I will just get streight to the point then
Q: Is Sheep native to Equestria
A: No
Polo looked in a mirror before breaking it. This was during the years before he owned a shop and when things got a bit too hectic. "Wing Blade, why did you want to be a hero?" Polo asked while sitting at a desk looking at the metal-winged pegasus who moves his wings a bit demonstrating how sharp they are by peeling an apple.
"I got speed and these wings can open doors for ponies to get out of buildings." Polo gets up before smiling. "You're hired but, make sure you change your coat colors whe...
Polo sat there wanting to run from what he was looking at but can't he was chained up away from the computer as Sivanro said "Okay Sheep started typing out the story and don't stop." Polo looked at the screen in pure pain like the one meme that has Mr.Increadible. Sheep starts working on the sequel as Sivanro eats popcorns.
detetive honse was sitting on the char outside watching the mini fridges as the song of ptsd start playing as depress hors was using his wings as a hlicopter while holdin...
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"Why did you write this cringe Sheep?" Polo asked as Sivanro looked at the screen then, throws up in the trash can for he seen what was the worst story in history of fanfiction.
Five hours ago on depress horses computer Sheep start working on a story that cause art to be made of it that made me regret even writting this whole thing out.
Detetive horse breaks into depress horse house for a fridge that had milk in it. "Oh fridge sempie how i missed you" Carmine sandiago (the red horse that...
Two years ago.
Polo was at a store when the holiday song started to play and he knew one thing so, he leaves the store forgetting the milk as a random group of ponies started singing about Hearth's Warming day. He walks to a different store and enter only find decorations for the green and red holiday on full display as someone put a red and white hat on him. He slowly back out of the store bumping into someone carrying gift wrap causing it to unroll and cover most people near by as he remov...
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"So dad did you lie about showing me how to use a keybla..." Sivanro duck as Polo throws a nobody into a tree as it vanish in a puff of black smoke. Polo had a keyblade in his mouth as he said "Why would I lie about using a keyblade during these times where nobodies, and heartless are showing up out of nowhere?" Sivanro summoned a keyblade into his hoofs as Polo pick up his keyblade and bites on the handle. "lesson on is magic so first thing firs is have you ever had the dream?" Sivanro take a m...
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10 years ago.
Polo break down a door before tackling a nobody into the ground and used reality shift to beat it. The family inside are looking at Polo with fear as the nobody vanished then he spoke "Sorry about the door..." The earth pony punch Polo in the face and said "Get out of here you monster." Polo was about to say something before thinking about it then leaves the house. He look at the keyblade as a few heartless appeared from the shadows like a swarm before charging at him but, as fa...
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(this is part of the new time line that happens if Crimson stop the 20 year into the future one from happening)
Polo kick down the front door of a building as Darker simply levitated Polo then fling him across the room and said "I don't even miss fighting you, all i care about is benefiting my employees and having a healthy wage to live on and i heard my grandson has decrees the minimum wage, remove the health care plan for each race to benefit and make this place a joke for all of those...
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mission log number: 2,137
location: pastel horse world
subject: depress horse
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(warning that nobody reads bla bla bla)
some weird thing happen, then nothing like come on this lore is worst then what anything i can come up with and am the one who made the lore. sort paragraph worth of lore that nobody will read because it's boring and also there just a clown in a chair drinking from a water bottle for some reason. cloud just being angry at this point because he just is and also he own a laser that turn out to be nothing but, a simply cardboard cutout of a laser pointer b...
"hello might as well say it, am bored and this is recorded so don't even try to find me" crimson said as he had miscellaneous items on a wooden table.
"now first thing first before i begin don't use these against someone or anything because i will not take any responsibility for your actions" crimson said as the camera was moved onto the table then, a crystal statue set a piece of paper with a hard to understand writing only know to crystal empire. crimson use a simply quill and some odd col...
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(warning this story has a bit of darkness in it)
Sivanro slam the door shut as he leaves and said "now i know why my dad always end up being the reason for people just giving up on him, he can't even save...".
