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Mirror Mirror

Female. Lives in Wandering Woods,  Beyond Equestria. Born on October 8, 1998
Roleplay Availability
About Me
hello! you can call me Wren c: Mirror is a very lore-driven character, so I'd appreciate it a lot if you could read over my general info before messaging me <3
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Mirror Mirror
Emotions. Everyone has them. One’s ability to react to the fluctuations determines almost all of their personality. Frankly put, Mirror hated emotions. She wanted to consider herself above them, and ... View More
Mirror Mirror
gentle apology for not sticking with open rps/dm threads for very long,, it's not lack of interest- work is eating up more n more of my time, so I mostly only go online on my night(s) off and I don't ... View More
Mirror Mirror
Another turn, another wall of thorns. Another path that leads nowhere. By now, Mirror has grown to expect it. She turns back the way she came without so much as a sigh to show her discontent. The wa... View More
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Rook De La Squawk
The answer she might seek may be hidden within plain sight. Or perhaps it was in the form of something mundane and perhaps less magical than she would've expected. The same path she took. The same feeling of unending toil that might come from being stuck in place for oh so long. A letter enclosed i... View More
Like July 30, 2022
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Rook De La Squawk
All things are difficult before they are easy.... If there was one way to describe the situation. How the letter got here and what it's contents contain. Luckily for Mirror there is no enchantment on the letter. Though its presence is certainly a strange thing. The hows, the whats and the whys hun... View More
Like July 30, 2022
Mirror Mirror
For as ominous as the contents appeared, Mirror felt no twinge of fear or nervousness. A tiny smile formed on her face. This letter, however it had come to be there, was proof that her prison was not impenetrable. It was a way out, a wedge to drive into whatever crack it had slipped through. Mirro... View More
Like July 30, 2022
Rook De La Squawk
This simple desire to seek out the library was all the confirmation that was needed. Her letter turning a dark shade of red before crumbling into dust. As if time had finally caught up with it. At that same time though, a path would force its way through the thorns. An opening large enough for a do... View More
Like July 30, 2022
Lord Somber
".....Curse was the word I was looking for. This forest is surely cursed. Looking past the strange...sense of magic I feel within the deep areas ahead? This place is most likely a death trap." "And it is that type of thinking that gets an Arcane Spirit, such as yourself, worrying over things we are... View More
Like July 30, 2022
Mirror Mirror
Each path that should have led into the forest seemed... blocked. The paths lay where they were, just as always, but a wall of vines, thorns, and hanging branches woven together served effectively as a locked gate. Luckily enough, the forest was still quite accessible from the air, were the pair wil... View More
Like July 30, 2022
Lord Somber
"Perhaps cursed was the correct word.....Dammit. It is frustrating when he's right. The forest" That seemed to be a major understatement. The King wasn't sure if he'd ever witnessed the sight of something that was so alive, but also dead. This feeling of dread in the air, ye... View More
Like July 30, 2022
Obsilion and others
//is this post free to respond to?
Like July 30, 2022
Mirror Mirror
A peaceful day - was it a day? Mirror could never quite tell anymore, walking between twisting roots and grasping branches, mazes of thorns and patches of flowers that were so bizarre as to seem total... View More
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Spirit Weaver
"Getting real tired of this," Spirit would state, some miles away from Mirror. Or maybe she was close. The inner depths of the woods didn't seem to always necessarily prescribe to concepts of distance as we knew them. But, distance or not, what was separating her from Mirror was the woods itself. F... View More
Like June 25, 2022
Mirror Mirror
Leaves rustled above. A cold breeze brushed lightly over the path, skimmed over the weary witch with the intent of a nervous animal, and seemed to sigh softly as it died down. The path ahead... well, it stayed the same, as far as could be seen. There was no sound of thorns retreating, nor of branche... View More
Like June 25, 2022
Spirit Weaver
Cooperating. Thwarting. All Spirit cared about now is that it listened. It knew she was here. It let her in willingly. It was letting her see something. Every now and again she'd see that light in the distance. And before she knew it, she was breaking into a full sprint through the trees, never stra... View More
Like June 25, 2022
Mirror Mirror
hi!! it me c: been real busy with my Real Life Person™ job, so I haven't been drawing v much lately,, but here is my horse with her newest style change!! she got a haircut and a cloak for Reasons™ whi... View More
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A cutie! A she!
Like June 24, 2022 Edited
Her fashion is unmatched. She must be contained! The world isn't ready for her drip!
Like June 24, 2022
Carmen Gumshoe
Like June 24, 2022
Mirror Mirror
((gentle warning that this is a little bit on the long side, so you may not want to open the whole post if you're just here to scroll through the void <3)) Pat-pat. Pat. Pat-pat. Pat. ... View More
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
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Mirror Mirror
Daylight seems to vanish as soon as the threshold of the forest is crossed. Trees twist and loom. Plants stretch across the walkway with curved, angry thorns, appearing where they surely hadn't been a... View More
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Lemon Jubilee
"... your forest? Says who?" The yellow mare spat quietly but harshly.
Like February 16, 2022 Edited
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Lemon Jubilee
It was enough for Mirror as it was for Lemon. She suddenly started bucking wildly at the plants. She keeps on going, whether fruitless or not. The heat was to the point it could burn something. She bucked wildly in any direction yet still progressing further into the forest. She growled and roared d... View More
Like February 16, 2022
Mirror Mirror
There was a strange sound like a hiss, or a tiny scream. Some of the plants actually recoiled, while others compensated by digging their thorns in harder - how would a magical forest react to a large scale fire? How much damage could be done? Mirror didn't particularly want an answer to either ques... View More
Like February 16, 2022
Lemon Jubilee
As she jumped around, she really did burst into flames. Her body burned brightly and then something dark formed on the surface. Rocks of some kind spread across her body, forming a rather tall raging pony. She let out a horrifying gutteral roar. She burned the air around her. She kicked and thrashed... View More
Like February 16, 2022
Bright Brave
“All too easy.” BriBra clacked the remote switch on the thermite charges.
Like February 16, 2022
Like February 16, 2022
Polo Fastter
Polo looked at her dead in the eyes and said "I won't tell you until you move back some." She looked bored like she has been in this situation before.
Like February 16, 2022
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Polo Fastter
"I haven't even broke a sweat yet unicorn, plant, whatever you are." She said while she pulled her face close before pushing her head down into the ground. "Again, your head stuck to my hoof. Now how come I don't feel a heartbeat?" She pulled Mirror's face in front of her with a ticked off expressio... View More
Like February 16, 2022
Mirror Mirror
"Your hoof is on the right side of my chest, genius," Mirror hissed, letting her head hit the ground without more than a blink of discomfort. She kept her hoofs gathered beneath herself, so that Polo was forced to stand on only two hooves whilst Mirror was upright. "What are you implying?"
Like February 16, 2022
Polo Fastter
"Everything has a heartbeat but, I don't know why you don't" She press her hoof into her chest more to figure out something.
Like February 17, 2022
Hawk tried speaking, but all that came out was raspy attempts at words with her arm over his throat so hard.
Like February 16, 2022 Edited
Mirror Mirror
Mirror slipped out the door of the cottage, out through the garden path, and then she stopped. Her muscles were too stiff to go further. Nothing would be accomplished today. Having accepted that, she... View More
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