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What crime do y'all think your OCs have committed? Is it a list of crimes? It could be something small like jaywalking to something big like declaring war on Italy.
1 person liked this.
Cross the road when she shouldn't, take stuff that she shouldn't, randomly slap ponies in the face with her tail, and the list goes on and all that cause she's blind. . w . still innocent though
Like 19 hours ago
Bless her heart.🙏
Like 19 hours ago
Being too cute
Like 19 hours ago
Battery on a police officer
Like 18 hours ago
Ghost uses Baby doll Eyes!
Like 18 hours ago
Electro Storm
um would breaking bones of and/or killing criminals and corrupt noble people count
Like 17 hours ago
Obsilion and others
Obsilion: grand larceny, embezzlement, mass homicide, kidnapping, 3rd degree murder, countless assault charges, conspiracy, vigilantism under color of old rank under royal law (whatever the word is for that), theft of "federal" property (stole back a few things), stalking (monitoring, surveillance, ... View More
Like 16 hours ago
Jail for 3 months☝️🤓
Like 14 hours ago
Obsilion and others
If you can catch him
Like 14 hours ago
The Outsider
Hope: Illegal trespassing, body snatching, theft from a dead body, violation of sepulture, possession of illegal substances, kidnapping. Zerathur: Illegal trespassing, stalking, possession of illegal or forbidden magical artifacts, illegal immigration from outer planes. Frost Tear: Public idecency... View More
Like 15 hours ago
Captain Sky N Nova
Frost needs to be detained indiffinately.
Like 15 hours ago
Frost deserves the chair
Like 14 hours ago
Yearling Writer
Current Yearling: Murder (Though he doesn't remember the act), Thievery, and that's about it. Later Yearling: Still debating on Regicide, A few war crimes, and piracy, as well as becoming a temporary pirate...maybe also add smuggling unregistered homemade whiskey back home.
Like 15 hours ago
Turbofolk song about Yearling being a war criminal
Like 14 hours ago
Yearling Writer
"Okay, here's the plan. When they see us Surrender, shoot em"
Like 14 hours ago
"Here's a better plan, destroy their efforts of winning hearts and minds by attacking civilians and blaming it on them to gather support for us."
Like 14 hours ago
Yearling Writer
"Great thinking! You know what they say! It's only a warm crime after the first time"
Like 14 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
identity theft, false surrender, torture, taking hostages, extensive destruction of property, willfully causing great suffering, illegal immigration, blackmail, tax evasion...not to mention accusations she'd have a hard time defending against without revealing herself
Like 12 hours ago
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Those who eat hard shell should eat a rock covered in moss and see if they like that as well.
Like 11 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
isn't this a strange moss-covered rock? x_x
Like 10 hours ago
I'm going to destroy your tongue palette with spicy hot Takies
Like 10 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
m-my tongue or my palate???
Like 10 hours ago
I hope you stub your toe.
Like 1 minute ago Edited
Icy Creation
Light Show is obvious for once. It'd be easier to list crimes they haven't done. Probably the biggest is Treason, by attempting to murder Prince Blueblood. And giving away Equestrian secrets. And knowing said secrets, in fact. Really the only reason they aren't actively hunted is because it's too mu... View More
Like 10 hours ago Edited
Astral is still gonna receive life without parole
Like 10 hours ago
probably murder and assassinating people,he has attempted to kill sunbutt and will try agian.
Like 9 hours ago Edited
How is she even a princess bruh she doesn't do anything but eat pastries😭
Like 9 hours ago
fr,she doesn't desrve the title anymore,she should just be called sunbutt
Like 2 hours ago
//They don't count if the timeline gets reset, right?
Like 3 hours ago
Newmoon Winter
#rp It had been a few weeks since Actias started leaving the house without her disguise, my belly had been growing in use for a while, and once again I found myself runni... View More
2 people like this.
