Friendship Letters
1. If you unplug their game or interrupt them during a very special moment in their game, they have every absolute right to beat your ass.
2. Touch their games and break them, you pay more than what it costs. (Because all that data will be lost and it HURTS to do that shit all over again.
3. ALWAYS ASK for their permission if you would like to play.
Thats it, keep these rules in mind at all times.
Long ago, before the formation of a unifying government, pony folk lived in small kingdoms scattered across the land. These kingdoms were overseen by those who possessed strong magical artifacts, particularly protective ones. Power of the artifact translated exactly to power for the owner and thusly to control of those with lesser magics. As one could rightly assume this lead not infrequently to tyrannical rulers who isolated those under their command, lest they be swayed to the side of a compet...
It had been a problem for quite some time. Something was in these woods, other than Spirit. Another hunter. But not one that deserved the title. Spirit had found bodies of creatures within the woods. Some monstrous and others… not so much. Dryads, and Timberwolves lay among Blight and Void. And as if killing them wasn’t enough, they always seemed…. Almost mutilated. Light slashes marking out letters and runes. A thousand cuts. The battlefield around them seemed only slightly scuffed, like the Hu...
(warning that nobody reads bla bla bla)
some weird thing happen, then nothing like come on this lore is worst then what anything i can come up with and am the one who made the lore. sort paragraph worth of lore that nobody will read because it's boring and also there just a clown in a chair drinking from a water bottle for some reason. cloud just being angry at this point because he just is and also he own a laser that turn out to be nothing but, a simply cardboard cutout of a laser pointer b...
Torch turns on her phone's screen, navigating to Snapchat.
It's one of her favorite things to do, posting videos.
She gets a lot of replies that way. It's nice talking to her friends.
The camera turns on, aimed at herself, and she slowly comes into focus, blue sky framing her yellow mane.
The siren blares, deafening the sounds of hurrying hoofsteps clacking across a freshly polished tile. Young Cynbel at the ripe age of eleven, was running for his dear life while he wore a tattered black robe. He heard the various shouts, all demanding for the young alchemist's apprehension, but as he bolted past the door, he heard their increased panic. A crossbow bolt flung past him, embedding itself into a steel door that bent into a turn.
"Shoot to kill!" one of them cried.
Cynbel was soo...
Torch wakes up in comfort this morning.
A soft bed beneath her, a thick blanket covering her up, and the coziest pillow under her head.
She keeps her eyes closed, not yet ready to get up.
It's not time yet. Patience.
it was raining.
drip, drip, drip. how long had it been raining? she couldn’t tell. how long had she been here? where was she? a million questions she couldn’t be bothered to think of, nevertheless ones she could remember. something was wrong, then nothing. nothing was wrong. she was a good soldier. partaking in their glorious new Empire’s change of government. His prized asset. . .whatever her name was. none of that mattered anymore.
a good soldier. a good girl.
nothing of this doing was he...
It's been a few years, like... 3 years or so? Yikes, where's the time gone?
I'm not planning on returning to this site, so a few of you can count your lucky stars on that one. I just wanted to drop in, check how it's going and I'm surprised it's still going to be completely honest! Aha, it's kinda a small place though to be fair.
A few of you have been occasionally booping me off site over on my social media pages, a few of you have been ordering things from my Etsy and I wanted to give you gu...
"hello might as well say it, am bored and this is recorded so don't even try to find me" crimson said as he had miscellaneous items on a wooden table.
"now first thing first before i begin don't use these against someone or anything because i will not take any responsibility for your actions" crimson said as the camera was moved onto the table then, a crystal statue set a piece of paper with a hard to understand writing only know to crystal empire. crimson use a simply quill and some odd col...
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Her eyes slowly open as she's stirred from a foul, far too brief night's rest, something nagging at her to get up NOW.
Her ears twitch as she sits up, bleary-eyed, a large sheet of soggy cardboard falling off of her.
It rained again last night. Despite her makeshift cover, she's soaked.
It's not light out yet, but her inner clock tells her it's early morning.
It was late. The observatory she now resided in, Canterlot central out of the side of a mountain, was dusty and unpacked. It had been a while since Asteria had moved in, yet the majority of the old items that came with the abandoned Observatory she’d gained custody of. The aura of her horn lit the singular, circular room up. Her eyes rested upon the glint of a reflection.
. Asteria’s eyes widened, a step backwards, one forwards. Her eyes closed, counting to ten, before she pulled the dust-infec...
Torch is having a pretty good day. She's just taking a leisurely stroll through town, not a care in the world - as usual - when she spies something curious up ahead. Picking up the pace as a food vendor comes into view, her smile turns into a look of pure disgust upon realizing what's being sold.
This ruins her day.
//Part 2. Music because why not.
Howling wind slowly gives way to total silence. The bright glow of a flashlight illuminates the surprisingly spacious caverns of the mineshaft. Stone intermingles with ice, and a bitter cold permeates the cavern. The remnants of what used to be a mining operation sit half-frozen scattered about the cave. Soft hoofsteps are the only sound to be heard in these tunnels. As any creatures who might have inhabited them left long ago.
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It was cold. So, so cold. The sun beat down heavily on Spirit’s prone form, but… still… she was so cold. She wanted to shiver. Try to get something to warm herself up but…. She couldn’t get her legs underneath her. She couldn’t move. She tried to suck in a breath. She couldn’t.
The ground underneath her was so cold. Why was she laying here again? What happened? Why couldn’t she move? Her half lidded eyes would trail downwards. What was that liquid she was laying in? It was crimson. Was that h...
Warning! This highlights the criminal origin of Sid Michaels and the origin of his wicked art. It features described crime scenes, blood, minor gore, and most importantly Death. So please avert your virgin eyes if that is something you would not want to delve into!