"a kitten from a tree?" cloud said as sivanro just nod and said "you know there a place for ponies who tampered with time magic in tartarus right?".
cloud laugh and said "so what, I still remember everything that happened up until the last second when he attacked me on my office".
(warning this has a small amount of darkness in it, that is all)
polo sit there drinking coffee as a pegasus enter his house and hold a birth certificate then, said "hello dad...". polo looked at him and said "how is that possible, you some sort of demon pegasus or something?". the pegasus said "my name is Sivanro Jullifer Nelian Fastter or kill for short but, half demon". polo looked unamused and said "out of all out there to shorten that, you chose kill?". "what do you expect, i wasn't r...
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the sheep simply said the word "baa" all the time but, the more "a" in it the longer the word.
that is all
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(warning this contain lore about the movie canon timeline and it has someone getting wounded )
crimson night was fire after a lot of people canceled him on a website after he said "i just don't like dubstep". crimson sat there at a train station as light sky walked near him and said "sorry crimson but listen there a shop in marehatten that has a opening but, they kind of act like that one pony who use to work here, what was his name?". crimson looked at light and said "yarn cord". light ...
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(this story is in an alternate timeline where sombra never lost and where canon polo and the gender swap change places nd it is dark)
polo was wearing a broken sombra guard helmet as a diamond dog let him into the mine as crimson said " the vault is next to the crystal golems, i would not mess with them because, i seem one just throw a griffin into the cavern without hesitating". polo looked at crimson and said "you mean a guard pony right?". up ahead two ten foot tall crystal golems where gu...
(this post is in an alternate timeline)
crystal cover half of the are and the other half lays destroyed after a civil war happened years ago when king sombra was young. steam hoof was a inventor until a biocrystal test gone wrong ended his life now, he goes by the name of crimson rain. crimson over the years has gain a few abilities including the ability to make an illusion that trick most into thinking he is what he want to be, crystal manipulation, and crystal absorption. crimson was in a b...
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(warning this post is in an alternate timeline where polo was sent to on the first of february 2021 and it slightly dark)
polo was in an abandoned house when sombra guard appear and said "you will be a servant of our mighty ruler of equestria, king sombra and also if you do not come with us we will force you to join". polo finish drinking coffee and said "you have ten second before i show you the way out". one of the guards grabbed polo then, that guard get thrown across the room. polo grabbe...
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(you know the warning about the future well, it just a brawl in twenty years in the future)
speedy was waiting near the entrance of the crystal empire as cloud leave the train as speedy said "hello been waiting for you now we will walk near the castle then, fight". cloud walks near speedy and said "let get this shit over with". guards walked near them and said "we are here to inform you both if you hurt anyone intentionally, or accidental, we will arrest you". speedy and cloud nod as they whe...
(warning this is in the future and will go dark)
diamond walked to a mansion in everfree as toxic opened the door and said "come in diamond i got something to show you". diamond looked around as the mansion door slammed shut behind them as toxic said "you remind me of an old friend during the war". diamond turn around as toxic dragged him to a table and said "now let talk about your life where did you live before marehatten?". diamond looked at toxic and said "i live in canterlot as a va...
(warning this post is twenty years into the future and dark)
cloth was walking when a unicorn bumped into him in the park. the unicorn fell onto the ground as cloth didn't even move an inch as he said "you ok there?". the unicorn get up and said "sorry am just about to walk home mister um, who are you?". cloth looked at rain and said "they call me cloth". rain put his hoof out and said "rain sky". cloth looked at rain before saying " if your dad the hero that runs the hero organization?"....
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(warning this story is twenty years in the future and dark)
diamond was working when a group of griffin walked in with machine guns and started firing. "give up all your money tomorrow or else we destroy this place..." one if the griffin said before all the table hit them all at once. speedy leaned against diamonds back and said " i heard the gun shots and came over everyone alright?". everyone was fine but the group of griffins where mostly groaning expect one who got up and said "fight...
(warning it twenty years into the future and it get dark
a green earth pony works at the shop when a few changeling came in with guns and said "give us the money or else we terminate you...", the changeling suddenly hit the ground as a shelf landed on the three changelings and hunter said "get out or else i will send you six feet under". the changelings run out as speedy walked in and said "dad you okay?". hunter almost passed out and said "no, but take the shop am done with being robbed...
