"Runes? It's dangerous to have them written on your body and stay on it for too long; it might cause unexpected side effects..."
Polo drinks coffee while he writes down details on how to recover from ... View More
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Bright Brave
"This is a rune? Got anymore cawffee?"
18 hours ago

Polo Fastter
"No, sadly I don't go fishing"
18 hours ago

Bright Brave
"I think the word you're searching for is crayfish. And it's not a fish."
17 hours ago

Polo Fastter
"...ooooh coffee. Yeah if you want."
15 hours ago

The rune in question was in an odd spot, next to his cutiemark, almost overlaying it. "I did not put it there myself."
16 hours ago

Polo Fastter
"How many days ago and anything different no matter how small beside the mark?"
15 hours ago

Sprouting Bulb
"If only I could 'scape this rune..."
16 hours ago

Sprouting Bulb
"It glowed blue, but that's all."
14 hours ago

Polo Fastter
"Poison joke..."
He takes his time removing the mark.
14 hours ago

Sprouting Bulb
"Oh thank Queen..." Spins sighed in relief. "...wait if it's just poison joke why are you still takin off my chitin"
14 hours ago

Polo Fastter
"For one it could be a concentrated version which feel strange."
7 hours ago

Sprouting Bulb
"...fair enough, I guess. Still, be careful, I'm squishy under that..."
10 minutes ago