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Yep, this is something I haven't done in quite awhile. Me, talking about my writing habits as well as decision towards my Artemis character. This isn't a Lore Expansion or anything Just me writing (technically typing) about my character process. Figured it'd be fun. I'm in a writing mood, and I need to satisfy it. If you were looking for lore or something similar? Sorry, not here. You can go back to scrolling or whatever it is you do.
Here's a fun beginning fact or piece of info. Artemis is s...
Clover made it to the mountain were he suspected gal was, what he didn't know was that he wasn't the only one in the cave. There were huge bats on the cave's ceiling flying on other resting spots or sleeping so noise wasnt an option, he found a skeleton similar to the beast that dropped him and the others down into the bug pit at last his journey came to an end when he found gal in the clutches of the sleeping beast he whispered to gal telling her to grab his hoof but the beast suddenly woke up ...
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(warning this story has a bit of darkness in it)
Sivanro slam the door shut as he leaves and said "now i know why my dad always end up being the reason for people just giving up on him, he can't even save...".
"a kitten from a tree?" cloud said as sivanro just nod and said "you know there a place for ponies who tampered with time magic in tartarus right?".
cloud laugh and said "so what, I still remember everything that happened up until the last second when he attacked me on my office".
Recently got into "We Were Here Together" with a friend, and it gave me an idea for a story, so here it is.
This was the only time so far Asuka had come to Lunae without any plans to climb the mountain. She was in a bit of a rough spot in life right now, and she thought her old friend Roray might be a bit lonely. The old geezer was rightfully surprised when he saw Asuka step off of the rickety old bus. Did she really plan to summit Lunae a second time? Thankfully, no. She was just here to v...
(warning this has a small amount of darkness in it, that is all)
polo sit there drinking coffee as a pegasus enter his house and hold a birth certificate then, said "hello dad...". polo looked at him and said "how is that possible, you some sort of demon pegasus or something?". the pegasus said "my name is Sivanro Jullifer Nelian Fastter or kill for short but, half demon". polo looked unamused and said "out of all out there to shorten that, you chose kill?". "what do you expect, i wasn't r...
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Clover woke up with pain on his back, he looked up and remembered that Kong threw the log over sending him and the crew over the cliff. He finds filmer on the ground breathing but he doesn't want to get up so clover leaves him be, then he finds spike sitting on a rock thinking about what happened to hayes, lumpy was beside his dead friend and clover tried to figure out how to climb out of this pit, he then turned his head around to see giant crickets hopping towards him, lumpy saw what looked li...
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"You know you like it so why do you always act like you don't," Devine says smirking as the walk the streets of Saddle Arabia
"You just know when to take advantage of me," Knight says as he looks at the things the vendors have for sale, he then looks at his bag of bits, "Hmm," he says and she looks at the bag
"Are we out of bits?" she asks and he scoffs at her, "I'm out of bits, because someone always needs a midnight meal
Knight shudders in the bed, he moves around groaning
He sees flashbacks of his claws slashing through many, so many, the amount of blood he has spilled is too much yet he cannot stop, his rage is too much, Flam has taken his sister from him after he had tried to assassinate him during the peace talks, there is now no peace as he destroys Las Pegasus in his anger, as the building topple and blood fill the streets
Now weeks later he is standing in the middle of the field with his army behind...
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Knight and Devine walk the dangerous mountains of Nightmare Cliffs, Knight would have just flown but a certain mare is extremely pissed because of a couple of stunts a certain wolf did in the air.
"Look I said I was sorry, no one got hurt," he says walking down the cliffs.
"You did get hurt! The cliff you crashed in broke and created a landslide that took what i think were griffin or dragon nests into the ocean! I would have died if I hit the sharp cliffs!" she yells at him
Knight continued his wandering journey through the remains of the many cities that the war affected, he made sure however to avoid taxis now since last time he was swindled out of a restful night to one full of well, he blushes as he remembers the beautiful mare that tricked him into bed. He shook his head as he crossed the desert and stared into the vast emptiness it held, he walked aimlessly forward for days until he came across a place called klugetown. Once entering he had already had to kno...
When Knight was traveling during his five year wandering period, he met many different creatures and cultures, he traveled across seas and continents and opened his eyes to the diversity of this world. Of course he got into plenty of altercations since he is an adult male with needs that only the opposite gender can provide, and the altercations happened when some mares that were umm providing him with relief, failed to mention to having husbands. He also had plenty of run in with law enforcemen...
In the jungle gal was trying to find her way back to the crew, she took a right turn but she ran into a large lizard like creature, it was to busy eating a dead dino that it didn't hear gal run up behind it. She slowly took a step back and hid behind a tree, she was going to run for it but another one of them stops her in her tracks it was getting to pounce but gal jumped out of the way, the creature was chasing her but gal got inside a log hoping it would give up but the thing just went insid...
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Gal opens her eyes to see if he's still there and not to her suprise he is , while the beast was eating bamboo gal crawled to a small hole that lead to what looked like an escape. As she got out she started running but a huge arm blocked her so she ran back to the hole but another arm blocked it , she looked up and saw Kong looking at her with fury gal made a run for it back to the hole but Kong got infront of her. Gal took a few steps back before falling to the ground , Kong started roaring at ...
The purple uniforms of the Equestrian Army stretch all around the town. The gryphon occupiers manning their recently constructed defenses know what's about to come. Cannons are loaded, and aimed. Rifles arrayed in trench lines, with plenty of ammunition stocked. Across the nearly bare field stands an army more than twice their size, but even that might not be enough to dislodge them. After all, they're the ones on the defensive, and gryphons are naturally more resilient than Equestrians. At leas...
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the sheep simply said the word "baa" all the time but, the more "a" in it the longer the word.
that is all
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