(warning this one just going to be a joke about the lord of the rings)
cloud walked outside of his building when a few unicorn guards appear and say " you must deliver this unmarked box into the crystal empire or else we destroy everything you own". cloud grabbed the box and said " when i get back your heads are mine". the guards put a flashing collar on cloud nd said "you can not fly, use a unicorn to teleport, and we will give you a five minute head start". cloud looked at them and sai...
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(no warning except it twenty years into the future)
diamond was drinking tea when toxic walked in and said "hello diamond am here on behalf of the doctor's office here to inform you that you skipped your appointment". diamond set the tea cup down and said "if that true then, explain this". toxic looked at the note and said "he change the time of your appointment then". toxic was an inch from diamond and said "you go to it or else i will be back with some of my 'assistants' ". diamond clo...
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(warning this post is dark and twenty years into the future)
cloth was about celesteia's height and always where a cloak even right now as he sleep on a bench. a griffin started poking him as he simply mumbles something under his breath. the griffin got closer and said "what was that freak?". cloth grabbed the griffin beak with a dragon claw and said "leave me alone pigeon". cloth lets go and cover his dragon claw under his cloak. the griffin looked at cloth before pulling out a knife an...
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(warning this story is dark and twenty years into the future)
needle worked at his shop when someone runs in with a gun and said "this is a robbery, put your hoofs on the counter NOW". needle clinched to his chest as he falls to the ground as the robber looked at them and said "old timer you ok?". the robber was an inch close before suddenly they fell onto the ground like fabric as needle looked at them and put the weapon on the counter. needle shakes his head and folder the robber like ...
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(warning this post is twenty years in the future and dark)
cloud pulled out the rift sword and said "i want to to run a small trip for me and if you come back here, you will be able to go free". a earth pony shake their head and said "thankyouiwillneverforgetthis" the earth pony runs out the door. cloud smiled and said "cause it to be late and take the bullet out of them when your done ok?". the griffin growls slightly before saying "it shall be done storm". cloud smiled for he has been ...
(warning this post is twenty years into the future )
diamond cutter was a copper colored earth pony who works mostly alone in a glass making shop with a scream is heard. diamond cutter run to the scream and said "what wrong, are you hurt?". the changeling said in a scared voice" there a rat in there". diamond enter the room before locking the door and said "stay in there and don't move". the room was dark then the light come on as an upside down diamond was on a table as a few different ...
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(warning this post is a cringe song)
cloud get up after a few hours of being in the hospital and said "so this is what it feel like to beat some one hu, it almost make me want to". hunter pulled out a gun and said "don't even sing a single note or i will shot you down"
cloud looked at hunter with the smuggest face he could make and said
(warning this will contain two ponies fighting and it will go dark)
cloud throws a lightning bolt at polo front door that, explodes from the hit. polo getup as cloud tackled him into a wall. both of polo wings break from the impact as he thinks "please stop". cloud pulled out the rift sword and said "polo you are under arrested for lying about my father, prepare to be excited". polo ducks at cloud swing the rift sword horizontally at polo who then grabbed one of cloud's wing and broke it...
(warning this story is dark)
crimson was at a bar when it started raining and he just stopped drinking. "the pegasus weather ability just started, hu interesting" crimson said as he walked outside looking at the rain. "after all these years, i found the storm element" crimson said as it started raining harder. "it been while since the war that i meet an element of weather too bad they died from a magic blast" crimson said as he walked outside. crimson walked passed a costume shop and sai...
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(warning this story has a dark theme to it)
polo put on his new aqua colored vest as it start raining and he said "they didn't mention rain today, weird". polo walked to a costume shop as needle thread was putting a costume away. "did i walk in at a bad time needle?" polo said as he looked at polo and tiled their hood side to side. "what happened to your voice?" polo said as needle pointed at their own throat then, he pointed at his cutie mark. "oh so a needle stab you in the neck?" . ...
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