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by on March 28, 2019
Could you make lifejackets for changelings? I wanna go fishing soon and I don't think pony lifejackets have good enough buoyancy. Signed, Zaten ...
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by on March 27, 2019
One thousand years have passed since Joshua has taken this form, over time he has killed many of every kind of creature. Trolls, golems, Orks, lizard men, zombies and even the most feared vampires have been slain by him, there are countless other species of monsters that have met their end at his claws. The humans slowly recognized that there was a new beast among their already long list of monsters. Stories of wolves all over the world leaving their territories and being herded by a single gian...
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by on March 26, 2019
Ok, so, completely disregard this thing if you don’t know this fandom or the books. (Warriors) *takes a deep breath* Fucking Squirrelflight. She... She was a good character... BUT MA MAN DID SHE MAKE SOME BIG ASS MISTAKES! One being that she didn’t even tell her god damned MATE that the kits that HE THOUGHT WERE HIS (which I don’t understand, like, boi, she didn’t even look fucking pregnant, and then just, bam, kits!) that they were actually her medicine cat sister’s and her mate’s. (And MEDI...
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by on March 26, 2019
Dear Princess Celestia (or whoever is interested :D) Today I learned why I don't like nor do I know how to swim! It's because changelings are heavy and don't float well D: This knowledge was attained through speaking with other, much smarter buggos somewhere else c: ...
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by on March 26, 2019
Yesterday I learned an important lesson! What lesson, you ask? Well, I don't know what it is! ...
381 views 1 like
by on March 25, 2019
Moral of War -Teaser to part 1 Abakan sat on a leather chair infront of a heavy wooden table. On it a sign saying β€ždiplomat to equestriaβ€œ He gently puffed out a cloud of grey smoke. Abakan was in his camouflaged uniform. He had awaited something elsw than a meeting with the embassador after he was ordered to move to equestria, or how it was called by the goverment district #1.
353 views 0 likes
by on March 21, 2019
Hope dies, but hate remains Suffering life's lasting refrain Valid fervor, earned motivation Shame yielding to bittersweet temptation. ...
345 views 8 likes
by on March 19, 2019
Hello, I'm posting this as why I would be leaving the site in about 5 days just finishing debating it at the moment with myself or just no longer supporting the site or both. So let's go over a few reasons shall we? 1.The Community on the Site. This is the main reason on why I'm leaving or considering/ect the site. I sometimes feel hated on the site and others do. There's nothing like spending 20 mins or 30 on a wall RP and getting likes but no reply or such yet other people's do. ...
540 views 7 likes
by on March 18, 2019
The thread I had with the Prince was interesting so I thought I would post it. Me: Fiancee huh, I could say something rude but I won't. Personal I think having a kid before marriage is immoral, but you do you, prince. March 14, 2019 Prince Artemis: "You could say something rude related to my Fiancee?" He crossed his wings, putting the book down. ...
375 views 0 likes
by on March 17, 2019
A pot of freshly brewed tea is shakily set before an unkempt Vanil, clearly having a bit too much fun the night before. Her magic seem to waver, turning the simple act of holding up the daily a near daunting endeavour. It is to be expected of the press to cover the annual St. Patrick's Day, and the imminent aftermath, but she wouldn't be powering through her hangover if it's not urgent. Today's headline: "", which made the redhead groan louder than usual, as if this hangover isn't enough of a pa...
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by on March 14, 2019
(This is something that I wrote a while ago (Three days? What do you mean three days? Khas, it feels like an eternity), as a tribute to one of my most beloved friends, Queen Astria (Gingereale). We roleplayed for countless years, and even now that I don't RP anymore, we still talk quite regularly. She's the one who made nearly all the drawings of my characters, and I wanted to repay that, but as I don't draw, I decided to do so in a way that I'm more comfortable in. The narration that follows is...
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by on March 14, 2019
So just a fair warning. This might be a long read. I'm unsure at the moment since this is the first thing I'm typing out. I'm not sure how long this will be, but I guess we'll see. Sooo...this is actually something I've been interested in doing. I wanted to maybe write out a cool little thing on my experience with Rping as A genderbend, or more importantly Prince Artemis. It's kinda like a behind the scenes look of how I kinda go about stuff, or maybe just gives one an idea of how my brain works...
