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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri

Male. Lives in Coltifornia,  Applewood,  Equestria. Born on April 1, 1995
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About Me
Famous actor Gray Rivers Alto Yuri.
Roleplay Universe
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Author
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Musician/Band
Company, Organization, or Institution » Organization
Company, Organization, or Institution » Church/Religious Organization
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
“My tortured artist soul can’t take this kind of disappointment anymore.” Gray dramatically sighed. What happened? He couldn’t find something interesting to watch on TV. #rp
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Ice Wisp
Ice nodded, taking the remote and flipping it to TLC so he could watch 'My 800 Pound Siamese Twins (Who are also hoarders)'.
Like February 9, 2024
They also had a very strange addiction like cooking their hair by using a straight iron on it when it is completely soaked. Mmmm! Smell the burning scalp!
Like February 9, 2024
Luckily for him storm arrived with some drinks and a usb with a 3 hour train accidents compilation.
Like February 9, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
One of his pillows started crawling towards the remote, using one of its corners to pull a DVD out from under it. Said DVD was labelled "Super Sleepover Massacre IV: The Final Chapter, We Hope".
Like February 9, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
"…Nobody appreciates the kind of work that it takes to do your own stunts as an actor. I mean, I went to circus camp and learned the aerial hoop-- granted, my agent sent me there by mistake.” “…I was... View More
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"An actor? Hey... weren't you that extra that was in Commander Atom!?! Yeah, that's right... I swear, you were one of the 20 ponies added in the Snyder cut 4k re-release last summer! The scene with the flaming boat that gets saved because Commander Atom swoops in and uses his "Ray of Nuclear Fission... View More
Like February 9, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray, well… at least he had company. Though, he wasn’t really sure that he wanted that kind of company in the end. He mostly stared in disbelief, this guy recognized him for an acting job that he did as a favor since he was at the studio that day, and one of the extras had injured themselves after t... View More
Like February 9, 2024
"These "unrefined twats" saw Commander Atom so much that it broke 400 million bits at the box office AND is getting a sequel next summer along with an animated spinoff series. But uhh..." The nerd, oblivious towards Gray's patronizing language towards him, leaned closer, as if to relish in a cloistr... View More
Like February 9, 2024 Edited
// sorry sent that prematurely, had to edit it teehee
Like February 9, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray did it! ...He put an entire croissant into his mouth! #rp
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The pegasus would look confused at the actor. "Why, though...?" he asked under his breathe, giving Gray a expression of concern.
Like February 6, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray tried to speak, alas... his voice couldn't get past the wall of bread. But if he could speak, he'd have said 'I don't know'.
Like February 6, 2024
soundwave would clap.
Like February 8, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray bowed.
Like February 8, 2024
Caramella Seashell
Cara looked ready to cry. She wanted that one!
Like February 9, 2024
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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray was very happy with his prowess! That was until he turned around and saw Cara's pitiful face. What??? She wanted the croissant? He didn't even notice she was going for it! He deflated and, as his cheeks turned upside down, the croissant too fell out of his mouth. "...You could still have it!" G... View More
Like February 9, 2024
Caramella Seashell
"Oh, my favorite! My brothers saliva!" She said while looking at him cross, then let out a loud snicker. "Oh, Gray, I love you! Willing to give up your croissant for your little sister! But, uh, I'm not sure I want to eat that now..." Her teasing turned to a sheepish grin as she looked up at him. It... View More
Like February 9, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
“Don’t ever say that ever again!” Gray cringed. He also quickly looked around to ensure there had been no witnesses. “You can’t just say a line like that without thinking, Cara!” Gray waved his arms.
Like February 9, 2024
"W...Why ?, Just... Why ?, You could've at least did this outside !?" She exclaimed, wondering why this pony did this... Trick ?, in front of her... after selling them the Pastry, With the line of customeer's getting longer by the second.
Like February 9, 2024 Edited
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
"So, everyone has a favorite color. Right? But what is the factual BEST color?" #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
"Purple. There's not a single obnoxious shade of it."
Like February 5, 2024
"Red. It serves to warn people of danger."
Like February 5, 2024
Caramella Seashell
"Depends, is it a scented marker?"