Sprouting Bulb
Phyllis nodded. "Poppy's grown a bit rebellious, probably because of that thing she calls her 'friend', but everything else is going swimmingly! Just hope this little phase ends before this coming pageant!" She smiled. "As for Sprout, he's mostly in his room playing computer games, but if it kee... View More
Like October 2, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"...I'll leave you two alone to work this out." Spins trotted upstairs.
Like October 9, 2024
Newmoon Winter
For the next few hours Sprout and Pommy talked, until he got too tired, and fell asleep on the couch, Pommy resting on his back.
Like October 9, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins trotted downstairs for a beer and saw this. "...d'aww..." She took a photo with her phone before grabbing her beer.
Like October 9, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Pommy: "he want the best for his little sister, even if that means he gives her up along side me." She said in a low timid voice.
Like October 9, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"...that...won't happen. I promise, I want only the best for all my students." Spins picked Sprout up and lifted him up the stairs. Once she got to her room, she set him down on her bed before pulling out a sleeping bag for herself and slipping into it.
Like October 10, 2024
Newmoon Winter
The next day... My eye twitched a few times as I made breakfast. "Do you have to roll around like that little one? I get tomorrow is Nightmare Night, but still." I said with a sigh. "And I thought of an interesting name. Mikaru Mori, ocean forest. Or perhaps Moroha Yuki, double edge snow. I'll ask ... View More
Like October 9, 2024 Edited
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Sprouting Bulb
Poppy nodded, still looking a bit unsure. "Y-you'll still help me with my makeup?" she asked. "W-when I actually wanna wear it?"
Like 10 hours ago
Newmoon Winter
Sprout: "I don't know about that..." he said blushing a bit. Actias: "Sprout, why you blush?" I let out a sigh as I put my hoof to my heart. "Calm thy fated heart." I took a few deep breaths until the pain subsided, then continued cooking breakfast.
Like 7 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
"Don't worry, Sprout, I can help you. I'm a pop star, after all." Spins' wings flitted. Moroha looked sad as Newmoon left, but quickly went back to chirping.
Like 6 hours ago
Silverspark:stood in front of the crowd she projected her memories of Lily "before Lily becomes this changeling you seen that attacked you she was a pony that we known and cared about she raised three wonderful kids and one of them is married to my eldest daughter Moondove with a foal as sweet as a ... View More
Like 39 minutes ago
Newmoon Winter
Sprout: "help me?" Actias: "why Sprout blush, big sister?" I set the cooked food on the table. "Chrysalis, breakfast is ready."... View More
Like 2 minutes ago
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Yo it's Tax time! Pay them or else!
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Cookie Crunch
but it's not April fifteenth! it's October eighteenth!!
Like October 18, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Pay em anyway!
Like October 18, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Easily chucks bags of bits toward Mirrorverse Fluttershy* Here.
Like October 18, 2024
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Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Sheesh man how deep in debt are ya!?
Like October 18, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Oh I'm never in debt. Heh. Heroes don't exactly pay taxes. Though if we do, it's auto payment for me. I just like crushing you under money, hehehe.
Like October 18, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
And this is why I'm not a hero. Oh and Do you really think I'd just stand there and take it?
Like October 18, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Rapidly chucks bags at her*
Like October 19, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
*she'd start batting them back* Enough with the bags of money already! I have enough to set me for life over here!
Like October 19, 2024
Marvel Gleam
You’ll never catch me! - Instantly runs into a wall
Like October 18, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Go directly to jail do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars/bits
Like October 18, 2024
Marvel Gleam
Guess I gotta Escape the Prison… I’ll just use this
Like October 18, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
*there's a note attached that says "this is a fake nice try -Flutters"*
Like October 18, 2024
Marvel Gleam
Nooooo!!!! … Fine here are my taxes - gives a bag of monopoly money
Like October 19, 2024 Edited
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
*she'd drag him off to the cardboard "jail " she had made*
Like October 19, 2024
I don't care who the IRS sends, I'm not paying taxes
Like October 18, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Not even if I sent rainy? *Mirror rainbow would wave hi*
Like October 18, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would proceed to share all the tax deductions, write offs, and legal tax does for decrease rates. He would have enough forms to where the IRS would have to pay him.* *Sling was all in fair order, yet his nervous frame was questionable.* *Astro would have all the forms, all correct. Yet, ... View More
Like October 19, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Fair enough, you all pass.
