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Seir’s spent the entire weekend filling an Excel sheet with every bad thing you’ve ever done. And it is organized by the exact, year, month, day, and time down to the hour, as well as the number of in... View More
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Amy Callihan
"Oh come on! I'm not even that bad! I am going to..." She would make grabbed hands at his neck.
"Remove some or I'll die so I can hit on your mother awkwardly in front of you. Best case." She shrugged and gave a confident laugh.
April 20, 2024

Seir simply frowned, "Why is it always something with my mother!?"
April 21, 2024

Percy looked over Seir's shoulder, wondering just what sins they've committed and if the various war crimes in their memory counted against them.
April 20, 2024

Surprisingly, there is only one Sin that Seir had documented: Calling him an embarrassing name. That was it, that was as far as the demon's grievances with the computer went!
April 21, 2024

Percy beamed and gave Seir a hug from behind. "Hiiii Seiry!!! Is this going on the list?" they teased. Percy could tease, apparently.
April 21, 2024

Damean the paranormal detectiv...
"Right uhh... sorry boss. I'll.... leave you to it" He said before shuffling away to let Seir work. Damean had no clue what Seir was doing but he figured it was better not to question the demon. Never a good idea to annoy your boss.
April 20, 2024

Seir grunted and didn't say anything else until well after the door had been shut behind Damean. He then leaned back into his big boss chair and sighed, "Always the boss, never the babygirl..."
April 21, 2024

