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by on January 15, 2023
First up is of course my main girl Svarlet Batfire! She is a precious baticorn. She is in many different AU's with many different ships, one of which she has 3 children! In her main AU she is just a simple baticorn who travels with her friends! She hangs out with Spoof the most. He is her most loyal companion. Svarlet Batfire and Spoof by Alanah Perrone Svarlet by Wolf_lover1227 ...
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by on January 9, 2023
As both a student of Celestia AND a somewhat casual acquaintence of Hydaelyn as of late...I wonder if they would get along - they both have a habit of 'meddling' in the affairs of others afterall! xD #WOLSunset
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by on December 1, 2022
TWAS THE MONTH OF CHRISTMAS (Poem was made for my, but enjoy.) ---------------------------------------- 'Twas the month of Christmas, when all thro', Many creatures for sale, even a mouse; ...
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by on December 1, 2022
It is the duty of a Hospital Corpsman to wait in obscurity most of his life for a crisis that may never come, but when it does, he must give it all he has. The duty of emergency medical response is a broad spectrum of military medics and the civilian doctor who goes sleepless into the Emergency Room within The States. The difference between bloodied gloves and tattered cammies only stops there for those who put others before themselves. Although locations may differ, the sights and smells of tho...
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by on November 30, 2022
Dies for every mare, kisses every man, Laid every mother, drools at every pan. ...
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by on November 14, 2022
"I'm glad we're doing this," Star Stream said. "To make up for last week."  "You didn't enjoy the storm?" asked Royal Gift playfully.  "Not when I'm camping in it," Star retorted.  ...
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by on November 1, 2022
I am currenting and slowly, trying to finish my books. The reason it is slow is due to working so much and not having a ton of time. I first just wanted to ask for anyone TRUSTING and willing to help me edit. But now I feel it is just better to ask for anyone who wants to be involved in the project at all, especially since I am more motivated when I am working WITH someone. A lot of people think I'm a bit too ambitious. But I just think creativity is important. NEEDED ------------- To elabo...
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by on October 19, 2022
The sun was just drying the dew from the grass when Stormfeather stepped out of her cottage, empty saddlebags in tow. The storm that had enveloped Everfree Forest two nights before and which had introduced her to her first Ponyvillians had come near enough to the town to have brought down some branches and debris around her cottage. She gazed around the clearing. This was the first time she had a chance to get a good look at her new home; she and the other ponies had stayed at the Castle of ...
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by on October 15, 2022
It's been a while. Not knowing where I would be mentally is scarry to say the least. But I learned something that I would like to pass on to you guys. A lesson that hit me like a ton of bricks. ...
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by on September 11, 2022
The sun was not far from setting as the last train of the day lumbered into Ponyville Station. Only a few ponies filtered out when the doors open; the last train is rarely the most popular, and is typically only taken by those who missed their intended earlier ride. One of the last among them was a silver mare, stiff from her journey. She stopped for a moment to consult the Ponyville map. The Equestria Historical Society had lined up accommodation for her outside of town, near a Clock Tower. ...
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by on September 3, 2022
I find myself once again within the confines of a website, one of which my 7th Wall has not graced in a while. I had begun to think he had forgotten me, but then I remember that I occupy at least a small portion of his mind. Not a fully actualized member of his collective consciousness, but on the edges, where most characters exist. I can see myself talking, the text appearing as I speak and write. Existence, multi-dimensionally, is strange when you are aware of the formats you exist in. This le...
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by on July 28, 2022
Recently, I’ve been wondering if this whole thing was worth it. This kind of question has been in my head for about 2 years. Maybe this fandom isn’t for me, I mean in real life I can barely have a conversation. So why should I be here? Maybe I just don’t deserve to be in a forum. Why am I telling you all of this? I’m pretty sure nobody (or nopony) would even care if I leave or not, after all I’m just “another user.” All of the pessimistic posts were basically how I feel in real life. I have f...