Like February 5, 2024
Princess Starwatcher
Api bru obviously
Like February 5, 2024 Edited
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
“Yes, I know you’ve seen me on TV. We’ve been through this— and before you ask: no, I won’t do ‘the thing’. I’m just trying to drink coffee.” #rp
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Amy Callihan
"What are you even talking about, bud?" She would give a sly smile as she seemed to yoink his coffee. She would drink some of it. "You better try and get it back. I may just savor this." She teased.
Like January 24, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray had a habit of picking fights with the patrons that would stare at him while he was out on the street -or in this case- at the café. He kept casting glares whenever he sensed someone’s phone camera turn his way. “…I’m sorry, I wasn’t talking to you.” The actor sighed in defeat and posed his h... View More
Like January 25, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would have sat in front of him and put the cup in front of her. Amy raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her chin. She was clearly gazing in some form of admiration. Admittedly, Amy had a soft spot to the slightly absent-minded fella. Now she just has to not kill this one. "Tired of the lim... View More
Like January 25, 2024
*SLURRRP!*. The typical noise of a mare taking a hearty sip of chai crème frapuccino with chocolate chip crumble. "Lad, nobody would *do* that abomination,'re into that." the smug mare retorted. She definitely wasn't acting her age, if her cackling at the misspelling of his name by the ... View More
Like January 25, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
"Into What???" Gray glared.
Like January 25, 2024
The mare rolled her eyes, and put down her frappe to air quote at him "'Doing'. The Thing. John Carpenter. Flesh-eating shape-shifter. 'Do' The Thing"
Like January 25, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"...what's TV?" Sprout tilted her head.
Like January 25, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
"...What do you mean what's a TV?" Gray stared in disbelief. "Do you come from the mountains or something?"
Like January 25, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Mmm, closer to the desert, but yeah."
Like January 25, 2024
Mandy Fullbright
Mandy harrumphs. "I guess somebody doesn't want an invitation to the super-secret celebrity pool party."
Like January 25, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
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Like January 12, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
You want it? *Sniveling* It's yours my friend
Like January 12, 2024
Little Leaf
i am disappointed in myself
Like January 12, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
You did well! Highest score so far 👏
Like January 12, 2024
Caramella Seashell
I knew I should have went with my gut feeling on the color. I am also very disappointed in myself ;-;
Like January 12, 2024
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Don’t worry! The real test was the friends we made along the way!
Like January 12, 2024
Caramella Seashell
And as they say, Friendship is Hors!
Like January 12, 2024
Amy Callihan
Despite being a well known stalker of the boy, can't say she knows much about his life before her Surprisingly, keeping his private life private. Might have to change that. Also I call not fair! If I see rats I have to pick it.
Like January 12, 2024 Edited
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
I’ll give you an extra point for the rats because honestly that was out of your control 😂… and bonus lore: Gray is afraid of them, actually!
Like January 13, 2024
Amy Callihan
Rat Boy has scurried away with bonus points once again. Let's go gang.
Like January 13, 2024
Caramella Seashell
Cara randomly and carelessly gives Gray a bi~ig Kiss. ... View More
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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray doesn't know it has been on the floor. "A kiss!? Don't mind if I do!" He immediately pops it into his mouth.
Like January 12, 2024
Caramella Seashell
She smiled innocently and not at all evilly! And in no way was it coincidental payback for calling her while drunk. "Glad! No second dates, though." She'd hold up and sip from a date shake.
Like January 12, 2024 Edited
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
“I might’ve egg nogged too much drink.” “No, egged too much nog— fuck!” “Drank too many eggs—“... View More
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Amy Callihan
A gentle pat on the back. Amy would give a cheerful chuckle as she came from behind him. "I can take you home... Not sure though it seems pretty far. You got a hotel or something? I mean if not then you can have a sleep over at my mansion." She would hum and put her hand together. "Speaking of whic... View More
Like December 21, 2023
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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
"A sleepover sounds fun!" Gray cheerily replied, he wrapped his arm around her and leaned in. Guy could hardly walk straight, so, Amy was a godsend! "My plans for the holidays are the same as always..." the actor bragged, "I'm throwing a huge party, full of people I don't really know, and I'm not re... View More
Like December 22, 2023
Amy Callihan
Amy would give a bright smile. She didn't think he would actually say yes. "Okay, Gray. No one can take advantage of you except me." She stuck her tongue out in jest. "A party, huh?! Well... If you're gonna be alone. Why not bring a date to the party? I'll go with you or alternatively... You can c... View More
Like December 22, 2023
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray snickered to Amy’s jest like a dumbass. Amy’s pastime remained unknown to him, he knew her from her horror movies and that’s it! Sure, she did have a noticeable dark humor… But he didn’t think too deeply about it. Because, while the actor had the ability to be deeply insightful, he mostly opera... View More
Like December 22, 2023
Caramella Seashell
"Gray, you are at home. You called me from there, remember? Do I need to come over there and watch you tonight?" Last thing Cara needed was to neglect making sure he was okay!