360 views 8 likes
by on March 12, 2019
Basically like the Grand Galloping Gala but a Masquerade ball. It's a story I made, and I'll make some art, you could make some art of your oc's in the ball, maybe I could make a comic of some sort. :D I'll post more about this later
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by on March 11, 2019
You know, when I first came into the MLP Fandom, some 6 years ago. The saying "Friendship is Magic" was more than just a saying, it actually meant something. Yes, there were the exceptional few who trolled, but it was just a few. As the years went by, I have noticed that the more genuine people have slowly left the fandom, leaving people who are either only trying to ERP or just troll others. And it seems, as the current generation of MLP is nearing it's end, it would seem that the majority of g...
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by on March 10, 2019
Flawed 1st of all, the pacing of this anime is the slowest as fuck thing I've ever seen. And its 2nd worst flaw is how confusingly the show explains things. Just watch episode/movie 8 for these flaws in their purest form. Like 25 minutes of it is the main protagonist girl, Shiki, saying honestly nothing that can't be compressed to a tweet-length few sentences (She was born without a soul, but then her soulless body created a soul, and she created 2 opposite personalities in her, and her previ...
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by on March 10, 2019
The following manuscript holds all that is known of the event known as Aiur's Fall, that happened at least a hundred and twenty-seven years ago and nearly made extinct the Protoss species, as narrated by Zerathur Naszberuk (Protoss, male), Ya'vanna Erian Naszberuk (Protoss, female) and Adeena (Zerg Queen of the Far North, female). It is in no way finished, as there may be more to be discovered about the happenings that took place during the event. (A.K. - After Khas) 20:00 7/12/1483 A.K. ...
319 views 0 likes
by on March 9, 2019
The morning after the attack,  the Lycan family made sure to burn all the windigos and to take their dead home, to bury them honorably. Many had died, only a few adult men where left, Gabriel included now more than ever, once the last carriage had collected theirs and head home, Joshua and Gabriel began to bury their father. Inside were the women of the family asleep from the ordeal, and from crying out in grief from the loss of a father and a husband. Their lands had been burned in the battle, ...
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by on March 9, 2019
He had been born in medieval century Earth to a poor farmer family, they didn't have much but they had each other and that was enough. At the time, Knight Wolf was called Joshua Lycan a young farm boy at 13 years old. He had an older brother brother Gabriel who was soon to be celebrated a man at age 16 and a younger sister Emily who was 8 years old and very cheerful. His mother Elizabeth  and father Henry were often working the fields, tending the cattle and working very hard to keep their lives...
369 views 0 likes
Long ago when changelings were just a myth there existed five hives. Of those five hives three remain...this is their story. I will not lie Changelings fascinate me for a personal reason I won't say, their cunning and decisiveness amaze me. It is because of this I have studied them for as long as I have although I'm not an expert. I know of the great hives and I know of the infighting that destroyed two and crowned one queen of all...It is time the public knew, Chrysalis isn't the only threa...
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by on March 4, 2019
It seems her family reputation precedes her. She only applied to be a stage crew member, but apparently they had 'last minute changes' and appointed her as one of the leads in their play of the . Obviously, she said no, then she looked at the payment (and bonus) offered... Maybe she should've stuck with no, for this meant she must lose all that H&H chocolate and wine weight, be inequinely flexible as she was in her adolescence, and practice speaking with a southern equestrian accent. Now the...
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by on February 24, 2019
Song that goes with the lyrics I wrote this over a couple years with editing every now and the, not write, but move words around. I wrote some during my deployments and this one as a finisher. I was significantly depressed and felt a lot of emotions from self inflicted to what I was thrown by my peers and experiences. --------------------------------Start------------------- ...