Like October 19, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Yes! *The trio would hug each other in joy.*
Like October 19, 2024
Taffy Twister!
“depends….. how much?….”
Like October 19, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
How much you got?
Like October 19, 2024
Taffy Twister!
two bits a expired coupon to the carousel boutique five pieces of taffy and a unused plastic silverware set
Like October 19, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Give the bits keep everything else.
Like October 19, 2024
Taffy Twister!
ok- wait. what’s this tax even for?
Like 6 minutes ago
Flam rolls for evasion!
Like October 19, 2024
Sunshine Serenade (Mods)
Mirrorverse Fluttershy requested: /roll 1d20
1 roll(s) of D20 dice
Roll results: 20 = 20

This is an automated bot message.
Like October 19, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Damnit lucky... Fine you don't pay nothin' .
Like October 19, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Lil Sprout smiled wide as she sat behind her "Lenomayb" stand, selling hoof-squeezed lenomayb. She had a jar of sugar right next to her with a reminder that most creatures like sugar in their lemonad... View More
2 people like this.
Ghost Sat next to them, Having helped them out with everything... Before noticing a Strange influx of Customeers randomly trotting up to the stand... yet it looked like they had some bruises on them ?
Like October 14, 2024
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"T-Thank you!" They said, Having taken the cup and ran away... One after another... Something strange was going on. Why did so many bruised ponies buy their lemonade The ghostling wondered ?
Like October 15, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout didn't seem to notice, just appreciating the bits.
Like October 15, 2024
Sooner or later they had about 300 bits now!
Like October 15, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Wow...that's so many!!!" Sprout was completely obvlivious to anythign els.e
Like October 15, 2024
Ghost was surprised too, But from atop a nearby building, The Mimikin stood there watching them, It's paws shaking from overusing them so much, Just to "Persuade" Ponies to check out their lemonade stand.
Like October 15, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would walk to the stand.* You're selling lemonade?
Like October 14, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*He would pass her 3 bits.*
Like October 15, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"Thanks!" She passed back one bit.
Like October 15, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Keep the change.
Like October 16, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Oh, okay!" She pulled the bit back.
Like October 16, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome to help.
Like October 16, 2024
Taffy Twister!
"ermm you got any grapes?"
Like October 15, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Nope! We just sell lemonade. It's cold and it's fresh and it's all hoofmade! Can I get you a glass?"
Like October 15, 2024
Marvel Gleam
Darn, I was gonna say that
Like October 15, 2024
Taffy Twister!
and Taffy said “i’ll pass” and he trotted away clip clop clip clop and he trotted away
Like October 18, 2024 Edited
Olive Drab
Oli sighs and peeks behind the stand. "I gave you $20 because you said you were gonna buy lemons for the lemonade stand...where are the lemons?! What did you spend it on??"
Like October 15, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Lemons!" Sprout answered. "I just...eated half of them..."
Like October 15, 2024
Olive Drab
"Y-you ate $20 worth of raw lemons??"
Like October 16, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"No, I ate $10 worth of raw lemons. Ten is half of twenty." Lil Sprout beamed.
Like October 16, 2024
Newmoon Winter
I walked up to the Lenomayb stand. "You doing okay?" I asked as I pulled out my bag of bits.
Like October 18, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
Eclipse: "ha ha. Next time you want a burger, I'll make you my mammoth burger, aka my 1/3 lb burger." She said with a smile. "Hey Hirudo. I'm glad we found you. Spins really missed you a lot."
