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by on May 5, 2020
Dear Princess Celestia, My brother thinks that you don't read these letters, but I trust that you do, after all, I heard that you ready your students letter, I think her name is sunset shimmer, so why wouldn't you read mine? Me and my brother have just moved from dodge junction to here in manehatten after being forced to give away our family farm. It is so much different here, and I don't know how I feel about it. we spent the last of the money we had getting the train tickets, hoping ther...
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by on January 29, 2019
Hey Ambient, It's wonderful to hear from you after all these years... Though why would you say ask such a thing? Also who told you about everything that happened? They got it all wrong. This is really what happened. You're mother and I was rather close friends, she was rather unhappy having a few problems herself, anyway I wanted to help so I went to my lab and we'll with ingredients and such I managed to make this really odd.. Looking potion it was a bright pink with slight Glowing.. Anyw...
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by on January 30, 2019
Dear Ambient, It has came to slight concern you're asking others, but I understand about getting the full story. As I myself don't remember enough but please be careful, as they can tend to sway your opinion. Now with that said let's get on with the rest of the story you asked for, I've been pacing back and forth for a long while now trying to remember. Anyway! ...
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by on February 21, 2020
Warning:This series of canon progression will contain rather mature themes in the forms of Blood, possible vulgar language, ultra long posts Ambient sprints down the streets bolting for her life, as out of nowhere a loud screech was heard, as a griffin comes from above her digging their claws into her back, causing her to scream in pain and trip over rolling from her crash into the dirt. A soft noise of a gem bouncing across the ground into the open, as the griffin lands down onto the ground...
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by on September 8, 2019
Before I begin, I’d like to note that this character is inspired by the BBC’s hit show Doctor Who and in no way do I wish to insert myself into the canon of Doctor Who by placing her into the events of the show, rather I will be taking some elements and making the presence of Doctor Who type things present in my Head canon universe. For example Vortex manipulators, Daleks, Cyber-Ponies, and perhaps maybe even a doctor. As the universe is a vast vast place and confining myself to the planet in wh...
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by on February 2, 2019
Now that the wonderful readers of this book have a general idea of what Maréire is like on the surface, it is time that we delve a bit deeper. The native ponies are open enough about their culture, especially after they've had a few drinks in them at their favorite establishment. Their ancient history is a wonderfully rich tapestry of living Gods, powerful warriors, warring kingdoms, and an ancient and mysterious enemy known as the Firbolg. As I sit here at one of the few inns in Gallowmere and ...
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by on October 24, 2019
Though it's universally believed that the mare has a childish and absent mind, Mina's new hobby says otherwise. She finds that writting them down in the form of poetry a great way to release her own thoughts; those too personal for her to write in a journal. Even if no one quite understands the meanings, Mina still picks up her quill. Onto paper the colour of snow, in a cute little pink book, the mare found sometime to be alone, so she could confess her feelings as shown: A brave little kitten ...
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by on January 26, 2019
Hello Ambient, It's been wonderful to hear from you after so long, but I have to admit and ask why would you ask about your family history. Normally this isn't something you would talk about.. I only remember very little about it but here is the history. Ever since I the Anna incident, when I found your mother in a lot of pain from her.. Malicious and unethical experiments that was going on by her, I rescued her with the help of Adine who caught wind of it one night delivering food. Anywa...
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by on August 4, 2019
*Ambient receives a letter that had a sharp coloured red boarder signalling importance of the letter. * Hello Ambient, We have had a small problem, one of our guards were killed and Anna is missing, we have clear evidence that she was the attacker. We have claw marks around the room on the walls and on the armor. We are asking that if you receive any future to disregard and if you see her or she sent you a letter with her location, please let us know. ...
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by on December 27, 2017
[br] Along the empty, dark, and long hallways of the Corridor, bared of dark marble columns enriched of the Earth's dust that kissed its stone. Clothed in elder hunter green vale that were refined of their antique age and smelled of rustic pine, as well, a scent that felt... Other worldly. The whistling howls in the cool cambering Shiloh of what Wolfbane would claim as his studyhall. Far from the grand library of Canterlot, assuring to keep its distance from the hierarchy; Day in and out, for m...
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by on January 28, 2019
Hello Ambi! It's been far to long since I heard from you, I just can't wait I might need to fly over there sometime! Anyway, I noticed you asked a rather odd question about your past, Acallia seemed on edge when I heard you were asking for information about yourself! Maybe she was just trying to remember everything. Anyway! Your question was a interesting one on what exactly was happening to your mother in a letter that Acallia written to you in reply. Well, i dont really remember much myself...
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by on April 2, 2019
Dear Ambient, Sorry for taking so long to reach you, the griffin empier has decided to start a slight scuffle against us again here. Also I don't think one could look more better with a scar or two until a week ago. Lets just say, it suits me and it seems many agree. Anyway back on track! So, you're sister baffled everyone Midnight Story, was a interesting one.. As no one knew what to even do... Or how splinters were avoided.. That's a story for way, way, way down the line. Anyway, we coul...
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