Like December 22, 2023
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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray had to make a double take to realize that he was indeed home. "Oh." Right! He was still home... He began to check the label of his empty Eggnog bottle. "Wha? No! No! Don't worry about it, whoever you are! I thought I was speaking to my agent, but... you don't sound like her... Who is this???"
Like December 22, 2023
Caramella Seashell
"Caramella," she said, almost annoyed by him not knowing who he even called. But, she remained calm. "You called me, how do you not know who you called? Phones nowadays have Caller ID... Are you going to be alright?"
Like December 22, 2023
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
“Ah…” Gray scratched his head with his free hand. Out of all ponies… why did he have to call Caramella? She’s so overbearing when she blabbers to him about his habits and then goes and does everything better than him! Gray suddenly squinted his eyes, “I’ve always been alright…!” he complained and hu... View More
Like December 22, 2023
Asuka Yakushi
"The eggnog wasn't even spiked. How did you manage this?" Asuka folds her arms while staring disapprovingly. "I swear if you spiked a whole carton, you're never going to hear the end of it."
Like December 22, 2023
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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray stared in silence for a few moments. Something clearly was going through his head during that time. Suddenly, Gray got misty-eyed and began to blubber “…I did it! I spiked the nog!”
Like December 22, 2023
Asuka Yakushi
Asuka shakes her head, to go along with her disapproving stare. "This was supposed to be a dry party." She heaves a sigh before grabbing a napkin from a nearby table, and offering it to Gray. "Just, clean yourself up. I'll throw out the spiked eggnog, and nobody has to know, alright?"
Like December 22, 2023
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
“I know! But everybody seemed so dull and then… the eggnog was too sweet, and I just wanted to contrast it but a little teeny tiny shot of Brandy and…” Gray accepted the napkin and dried his eyes. Since it was a dry party, anyway! He normally isn’t that big of a crybaby, but alcohol does have that ... View More
Like December 22, 2023
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray was singing during a musical number. He held a note so hard that he passed out and had to be dragged off the stage in a stretcher. #rp
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Asuka Yakushi
Asuka is the one carrying the stretcher. Don't ask why she's working while she's supposed to be on tour.
Like December 8, 2023
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray swears he might have seen her there, but knowing that she was supposed to be on tour, he figured he was just confused.
Like December 8, 2023
Caramella Seashell
Cara told him he couldn't do it! It's okay, she took his place in holding the rest of that note.
Like December 8, 2023
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
That was the mistake! Imagine telling Gray what he can and cannot do; even if it comes from a place of concern, he’s committed to living by his own rules! Even if it kills him.
Like December 8, 2023
King Artemis
I don't know what spurred this on, but I feel like giving my thoughts and opinions of favorites on the site. Please note that if I don't mention you? It isn't because I don't like your stuff. You are ... View More
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Icy Creation
Ahhh what I am so confused on how I'm one of the ones you mention, I can think of so many more detailed, more interesting, more professional, and/or with generally better writing. Plus the fact that even when I was around more often, I still wasn't around as often as most people here. I mean, it re... View More
Like December 4, 2023
King Artemis
Damn. Well you be in the S-teir form me. When you do write? Clear picture. Got me hooked in
Like December 4, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
Shouldn’t the favorite blue horse be you? Or is that too nice?
Like December 4, 2023
Woa! It me!
Like December 4, 2023
King Artemis
It you
Like December 4, 2023
Queen Lesa
This certainly is a nice surprise to see~ ^u^ And admittedly unexpected~ but they do say expect the unexpected. ;3 Good to see I haven't lost my touch. XD That's why they bond so well~ :) She's always up for a dance. *big hugs* She misses the days when her husband struggled with his words. ;3
Like December 4, 2023
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