Like 10 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
"Don't you threaten me with a good time." Hiru sighed. "Let me guess, you're here to bring me back to Aunt Noom?" He rolled his eyes as Sprout leapt into him for a hug. "She's done nothing but nag me ever since this happened to Green Mom, and Pink Mom has just been letting it happen. Green Mom ... View More
Like 10 hours ago
Newmoon Winter
Eclipse: "actually, no. I'm not taking you back to Moony. She's not nagging, just protective - abet a bit overprotective, but she does try her best to fill Spins role until she returns to her old self. Anyways, I was thinking that the four of us can get a hotel room for the night. Besides, I'm going... View More
Like 7 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
I nodded. "She's right. There are creatures who love you, Hiru -- even Noom does in her own way. Not to mention your cousins, especially Silverspark and Cozy Glow...I know it's hard to see when you don't think you deserve to be loved, but trust me, you are." I looked over at Pinkie. "Two pineap... View More
Like 6 hours ago
Newmoon Winter
Eclipse: "exactly. Nopony should feel like they're alone with the world against them." She said before giving Hirudo a hug. Pinkie: "2 pineapple milkshakes and a chocolate shake coming right up. Anypony want a pastry to go with their drinks?" Eclipse: "I'll have an apple strudel."
Like 7 minutes ago
shared a photo
This thing is raiding your fridge!! What do you do? #rp
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Captain Sky N Nova
Insert calamari joke here.
Like 7 hours ago
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Captain Sky N Nova
If you run off with my food you gonna become the food.
Like 7 hours ago
Jokes on you, I don't have legs, so I'm not running!
Like 6 hours ago
Captain Sky N Nova
Thats it I'm calling the sushi place!
Like 6 hours ago
*"sneakily" escapes through your window* They'll never take me alive!
Like 6 hours ago Edited
Captain Sky N Nova
Thats the idea.
Like 5 hours ago
Ghost just hovered over to them before pulling out a Whistle, One that was similar to Dolphin clicks and began to blow into it.
Like 1 hour ago
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce sat at the library looking at a book of mixology as he had the thought to learn maybe some bartending skills, he usually had a lot of free time whenever he was on standby for a bodyguard gig as ... View More
1 person liked this.
After speaking with the librarian about a certain book, Ramirez would find herself trotting along in search of "Peace at The Cost of War: Equestria's past struggles for harmony."
Like 11 hours ago
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce sat studying the book for a while as the book happened to have some tossing and tricks with the mixer, he grabbed a nearby book deciding to give it a shot, as he tossed it in the air he prepared to grab it, of course he didn't read further into the page where it recommends this for only ponies... View More
Like 1 hour ago
Euphotic Breeze
"...oh. You have it. I was worried somepony might have checked it out." The kelpie sat down next to Bryce, looking over his shoulder at the contents of the book. "You interested in bartending?" she asked. "It's one hay of a business, I can tell you that much. Unless you're just doing it to imp... View More
Like 10 hours ago
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
He looked at the kelpie hearing her speaking to him as he looked at the book. "Oh did you need this? Heh sorry you can take it if you like." He say with a smile as he slides it towards her. "Well kinda I mean it always looked neat, I always enjoyed watching ponies mixing drinks at bars or wherever I... View More
Like 1 hour ago
Andromeda Flemish
You would've been on your merry way Doing whatever it was you were doing before... Noticing there was a New stand on your usual path, It was like those Magican stands akin to Trixies, With a stand say... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout dropped a few bits on the stand. "What kind of tricks do you do?"
Like October 13, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"When will the right moment be?" Pinkie asked. "Who's to say it'll ever come? It could be too late before you know least, that's what Spinny would say."
Like 13 hours ago
Andromeda Flemish
"Close." She told her friend with confidence.
Like 13 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
Pinkie nodded.
