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Star Sky

Male. Born on March 2, 2005
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I'm just a pretty shy unicorn. If you want to talk or roleplay, I'm fully open for it! Just send me a boop or a message, and I'll answer it as soon as I can.
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Company, Organization, or Institution » Organization
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Chiller Sway
Randomly baps the Star_horse *bap bap bap*
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Star Sky
Whoa *bap bap bap bap baps Sway_horse snoot*
Like January 17, 2022
Chiller Sway
Whoa *bap bap bap bap bap bap*
Like January 17, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
List of OCs who I would like to join the Christmas Photo of CA. In no particular order or reasons. I'm serious, there is no secret reasons for these OCs. @Crann Taca (Tag Them) ... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*A set of 7 ponies would walk up to Star's home and they will all be singing Happy Birthday to the blue unicorn. All of them were wearing a dark green cloaks over their frames. That until they were cl... View More
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Star Sky
"Awww... Thank you, Nitroxus, how did you know that I wanted the last pack of 35 balloons at the store?! Now I can decorate my home better than ever!" He smiled and hugged the green horse.
Like March 2, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus smiled.* Glad to help little bro. *Nitroxus patted his head.* So, anything you want to do?
Like March 2, 2021
Star Sky
"Oh, how about relaxing a little bit at my home? I've got plenty of table games to play, if you would like to."
Like March 2, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
Sure, I would love that Star. Maybe I can finally tell you about the other 6 that was here.
Like March 2, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxas would explode out of the ground and land in front of Star.* Hey there little bro, its me your big sister! I do apologize for neglecting you. *She would hug Star's head as she would pat it.* ... View More
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Star Sky
Oh dear, seems like you'll have to figure out a way to improve your smelting methods even more! I'm sure it's not that hard to smelt obsidian. But sure! I'm ready. Where's the balloon at?
Like February 8, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*She shrugged.* I will figure it out, or my name isn't Nitroxas Soulspins! *She patted Star's head.* By now you'll know that I carry plenty of portable balloons in my jacket. *She pulled out a suitcase and then pulled it open.*
Like February 8, 2021
Star Sky
*Star just smiled as he looked at her pulling out one of the balloons.* Seems like you really seem to bring everything with you. But hey, I guess that is good! Anyway, how long do you think the trip to the Dragon's Land will take?
Like February 8, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Once the balloon was ready, Nitroxas would look to Star.* Shouldn't be any longer than an hour to fly out there. Still, better than last time.
Like February 9, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
//Here you go little bro, keep up that positive attitude. I hope for the best for you. Know, go out there and show the world that you matter!
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Star Sky
Awww... Thank ya Nitroxus! I really love it.
Like December 31, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
Glad to help, keep up the good work my bro.
Like December 31, 2020
Queen Umbra
The queen would hit the stallion with a shovel
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Star Sky
Star would fall from the hit and would C R Y, as he usually would in presence of the queen, on the floor. "W-why'd you do that?" He said, as he looked at the evil mare.
Like December 17, 2020
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Star Sky
"B-buh... I didn't deserve that, I'm a good stallion!"
Like December 17, 2020
Queen Umbra
"that's why you deserve it"
Like December 17, 2020
Star Sky
"What...!? Good stallions deserve good things! Being hit by a shovel isn't good..." He nuzzled where he got hit and whimpered, crying just a bit more.
Like December 17, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would sit down at his desk and look at the typewriter in which he uses only to share with his friends.* //In order to write this list, I will be thanking everyone that I can, both from memor... View More
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Bright Brave
Squeeze 💚
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Star Sky
*Hugs the good boi war hors*
Like November 29, 2020
Bright Brave
Like December 2, 2020
Flash Sentry
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Star Sky
Hello there!
Like November 22, 2020
Star Sky
Star just sat on a chair just outside his home, drinking a cup of tea, glaring every single pony that passed. He totally wasn't judging them at all. Or was he judging the tea he was drinking? Nopony w... View More
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Pan would scoot up to star and as if to bug them for glaring, she hopped straight into his lap and murmuring the word “friend”
Like November 21, 2020
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Star Sky
Star looked at Pan with a blushing shocked face. He didn't know that she had actually seen him glaring at her. He just tried to brush it off and nodded. "Yes, yes! Uhm... I got some more tea inside, I could bring you some!" He said, as he looked at her with a smile, still blushing a little from what... View More
Like November 21, 2020
Pan was quick to boop his snoot as she saw his cheeks being a rosey red. “Oh!” She blinks and stays silent for three minutes before answering him regarding the tea. “Pan wants some..!” She then smiles rather shyly at Star
Like November 21, 2020
Star Sky
Star scruched his snoot up and looked crosseyed towards Pan. It had been quite a while since he had gotten a boop! He just giggled and nodded. "Mhmm, well, I'll go get you some." He looked at her and tapped on his chin. "Heh, could you maybe, get off my lap for a second, I need to go to get it." He ... View More
Like November 21, 2020
Huron sauntered by.
Like November 21, 2020
Star Sky
Star glared at Huron, which made it seem that he was judging him intensely. Instead, what was going on Star's mind was that it is quite strange to see Dragons in Ponyville, so he just wondered if there was any reason for him to pass by, or if he actually lived in Ponyville. He kept sipping on his t... View More
Like November 21, 2020
*Cloud paused his walk as he noticed Star staring and decided to stare back wondering why Star was giving him such a look*
Like November 21, 2020
Star Sky
This would suddenly turn into a staring contest! Star would look into Cloud's eyes, closing them slightly to make it obvious that he was trying his best to glare at him, while he sipped on his tea. Meanwhile, he was just thinking how long it will take for Cloud to understand that he just wants a fri... View More
Like November 21, 2020
Bright Brave
I love tea <3
Like November 21, 2020
Star Sky
It's so good!
Like November 21, 2020
Bright Brave
Like November 21, 2020
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