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by on February 20, 2019
This is my one year mark with digital painting, a lot of ups and downs, trial and error. There's been a large evolution in my style, yet I feel im at a plateau. It's difficult watching your favorite artists as they continue to develop art that amazes you in their detail and you find yourself still struggling for the depth you seek. Though, I suppose that's the journey, being in my mid twenties I kick myself for not starting sooner. I suppose to keep this short and sweet, If any artists read this...
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by on February 19, 2019
Dear Ambient, Sorry it's been so long since my last letter, as we've had a small bit of trouble with the Griffin Empire again. You remember how they are a lot of bluh, bluh and such, anyway back to your curious question about your past that way I don't end up with a swimming pool amount of scrolls. About 9 months later came your sister Midnight arrived the second oldest in your family, aside from Autumn Blaze of cause. During the 9 months, we attempted a lot when the problem started and we...
352 views 3 likes
by on February 16, 2019
Odds are you are here for the following reasons: You were linked here by me to understand why tracing is bad. You found this on the newest/top feed when i first posted it. You found this randomly some other way, either way you're here and this is about tracing, references, and stealing art and how it effects you, this website, artists, and more. -- Referencing, Tracing, Theft are all three different things that are covered in this blog, but they all come together in one way or another. Artists...
516 views 1 like
by on February 16, 2019
Odds are you are here for the following reasons: You were linked here by me to understand why reposting is bad. You found this on the newest/top feed when i first posted it. You found this randomly some other way, either way you're here and this is about reposting art and how it effects you, this website, artists, and more. CA's copyright policy is covered over the Canadian Copyright law, you can of course read them here But I'll be going over the basics from...
607 views 0 likes
by on February 16, 2019
Odds are you are here for the following reasons: You were linked her by me to understand copyright and how it effects you. You found this on the newest/top feed when i first posted it. You found this randomly some other way, either way you're here and this is about stolen OCs. This is more of a QnA/FAQ format and is subject to change. Before anyone begins to say i'm fighting an up hill battle that will never be finished, i'd like to point of the Amino Apps community, Equestria and their TPT gro...
509 views 3 likes
by on February 16, 2019
Have you ever noticed That I'm not acting as I used to do before? Have you ever wondered Why I always keep on coming back for more? What have you done to me ...
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by on February 12, 2019
Princess Celestia. First and foremost I must warn you that this is quite a boring letter. I recommend reading it while doing something equally as boring, such as waiting for the last RPG party member to arrive. You know, the one who's always late, and contributes to almost nothing to the story, but the Master forces you and the others to wait, for reasons beyond you (Totally not bias). Due to a recent turn of events, I was rendered incapable of meeting you in Canterlot as it has been req...
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by on February 12, 2019
Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods? Where's the street-wise Hercules To fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? ...
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by on February 10, 2019
With my War and combat related peers in several discord servers, we have one type of balance when it comes to powers, I'm sure everyone also have their own type of measurements or goes on a free for all, after all the idea is to have fun with it. (2019... c'mon now...) When it comes to powers, there's three category of powers to go along with it. - The style basically simplifies everything that a normal human being is capable to achieve through training, or special animal trait, like underwate...
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by on February 3, 2019
My excitement roused me from my sleep early the morning of the interview. Foreign royalty! How often does a chance like this happen? Almost never I would imagine, not to humble book writers in any case. It is a unique opportunity, and while interviews are not normally something that I publish I simply can't pass up an opportunity like this to go alongside my travel guide to Maréire. After my morning breakfast and coffee, and a read through the local news it was not long before someone from the c...
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by on February 2, 2019
Selling custom discord emojis $20 gets you a pack of three, can be different or the same character. $8 single emojis, will look in the style shown, large black outlines, simple yet accurate designs. ...
559 views 3 likes
by on February 2, 2019
Now that the wonderful readers of this book have a general idea of what Maréire is like on the surface, it is time that we delve a bit deeper. The native ponies are open enough about their culture, especially after they've had a few drinks in them at their favorite establishment. Their ancient history is a wonderfully rich tapestry of living Gods, powerful warriors, warring kingdoms, and an ancient and mysterious enemy known as the Firbolg. As I sit here at one of the few inns in Gallowmere and ...
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