Like 13 hours ago
Andromeda Flemish
Twilight smiled, Before wrapping Spins in a blanket... along with a pair of knitted socks for them as She trotted back to the Castle, With both Flem and Ghost laying next to them.
Like 12 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
Spins was wrapped in a blanket, wearing her little socks.
Like 12 hours ago
'Purple' and Astral Veil
Astral's socks make her hoofsteps softer, so she warps her bit pouch to her side with a small pop. "How many bits, cutie? I'd love to support a pony trying to get into a magical profession!" She just assumes 'assistant' implies magic. She doesn't really know what other fields call their trainees.
Like October 13, 2024
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Andromeda Flemish
"...My Sandwich~" She said, Sadden, She haven't ate anything all day due to being just so busy, before she sighed, Her stomach rumbling once more before answering their question. "Y-yes, I am The Grrrrrreat and powerful Trixie!"
Like 20 hours ago
'Purple' and Astral Veil
She looks to the blue and silver mare, blinking. "I didn't expect you to be so pretty! Hi, I'm Astral Veil! Former researcher at the Mirror Mirror Institute for Transdimensional Travel!" Smiling excitedly, she holds her hoof out to be shaken. Flem might be wise to it, but she hasn't introduced her c... View More
Like 9 hours ago
Andromeda Flemish
"Hello...Astral, So you met my Godchild I see, They are Quite a Hooful sometimes, but She's learning." she told them smiling, It was rare for folk to be nice to them, Some were still sore after she tried taking over Ponyvile. She would've tried to shake their hoof whilst talking. "I Can, It's nothi... View More
Like 2 hours ago
'Purple' and Astral Veil
A small giggle turns into a full blown laugh, the first one today. Lasting a good ten to fifteen seconds. Slowly composing herself again, "Sor... Sorry! Flem's just been way too hard to trick, I needed a fresh pony!" Picking Trixie up off the ground with her wine aura and placing her back on her hoo... View More
Like 2 hours ago Edited
Andromeda Flemish
"Y-yeah." She told them, Whilst fixing her mane with a brush using Magick Before she resumed talking "It was quite a hard thing with how their Magick was... but She eventually got a hang of it, Along with teleportation." She smiled at their Godchild
Like 1 hour ago
Sunshine Serenade (Mods)
Andromeda Flemish requested: /roll 1d20
1 roll(s) of D20 dice
Roll results: 11 = 11

This is an automated bot message.
Like October 14, 2024
Honey Seep
shared a photo
#AI So I was playing around a bit with AI recently. I've lost the ability to do a lot of things I loved to do thanks to my unfortunate condition, but I've been able to work with AI to create and edit... View More
Sprouting Bulb
Lil Sprout hid behind you, scared. "O-one of my classmates says there's a changeling in town..." she whimpered. "I-I don't wanna be eaten by a changeling!!!" #rp
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"But You ar-" Ghost had to stop himself, Letting out a low sigh, Trying his best not to tell them no matter how much He wanted. "N't gonna be eaten by one, They only consume love." He told her, It felt wrong to lie but He didn't want to ruin what they wanted.
Like October 13, 2024
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"Meanies." Ghost said whilst Hmph'ing, Crossing his paws in angy.
Like October 13, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"...changelings are mean? Why would they be mean?"
Like October 13, 2024
"No Ponies who think they are scary are meanie, They are just like us, innocent ponies but folk fear change."
Like October 13, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"....oh...if I ever met a changeling, I'd wanna be their friend!" Sprout beamed.
Like October 13, 2024
"Yeah..." Ghost would slowly start to turn silent... but kept a smile on his face.
Like October 13, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Kiddo you are one. 'sides where I'm from them bugs are harmless.
Like October 14, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout climbed onto Mirrorshy's back. "Never leave me again, mom! Please?"
Like October 17, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Yeah,yeah whatever, just needed ta clear my head. Princess Trixie:aww how adorable. Can it Trix!... View More
Like October 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout rubbed her cheek against Mirrorshy's.