Shifter Burnside
“It’s painted on.”
11 hours ago

Polo Fastter
"Then why come here about it?"
7 hours ago
You had ended up on a blind date with Rain Check. Once you two had finished ordering your food, she began to speak.
"So, how much wouldja pay fer a near-mint limited-edition figurine of a character ... View More
3 people like this.
"W-What ?, Also you change your disguise Spinny ?" She asked her friend, sounding quite confused about what they meant, The only Limited Edition figurine she knew was that Radiant pony ?
February 2, 2025
"Yeah...Sorta ? Basically only the stuff I stole from the Library"
February 3, 2025
"...ya know dey letcha take books out fer free, right? Ya don't need ta steal 'em, dat's da whole point, ya just borrow da books."
"Pretty obscure, made just before da manga got shitcanned...an' a course I'm not still in da box!"
February 3, 2025
Oh, hoof pet first than I guess, than paint. -Walks over, and starts petting Rain.-
February 8, 2025
An unusual mare would begin to speak, a softer tone than most ponies and a more than shy attitude to pair. Her mane was a mint green color and her fur was gray. "I-I don't know...I don't have any bits myself. I-I've never even bought a figurine before"
February 8, 2025
"Alright!" Scootaloo ran into the kitchen.
"We also need honey," Applebloom said. "A lot of honey."
12 hours ago
There was something...unsettling about what Applebloom said. But regardless, Rowa would proceed to say. "Well, you'll have to talk with Honey about that" She said, stepping aside for them
12 hours ago
Apple Bloom trotted into the kitchen, dragging Sweetie Belle along with her.
Hiru looked up. "...oh. You three."
12 hours ago
Honey would then look over with a big grin as she heard Hiru speak. "Oh, hiya you three!"
8 hours ago
"Hi, Honey!" Apple Bloom grinned.
Scootaloo looked to Hiru. "Oh! Hay, Hirudo! Any progress on--"
"No." Hiru took a sip of his tea.
12 minutes ago
He tapped his hoof against the table a few times, glancing off to the side as he drifted into a world of thoughts. One could practically hear the dial-up noises going on. Upon deliberation, he glanced back at her, looking her straight in the eyes.
"About five. Five nondescript currency units." he r... View More
February 9, 2025
oh sorry im only here for the food *he gave a very awkward smile that he thinks justifies his actions*
Yesterday, 8:42 am
*he patiently waits for his food while casually eating pieces of the table..as he was hungry*
Yesterday, 8:59 am
Honestly? Anything. Also... why are we on a blind date again...?
Yesterday, 11:45 am
*I sigh.* No, I just... anything that's living I don't really want to own as it'd just be wrong for something living that's in toy form to just... not have freedom. That's all. It's not like I wouldn't actually want any figurine. In fact, if I could, I'd love to have a figurine of all of my agents, ... View More
"..." Rain said nothing. "...you...you know how Spinner can get. She's dealin' wit'...a lot, y'know? A lot happenin' now, a lot happenin' back den..."
Yesterday, 12:21 pm
"...an' she really tinks y'only care about yerself...an' dat ya don't actually care about 'er..."
Yesterday, 12:43 pm
*I sigh again.* I do deeply care about her. A lot. I may not show it, but I'm always so busy with diplomatic stuff and whatnot. I know I can't start over. But if I could, I honestly would.
Yesterday, 1:00 pm
#rp Sprouting Bulb
The weekend came and went, and soon it was the morning of the kindergarten class trip.
Newmoon: "how are you feeling, Chrysalis? You still feel up to going on this trip as chaper... View More
4 people like this.
Chrysalis clutched her abdomen. "...ohhh I think it's gonna be today...sorry, Moony..."
Spins was in her classroom, preparing. "Okay, so the foals are gonna have to write, oh...one sentence about somethin they--no! Wait! Two sentences, these foals are pretty advanced." She chuckled to herself.... View More
February 10, 2025
"Chouten," Chrysalis answered.
Ten had fallen asleep next to Lunaris. Spice was talking to Gusty about different meats.
February 21, 2025
Tidemoon:just coming in with Izzy he received a phone call from the doctors and thought to come by also Izzy and him needing to check something "hello I am Tide I heard my mother is here Izzy insisted on coming dragging Sunny and Hitch too "he told the receptionist
February 21, 2025
Chris: "that's a strong name." She said as she wrote it on the papers on her clipboard. "I'll get this sent off right away. Their birth certificates will come in the mail in about a week."
Gusty: "wow. I didn't know there were that many kinds."
Nurse: "your mother's name?" She asked.
February 21, 2025
"Yeah, Zidoshi sends us lots of meats to...'treat' our condition, but Patch always goes back to pony meat..."
February 21, 2025
Gusty: "you mean mr Rage? He is a butcher? That's surprising. If your sister is having a hard time getting out of eating pony, maybe it's time she seeks professional help. And I don't mean that in a bad way, I'm sure there's one therapist that will understand she needs to eat meat, just not pony."
February 21, 2025
Waiter: "what size of pizzas would you two want?"
Lunaris munched on a veggie wing. "I'll go with a medium mushroom green pepper pinapple spicy peppers extra cheese, on a stuffed crust."
Waiter: "alright."
14 hours ago
The waiter nods and walks to the kitchen.
Lunaris: "this place reminds me of Pizza Hut, it's got a sort of family vibe despite being a chain restaurant." She said as she grabbed another veggie wing to munch on.
14 hours ago
Angel Feather:went to find her room not sure who would want to roommate with her or is she going have a room to herself
9 hours ago
I walked into the penthouse after Angel. "We're home!"
Poppy trotted up to Angel. "Hi! I was waiting for you!!"
"Is Actias with you?" Artie asked, looking up.
15 minutes ago
I saw a pretty dress on Pinterest and did a sketch of silver wearing it :D
11 people like this.
Malice would be on a branch in the Smoky mountains as Harpy's would surround him. "Boss! Boss." He would be hanging from branch by his back claws. His appearance was ape-like with a pony face and goat... View More
2 people like this.
Flem was Busy scribbling some notes down with a Quill using some magick whilst trying her best to figure out just what this Creature was ?, Were they perhaps a Hybrid Manticore ?, Or part Goat !?, Hopefully they didn't have a Knack for eating ponies magick, and using magick of their own to grow youn... View More
45 minutes ago
Norm could be seen holding a Abyssinian.
You could over hear a bit as Norm frowned, "To your own damn people! You should be sick. Don't worry... I'll be sure to let your family know I spat on your co... View More
3 people like this.
Normon would look at the clipboard and then back at Ghostbit. "Got a pen, rabbit?"
2 hours ago
He squinted and shook his head, "You friggin equestrians and your damn quills! Get with the times buddy!" He snatched the quick write practically scribbles. He gazed at the penand then at Ghost.
"Take it."
Norm would frown and squint, "Will you stop yelling! What the hell are you doing here?!" He would cross his arms before shaking his his head.
"Shouldn't you be frolicking and holding hooves while singing?" He asked but he seemed to already have made up his answer.
15 hours ago
They would both speak out of one mouth, "No one can beat the likes of Dr. Reiner! No vile scum will every understand that! Odd... Wait... Not...!" His head twisted to the right. Hollow Body would seem to have extended his arm in a last ditch effort to hide her while he transformed. He shoved her beh... View More
15 hours ago
He would be transforming but it seemed it was a little too late. In fact, they knew. They even waited the moment he was done to wail on Odd with various weapons like bats and knives. Her wouldn't even make a noise, he was dead before he could say anything. His skull crushed be being caved in with ... View More
10 hours ago
“What now? Oh, this thing. Split personality. Yeah, had it before.”
11 hours ago
They both spoke in union, "We are the Reiner brothers. Dr. Odd and Norm! Super mutants. We aren't a personality, we are the real deal pal!"
fun facts with Cupcake- cupcake is pinkie pie's adopted daughter.
1 person liked this.