here was still operating to some degree. The lights were on, but dim, and the place was heated and air ventilated, all by crystal magic. A few of the mercenaries messed with some crystal tech that had been abandoned and showed to still be working by cr...
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by on June 18, 2020
//Nar's backstory is pretty murky, and I haven't explored it much so here's an attempt to clear things up. A lone stallion enters a remote cave situated near the middle of Mount Highmoor. A large rucksack is situated on his back. He's been to this exact cave many times before. Jek Kardul is a stallion of modest upbringing, and living. Though he's never been happy with his poverty things have been looking much better for the farmer in the past few years. 3 years ago Jek met a mare more beauti...
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by on August 18, 2020
Adherence is a curse. Adherence is a blight in the form of addiction. An addiction that when played out screams in the face of those that follow its dark definition. Adherence, over all else, is a word- but words have power. A vocal call, a spell, a command that is conjured up through the voice. ...
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