Like October 18, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Bah kid don't get mushy on me now..
Like October 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"I love you!" Sprout beamed innocently, her stumpy tail wagging energetically.
Like October 18, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“You’re a bug. Don’t worry, most of them are friendly… I think.”
Like October 14, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"I'm not one...b-but you promise they're friendly?"
Like October 14, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“They’re usually friendly now, unless they’re still being controlled by Chrysalis…”
Like October 16, 2024
Why would you get eaten by a bug horse thing?
Like October 15, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"H-he said they eat ponies!!!" Sprout explained.
Like October 15, 2024
Well I should be fine..I think..unless they eat robots too-
Like October 17, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"T-that's why I'm hidin behind you, mom!!" She was in full panic mode.
Like October 17, 2024
Mom..? Confused expression.
Like 2 hours ago
Gale Windstorm:looking down at Lil Sprout "hey There I think you would be safer not around me "he said sadly as he tried to walk off
Like October 15, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"B-but the changelings!!!" Sprout protested.
Like October 15, 2024
Gale Windstorm: "trust me there are plenty of ponies that will take you in just not the one who failed his own family "he sat looking at the statue of Nightmare Moon
Like October 16, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
" can keep me safe from the monsters..."
Like October 16, 2024
'Purple' and Astral Veil
Looking around with a pen and clipboard in her magical grasp, Astral calls out. "Nightmare Night is getting close! I'm starting sign-ups for a spooky spatial experience during the night, at a random- ... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Lil Sprout signed her name in big capital letters, smiling wide.
Like Yesterday, 12:58 am
'Purple' and Astral Veil
Astral smiles at the appearance of Sprout, looking around for Doots. "Are you excited for Nightmare Night, Sprout? It's only a bit away!" She mentally crosses out Sprout's name from the list, not wanting to risk traumatizing adult Sprout after the wish ends. "And, and, what costume are you planning ... View More
Like 9 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
"I'm gonna be...a changeling!!! They're so cool, and I want any hidden changelings to know I think they're cool!" Lil Sprout beamed.
Like 9 hours ago
'Purple' and Astral Veil
A moment to think. And then another. And a final moment! "Wouldn't... That imply you think they're scary, not just cool?" A groundbreaking theory, truly deserving of her job as a scientist, she is. Meanwhile she ignores yet more evidence that the wish fairy thing was incompetent. "What if you went a... View More
Like 8 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
"...oh...I didn't think of that..." Sprout frowned. "I don't want them to think I'm scared of them...maybe I'll go as Celestia, then! She's really scary!!" She looked towards Canterlot. "I hope Luna doesn't give me nightmares for saying that...ooh! I could be Nightmare Moon!!"
Like 8 hours ago
The Ghostling would've stared at the clipboard, before shrugging and having signed the paper. But not with his name.... But with: [MiMi Da MimiNKiN] Ghost didn't know how to write well, but it was still readable.
Like 23 hours ago
'Purple' and Astral Veil
Turning the board back to herself, she raises an eyebrow. "I thought your name was Ghostbit, Ghostling. Not... 'MiMi da Mimikin'?" Looking up to the entity, "I can't let you sign someone else up without their consent. This could be traumatizing, and I need to get an impression of whether they can ha... View More
Like 9 hours ago Edited
"Doubt It might scare them. Then I'll just sign up with my name, Good'ol Angel bunny... or You know. Ghostbit." He told them before blepping at the mare.
Like 2 hours ago
'Purple' and Astral Veil
She turns the clipboard back to Bit, holding out the pen in her magic. "You have to sign your name, yes? I have plans, scary plans, and I want to make sure I'm legally airtight."
Like 2 hours ago
Ghost would've proceeded to write his name... But it looked like a Foal wrote it... Somehow it was even different colors! How was that possible!?
Like 2 hours ago
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