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Only thing left to know about me is I am dumb, and a procrastinator.
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Canon mixed with volatile headcanon
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Happy Lunar New Year! Have repost.
Vanil would wear last year's outfit, for she couldn't find a suitable tailor in time. But on the bright side, she barely showed it off, and she has taken a liking t... View More
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Pepper Snap
I didn’t say on the other post but I do negotiate on commissions of my prices are too high! Also beautiful pic!
January 29, 2025

I may or may not be a little on the broke side right now. Looking for other celebration themes in the near future instead
January 29, 2025

Pepper Snap
That’s understandable =3
January 29, 2025
Artist vanished. No new qipao for Vanil this year.
Beware. From beyond the veil of your timeline, peeking eyes judge your festive attire. This feeling will be more palpable, come the lunar new year.
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Stare into the abyss, and a stud stares back at you...is that how the saying goes? She'd give more thought about the quote, if not for her noticing that her subject of observation is observing her as well. Wait, if she can see his entire form, does that mean...
"Eeek!" she squealed in defeat and sc... View More
Vanil? Are you just going to stare me like that? Or you going to come inside and take some of these pies.
No, I'm still quite festive. You're just early to the party. Like at least. *Checks his clock.* 30 minutes? Is anypony going to show up?
Norm Reiner, Odd's brother would respond to her. He wore red and whiteish gold as a secondary color. A red and gold trench coat, a large brimmed hat, white and red gloves, and a bow tie that had cute snakes on it. He wore a white dress shirt and red vest
His iconic hollow Balaklava was replaced w... View More
Leaping four feet from a standstill, didn't know she still had it in her. "ACH!" she yelped at the source of interruption to her totally normal and healthy activity. "Uhh..." she meekly voiced her confusion, and looked down at the foal-sized intruder. She kept a hoof-length away before rapid firing ... View More
"Apologies. Not my intention to frighten the lady." He would hum and chuckle. He would put a paw in the air. "A second, miss. My name is Norm Reiner but the locals call me Dr. Hoow Body. You may or may not be aware of my Brother Dr. Odd. " He mentioned before dropping his brown medical bag as he wou... View More
January 27, 2025
Chinese New Year is imminent. Time to snake things up
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Playing xcom 2 once again. May the power of God, rng, and save-scooming deliver these rookies and a fresh spark from andromedons and floating meatballs.
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Fun coincidence, just tried starting Xcom 2 again a few days ago!
Enemy Unknown/Within was my childhood, but every time I try and get into Xcom 2 something distracts me for long enough to lose interest. Pray to RNGesus for you! (I won't, too busy appeasing it myself)
I messed up and forgot that alien nest triggers viper spawns in all future missions. I'm still halfway through this mission because nobody can aim. This archon is just doing unspeakable things to the gun barrel jammed in his mouth, and it's still 60% hit. All misses so far, of course.
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So long as you console me if I cry from being so emotional in the moment.
Sonic 3 is an alright family movie. Visual is a little cluttered in the climax but those moments are thankfully brief. Expect exposition, jokes, and the morals of the current scenario the characters a... View More
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You take that back! Everypony knows that no watched Mufasa in order to enjoy it. They all watched it on a dare or because the stupid Disney fanatic's.
*Nitroxus would point to the heaves with a fan.* Sonic 3 is an epic movie for families! Nothing more and nothing less!
Upon not receiving any invitations to Hearth's Warming dinner, Vanil casts upon Equestria a vile, horrific curse. Those who look forward to saving Hearth's Warming leftovers the next day will find it ... View More
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Amy would knock down her door door down with her sheer body and a plate of food. "You touch my food I'm going to river stomp your lonely ass like mushing grapes. Call it the closest to a stallion your getting, gurl." She would be eating Reiner's cooking.
"Get your own loving dinner made with happin... View More
Amy would frown as she would take the items head-on before reaching out to grab a small pink fuzzy child with a diaper on. She gripped him with one hand she put him up to her ear like a cell phone.
"Of course, baby." She put the baby down before grabbing her fridge like some ogre and slowly started... View More
December 25, 2024
Ahoy fellow single mare! Perhaps, I have an idea. Rather than spoil ours, or at least my food, perhaps you's have some leftovers with me? As either a dinner date or freindly outing?
December 25, 2024
*Nitroxus see that in his mail box had a returned letter. It was addressed to Vanil, he noticed that he accidently misspelled her address.* Ah nuts! I hope she isn't mad at me.
December 25, 2024
Stardusk decided to eat all of his food, feeling content with himself
But that's not the whole story... As he incidentally disregarded said curse and left one plate of a good portion of proteins and sides in the fridge.
December 25, 2024
Short-ish Metro Exodus review time.
Love the semi-nonlinear route they took with the gameplay. The feeling of isolation definitely sets in shortly after stepping out the safe confines of the home bas... View More
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Yes Anna alone adds two or three score points to the game despite being a bit softer than the previous games
11/10 would sit on the train holding hands and listening to Russian guitar songs.
My biggest turnoff for the game if how much of a mute psycho artyom is, I had just finished the Witcher 3 so... View More
December 22, 2024
//Upon my return to the site, it would appear that I also happened upon a video game titled "Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen" soon after. Apologies but I have vocations to grind.
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