Glyph lays on the keyboard.
April 21, 2024

Seir's not a cat person. He levitated a newspaper, rolled it up and smacked Glyph's ass "Bad! Bad cat! Go away!"
April 21, 2024
Seir grabs a guitar, “Anyway, here’s Wonderwall…” #rp
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Bright rushed the stage with a large silver cross, slinging holy water everywhere.
April 14, 2024
"Ooh, that's a classic!!" Percy beamed, sitting in front of Seir to watch his performance.
If Percy noticed, they sure didn't seem to mind, bobbing along to the music. They seemed to be enjoying it, but of course it was artificial enjoyment, simply programmed into them to simulate happiness at the sight of Earth's culture.
April 14, 2024
Percy nodded. "Of course! I like all things Earth! And you're my friend, so I like you!" Still trying to rationalize their feelings. Obviously it wasn't just that they liked the song specifically and the way Seir performed it, that's not how an AI thinks.
April 14, 2024
“When do we get to the part where you’re nice to me and we become best friends?” Seren asks, not interested in the guitar at all.
April 15, 2024
"No, you may not roast your marshmallow on my head." #rp
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Eight pushes Seir over, sits on him, and cooks a marshmallow anyway
April 14, 2024
Eight shrugs "more for me?" he chuckles, finishes roasting the second marshmallow, and then lets you up. "you're fires are great for marshmallows. what can i say."
April 14, 2024
"Awww cmon" He makes another smore from the marshmallow he roasted and holds it up to seir "Just try it, you wont be mad if you have one~"
April 20, 2024
What about hot dogs? *I hold out a stick of Smg3... somehow... on it* Or stupid idiots?
April 15, 2024
Cinnamon sweets would hide the stick with marshmallows behind her sweating nervously
April 20, 2024
It’s a slow day for Seir. Rather than antagonize ponies, he has decided to pick up his old violin and play. #rp
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“Haha great tune son” he would pat his back and listen closely “Your mother and I are so very happy to chose to play a musical instrument”
April 2, 2024
Percy just closed their eyes and listened. "...ooh, wonderful use of slurs! And your dynamics are perfectly placed, and your violin is so in tune!" This was all they could really compliment art on, but at least they were trying?
April 2, 2024
"It's so I'm more relatable to other species. I don't have a choice." Percy sniffled. "Seir, what am I?"
April 4, 2024
Seir continued to frown. He had no right answers, nor any answers at all for what Perseus was asking him. “...Does it matter?” he posed his question back and hoped that it somehow would help. “You have a purpose, and that’s all you need in this world. Everything else is only there to flaunt it. Even... View More
April 5, 2024
"I have a purpose...that's what makes me less than any living being, isn't it? You all have the freedom to do anything you want, while all my wants were planned by a team of engineers..."
April 5, 2024
“Hey, I’m so sorry! I was trying to hex someone with a very similar voodoo doll to yours, and I accidentally placed the hex on you instead.”
“Look, the curse I placed will take effect in three days, ... View More
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"A true love's kiss in three days? It is either I turn awfully shallow or raise the dead, neither of which seems too appealing. Ah... what's the curse even? Why have you done this?" Her usually calm demeanour was full of concern now...
March 23, 2024
“Oh? So first you tell me how to remove the curse but THEN you make it impossible?”
March 26, 2024
Seir plucks the petals of a flower. #rp
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"I see. Well, I can't deduce any other reason you would ask if I could read minds, so I suppose you were just curious!" Percy chuckled and patted Seir on the back. "I can recharge comfortably tonight, then!"
March 18, 2024
"It's a figure of speech, Seiry! It just means I don't have to think about your question anymore!" Percy beamed. "Did you know that I'm actually meant to be adaptable? I learn about the culture surrounding me and use that information to fit in better! But it turns out, I can adapt even more tha... View More
March 18, 2024
"If you want the one that blows up after picking the pedals I've got a few in the green house. They are the prismatic ones, shifting colors and all that." He commented as he walked past, carrying a cup of coffee to his work station.
Inside the attached greenhouse was a veritable jungle of plants from within the Everfree Forest. Locating the flowers however, wasn't difficult. The prismatic flower spread out like a significantly smaller sunflower, and a spined seed pod at the center of the flower before leading to a thorny green ... View More
March 18, 2024
Well… Seir did eventually come across the aforementioned flower. Yet now that he was admiring it up close? He started having doubts that it was a good idea to mess with it. Who knows what crazy magical properties it may have, and what disastruous effects it—
Nevermind, he just plucked it!
March 18, 2024
The pedal remained prismatic as it shimmered a veritable rainbow of colors. And nothing happened immediately, though a low hissing sound could be heard coming from the pod.
March 18, 2024
"Are you ok, Seir?" the pegasus asked, somewhat worried at Seir's reluctancy. Maybe Seir wasn't used to get gifts? He himself wasn't for the longest time. Several lives took him to get used to gestures of kindness and generosity without any deals in between lines.
"I noticed you love wearing that b... View More
March 18, 2024
Seir’s face was still that of distress. He was scanning the gift with wide eyes, then casting glances at Petri to scan him too. Well, his master wasn’t making a big deal out of it, so, perhaps it actually wasn’t?
“I’m okay!” Seir cleared his throat. “…I do, like my bowtie.” The demon looked down a... View More
As Petricor noticed the smile on Seir's face, he beamed a smile back at him.
"I'm glad you liked it. By the way, you don't need to be so formal all the time. I mean, in your manner of speech towards me, that's it" he said in a warm, relaxed tone. "Unless you actually want to be all that formal. I k... View More
March 18, 2024
I used to have a profile for her, but it's been scrapped... So! she gets to be posted on this one. Since I made Seir's anthro form, I decided to also make Gaap's <3
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See the thing is, I called dibs. Rough Winds you have to respect the rules of dibs.
Seir’s still curled up on the bed, for hours; he’s been unconsolable ever since somebody called him a ‘glorified candle’, but at least he’s finally stopped crying now! #rp
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"Great. Now, ah dunno what yah normally would do, but yah could go do that. Or, ah-dunno, haunt the one that made the comment in the first place? Anything that doesn't involve playing sounds of doors closing." She'd wince, rubbing her tired head.
Then she'd jump up onto the bed and blow a bout of f... View More
March 16, 2024
"Actually you're probably worse than a candle. Candles smell good after all." She would have cackled.
March 16, 2024
Seir's ego was wounded by the insult, and now Butchie was rubbing salt on the wound with her mean remark. The only thing that was worse than a candle was a candle that wasn't even scented. But this time around he had something to say to her in that regard, he turned a pitiful glare her way and snarl... View More
March 16, 2024
"Yeah, baby! You got it now!" She would go blank faced and said with utmost sincerity. "Who the hell cares what you look like?! Give me a break. You are with demons that look like fucking monstrosities and you're crying about a flame?" She would pinch his nose. "I mean it looks kinda cool, really. I... View More
Whew… Seir slid off the door now that the crisis had been averted! He was glad one way! however, he also lost a few friendship points with Petricor for his antics.
The demon still tailed him as he went looking for his wallet. “Ever since I finished picking up every single last crumb in this house,... View More
March 16, 2024
"Yes. They smell great. Thank you" the pegasus reckoned. He picked up his wallet and put it in the inner chest pocket of the jacket.
"That's somewhat classified of sorts, I guess? I mean, I still teach chemistry at the local highschool, but as a substitute teacher. And I have my little clinic there... View More
March 17, 2024
Damean would give Seir a pat on the back "You.... alright?" He'd ask with a look of genuine concern for the demon "I can uhh... get you a glass of water if you want" he'd offer awkwardly.
March 16, 2024
He tilted his head and frowned slightly "It's alright boss" He said softly "I've uh... I've been there" He'd leave it at that and take a step back "we could grab lunch or something. If you want some company" He offered with a slight smile "I've been good, I can't complain"
March 16, 2024
He nodded as he began to walk "Yeah, let's get something to eat. I'll tell you all about it" Seir was one of the only demons who treated him with any kindness "yeah it was interesting but I kinda missed home near the end of it"
March 16, 2024
"If you can't win, just gross them out. It works more often than you think." #rp
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Percy nodded, listening intently. They then took a form that should not be described, lest any onlookers lose the ability to ever keep food in their stomach. "Like this?" they asked in their usual cheery tone.
March 14, 2024
Or just out-dance them. That's what I usually do. Or even out sing them! I learned that one from a blue-haired rapping kid.
March 14, 2024
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