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by on July 23, 2022
What’s in a friend. A unique, unsolved mystery. Is it something that we cherish. Or is it something that we relinquish. ...
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by on June 14, 2022
//Just trying out something new. Wanted to see if I could RP a song as someone who isn't musically prone, but wanted to sing a song she liked. It was deep into the night in Canterlot where the only life that inhabited the lower portion were those in the nightlife scene. A bar known more by the locals was well lit with open signs, the words "The Singing Tuna" with a fish that looked side then leaned away was lit with a bright yellow light. Under the that were double doors with a large window ...
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by on May 24, 2022
(Okie dokie! Let's do a new episode, shall we? In this one, we find our heroes returning to the Elements of Insanity universe. Stishoe, Stickman's Elements of Insanity counterpart, has trouble brewing in the EOI universe. Stickman and his friends must restore the EOI's powers after they are stolen by Stishoe. But how sane can you be in this universe? Find out... -Stickman) CHAPTER 1: THE MADNESS BEGINS Our story begins in the Elements of Insanity universe. In Stishoe's hideout, trouble was...
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by on February 17, 2022
(How about we do a new story? This one has a sense of mystery and, as the title suggests, tragedy. This one is set in present day, after the events of Operation: Final Battle 6. So basically we're seeing Stickman as his sentient reign self in story form for the first time here. The story? Well... Let's set the scene. Sentient Reign Stickman and his friends happen upon a mysterious theater in Equestria that's been seeing disappearances of ponies for the past few... months. However, once they step...
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by on February 17, 2022
Hasbro has officially announced 3 different content coming soon to both Netflix and Youtube. The first content to be released will be a 2D animated series that will air on Youtube on April 7th called: My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale. This 2D animated series will still consist of our Mane 5 cast of ponies. The second content announced will be a 3D animated special called: My Little Pony: Make Your Mark. Alongside that, Hasbro also announced a 3D animated series which will also use the title "M...
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by on February 5, 2022
Simple Chibi (bottom right) $5 1 day Chibi (top right) ...
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by on January 4, 2022
hello my bffs my sis is minty sweet and I thank eveyone who ae bff with me
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by on December 29, 2021
hello my bffs. I joined today and I have 5 friends already!!!!!!!! I thank them to making me one of their friends!!!! from your dear friend, minty sweet
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by on November 3, 2021
Greetings, today we have the apatosaurus. Apatosaurus is a large sauropod which originated in North equestria during the late Jurassic period. Reaching up to twenty-seven meters in length, Apatosaurus is a gentle giant with a small head in comparison to its body. studies suggest that Apatosaurus could crack its tail like a whip, producing a sonic boom in excess of 200 decibels, which would have been loud enough to kill a pony from the shockwave alone This makes the tail a perfect weapon against ...
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by on October 19, 2021
Hello and welcome, here were gonna talk about the triceratops. Among the largest of the ceratopsian family, Triceratops is one of the most famous dinosaur in the world, originating in Late cretaceous. The most distinctive feature of the Triceratops are its neck frill and the three horns which gave the animal its name. it’s arch-nemesis and equally famous Tyrannosaurus, was known to hunt and battle Triceratops. In terms of its environment, it lived in a range of ecologies, including subtropical i...
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by on October 9, 2021
Hello again , here we have the parasaurolophus. Parasaurolophus is an average sized hadrosaur but is otherwise distinguished by its prominent curved Crest. They're social animals and mix well with other herbivores, their Crest are used as a amplifying chamber to communicate or for mating displays and as defence. They're herbivorous animals, they're peaceful but not be provoked. Hope to see you all again in the next talk
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by on October 8, 2021
— Today at 7:16 AM Buster wakes with a start again, though much less dramatic this time. Noticing the absence of their largest member wakes him up fully and he gazes about the room to notice a new open door. He checks on his brothers before curiosity urges him away from the warm pony pile. — Today at 7:20 AM His new mother stirred and mumbled, groggy. "Where do you think you're going?" ...
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