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by on September 3, 2022
[/u] There was an unfamiliar tense air filling the interior of the Spring household, in the otherwise pleasant and sunny dawn of a weekend day. A gnarly-looking bandage on the upper half to shoulder of Ephemeria's left leg appeared to be the main contributor to the awful mood. Odd enough, her current frustration and gloom laid particularly on the immobilising part of the injury. Any more than a minute and the pain left her panting and burning up. The admittedly funky and cool metallic crutch p...
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by on August 26, 2022
After a long shift fraught with stress, tension, and a hostile drunk, Asuka and Frank are glad they're on their last call for the shift. With the clock at around 2 AM, neither of the two can wait to head home, and sleep for the rest of the night. Asuka sits in the back of the ambulance talking with a young stallion who was bruised, and had scratches all over his body. According to him, he hadn't gotten his significant other the right gift for her birthday, and she proceeded to beat him with it. ...
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by on July 10, 2022
The Archmage sits alone in his kitchen, pale blue eyes focused entirely on the grimoire before him. No matter how he weaved and twisted the words and glyphs, it felt like he could never finish this spell without the proper components. And those would be simply impossible to gather! How on Khas' sacred lands could one find crystals of such magnitude so far North? A knocking at his front door briefly distracts him from the empty parchment. He eyes the kitchen's doorway and holds still for a cou...
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by on July 7, 2022
This is absolutely inconsistent word vomit that I'm probably going to change but I wanted to try writing stuff down about Parley's backstory that wasn't a green-text summary and this is your chance to look into the scrambled ideas of my head. I have no idea what I'm doing and this was worded up deliriously. So! Lore-time! Subject-to-change* The draconequus, Parley, used to be a pegasus mare called Valiant Aurora. She grew up in an ocean-side village frequently attacked by sea invaders. Un...
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by on June 23, 2022
—————————[MANEHATTAN POLICE STATION. PRECINCT #5. 2:53 PM.]------------------------ We arrive at a familiar scene. Familiar to me, at least. I hear the clatter of the moving gate, the comments from the others in their cells. We go past the hallway, down to the room where I see my supposed client in with two other ponies. A mare and a stallion. I recognize the mare immediately, Chief Xenon. Despite her odd name, she’s very plain looking. Dirty blond mane all tied up in a neat, professional bun, ...
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by on June 21, 2022
As the day turned into night, the golden city of old came to life. Orbs of light flickered into existence, illuminating the recently cleared-up streets and spires; dozens of hundreds of ghostly silhouettes roamed the plazas, parks, and suspended walkways; flags and decorations strung between buildings waved with the passing wind of the Frozen South. This wasn't Antioch as they remembered it, but they've done so much progress in the last couple of weeks that they simply could not let the opport...
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by on June 14, 2022
Did ya know that each of my series had a intro to each one? They weren't animated at the time, but they were a... uhh... story to hear, I guess. Now, many of you guys know there are 4 series in all. However, there are sub-series that are within the past 3 main series that had their own intros! Let's take a dive into them. Stickman's Adventures (Original) Theme: ??? (There wasn't really a name behind this song.) ...
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by on June 13, 2022
Lore: Utterly failing to pursue her goal to develop her multiverse technology and magic on a large scale through every avenue available, Briea was out of funding and relying on an abandoned scrap yard for parts to keep her prototype technology running. With the help of her otherworldly companion, Xander, Briea devised a plan. She would approach a publisher with a chronicling of her adventures in journal format under the guise of the adventures being fiction. The publishers adored the idea of a f...
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by on June 12, 2022
*The royal archivist returns once again to the cities library and royal archive for another entry to add to the royal records he sat down and uses his horn to begin writing in a new blank tome* "In the months following the return of magic to Equestria, thanks to Sunny Starscout and the harmony crystals prosperity has returned to the city of New Coltenheim and the Frozen North country yet despite this new dawn the prince has been pondering about how did magic fade from Equestria, to begin with...
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by on June 11, 2022
(And here we finally come to how Yinu came into my series. How Yinu formed a friendship with her friends, and an emotional bond with Stickman and Jewel. How Yinu got her Keytar Keyblade. It's all here, in Making the Record. Enjoy, everyone! This takes place after the events of No Straight Roads. Oh and i'll start referring to them as their Rhythm Thief names. You'll know why. -Stickman) CHAPTER 1: A Resounding Sound Stickman, Jewel, Skye, and Skystar make it to the vibrant and rhythmical cit...
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by on June 11, 2022
"I'm not crazy! I never was! I know where I am! I know what I am! I know who I am! My name is Black Rose. I was a former magician under the orders and surveillance of Nightmare Moon. I was...taken! Taken from my family in order to serve our Dark Leader! Our glorious darkness in the harmful rays of the light. I'm not crazy. Don't think my writings are fiction! What I speak is real!.......The Nightmare has fallen. Defeated. Gone. The Sun Ruler has bested him. Us. Al...
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by on June 6, 2022
The young pegasus held the bronze medal in front of him. He grimaced as he remembered the tournament. What a joke, the rules were too restrictive. There was no way he lost... there was no way. The third place medal made him feel sick, like everyone was taking pity on him. He clutched the almost empty mug of ale, sloshing it around before finishing it off. That clown that beat him wasn't tough, if it were a real fight he would have... Phoenix was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of cheering....
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