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by on June 1, 2022
And here I come to you guys with another info blog. This time, I'm doing a dive into the powerful Team Attacks. What exactly are Team Attacks, you may be asking? Well. Team Attacks require at least two people that combines their strengths and powers to unleash a mighty attack on their foes. In this case, every Team attack requires Stickman for activation. Let's go through each one, starting with the famous one: Stickman and Jewel: All Together- With their bond unshattered, Stickman and Jewel ...
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by on May 15, 2022
It had been a very long day for PB, a peanut butter pony both born and scientifically made. Had she lost who she had been? All sources pointed to yes that she did indeed lose her true self. Could any creature ever help her out of this situation she in? Surely there must be some creature who could. Unfortunately this would just fall on deaf ears as she'd try to be her own knight in shining armor. This is not including her own adventure to find her long lost little sister whom she hadn't seen sinc...
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by on May 15, 2022
Is the act of revenge the same as gaining of form of catharsis? A way to relieve oneself of pain, anger, emotion towards a target or haunting past? Are they simply connected, like two strands of yarn intertwining? Or.....are they perhaps polar opposite spectrums. A set of spectrums where revenge is merely a stepping stone into petty regrets. Whereas true catharsis is only earned by letting go of the past, by means of doing things in the lighter side of morality. Who's to say? Perhaps both are di...
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by on May 9, 2022
Further up the mountain, on a grassy patch that offered a scenic view over Canterlot and the surrounding area as the moon began to greet the evening sky, stood the older prince. Well, in this case, the only prince now. A.. good bit of time had passed since Solaris last saw his home, a large variety of emotions flashing through his eyes as he stared down at the view before him. He wished he had returned on a better note. He wished he had returned without the intent on taking back what was rightfu...
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by on May 1, 2022
There were no birds here, at least none that she could hear. There were no insects either. This deafening silence was only broken by the rustling of leaves in the breeze and the distant flow of a brook deeper into the forest. Her eyes dully counted the fragments of metal and stone that once composed one of the walls of her now ruined home, feeling as though her mind was about to give in to the deepest states of boredom at any moment. Quarantine, he called it. One hundred years away from one's pe...
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by on April 28, 2022
(Surprise new episode time! Welcome to the next warframe update-inspired episode, Screeches of the Past, inspired by Angels of the Zariman. In this episode, we follow our heroes as they uncover the mystery behind the recently emerged Zariman Ten-Zero. Beware of The New War AND Angels of the Zariman spoilers in here, but i'll try my best to not do many spoilers. I do think you'll like this though! Enjoy, and get a blanket, this one's gonna be scary. -Stickman) CHAPTER 1: Out of the Void Stick...
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by on April 16, 2022
Before the reader of this journal starts their journey into the personal dairy that is in these pages? I'd like to inform you of a few things. The daily life and expectations of a Lunar is a constant danger. Our purpose of becoming, training, and fighting is for our Kingdom. As well as for the rulers of our Kingdom. And because these things are such high importance, they are also extremely dangerous. So much so that the expectation of death is something to never ignore. Death is apparent and rap...
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by on April 11, 2022
————————————————[FOUR YEARS AGO, STYLO APARTMENTS. 2:04 PM]------------------------------------- The shrill voice of the radio host somehow managed to wake me up from my third nap of the day, my whole head felt awful and dry. I didn't hear a single thing she said... it was all muffled. Noise. My focus was on my dry mouth. Like cotton balls clung to the roof of my mouth and the strings dug deep into the cracks of my tongue. I look up at the clock hung above my fridge and only now do I notice the...
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by on April 10, 2022
A twisted visage, a creature most foul, wearing the skin of one who once was her prized best friend. Her thoughts converged, so did her feelings, and while at first she was terrorized by the fiend that stood on those grey shores, her fear was turned into a wave of blazing anger. , She thought, . Not a second had passed since his words left the creature's mouth when she began to retaliate. The mare jumped forward, twisting her body mid-air and using her psionics to empty the contents of her pouc...
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by on April 8, 2022
(?): What are thy words which my ears are deciding to hear? Are you speaking that Mama's Village is currently unavailable for approach? As if I, your Dark Lord, does not possess the power to do so? (?): My Dark Lord, it would appear that Mama and her village had run into some fortune for the time being. The Moon had decided to pour darkness close to her lands. The birthing of new creatures is currently taking place. It would be unwise to disrupt the process. As you are always aware....rebirth...
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by on April 8, 2022
"As deft as rocks swimming upstream." Words that forever marked her early teens. Spoken in these selfsame shores, back when the sand was just as golden as the city behind them; when the clear blue ocean only gave way to the white foam of the waves, the beautiful sounds of nature clashing with that of their boombox, their laughter, their taunts. They're gone now. The golden sand has turned grey, ruins lay where a great city once did. With the bay closed by the carcass of a great ship, even ...
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by on April 6, 2022
Alright, here's another info letter, this time about the powers of Stickman. In this one, we take a dive into Stickman's powers, both current and former (Basically the ones from before the reboot for the former.) Let's start with the current. The Eternal Ink - What allows him to take on different forms and basically survive since his former bird form was broken due to the maelstrom void that started this all. Stickman cannot basically live without his eternal ink, and MANY villains want th...
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