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Man can't leave his sona dead. The character.
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Nar is happy to spend his night with his girlfriend at her apartment, but he's pretty upset that he doesn't get to read his daughter a bedtime story tonight. Doing it over a video call isn't the same ... View More
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Muffled voices fill Aki's ears. She sits curled in the corner of her room in her childhood home. A shadow looms over Aki, as a figure stands in the room's doorway, blocking most of the light trying to get in. The voices of her parents trickle in from the other room. She can hear them talking about her. Comparing her to Miki. Degrading her. "I wish Aki would learn to smile like Miki does!" "Miki has so many friends! She's so popular! Aki just sits in her room all day!" "Miki got a scholarship to a school of the arts!" "When are you going to stop being a leech, and start paying us back for everything we've done for you?!" The figure in the doorway begins to turn. Aki can see the bright white teeth of her smile before she's even fully turned around.
Aki's closet door swings open, blocking her view of the figure. A new figure steps into view. One much brighter than the one that had cast a shadow over Aki. A pair of metal aviator goggles cover eyes underneath a black banded straw hat. Below, an open, yellow, hawiian shirt covers a plain, white undershirt. Aki's boyfriend pulls his goggles up off of his eyes, giving her a playful, pouting look. "Hey! It's almost 10! It's time to wake up sleepyhead!" He chuckles with a bright smile, and kneels down to flick a strand of her hair out of her eyes. Instantly, Aki's eyes open. "T-Ten AM is not late!" She shouts, despite Nar not being present anymore.
Later that day, Aki is paid a visit by her friend, Asuka. She wants to at the very least, look decent when she meets with her sister tonight, and of all (4) of the people she knows in the city, she's the best for advice. That afternoon, Aki, and Asuka head to Vanhoover's only remaining mall, where Asuka helps Aki pick out an outfit, and get her hair done. She doesn't get it cut really, just trimmed a little, and cleaned up a bit. After her little makeover, Askua declares Aki ready for her meeting with her sister. The two then head to Asuka's house so Aki can meet up with her boyfriend.
In the living room of their house, Nar, Juno, and Scrappy sit around their tv as they play a co-op beat 'em up together. The front door opens, followed by Asuka's voice filling the room with "I'm back, nerds!" Scrappy turns to smile, and wave, Juno answers with a "Sup", and Nar pauses the game so he can stand to greet her. As he moves towards the door, Asuka speaks again. "Allow me to introduce to you, the cutest thing you've ever seen." Asuka gives her brother a sly smirk as she steps aside, revealing Aki, standing behind her.
Asuka was not lying. Aki's hair, while still just as long, is now well kept, and free of knots, and tangles. It has a small sheen to it, and smells faintly of vanilla. On the back of her head sits one of Asuka's black hair bows, which Asuka has gifted Aki. Her shirt is a white v-neck blouse with black laces across the V itself. Her nails have been manicured, but she seems to have declined to have them painted. Below her blouse, she wears a black skirt, which stops just above the knees. Her legs are covered by black, and white striped leggings, with a pair of black loafers on her feet.
Nar's mouth opens to speak, but no words come out. A light blush runs across his face, and all he can do for a moment is just smile. Aki turns her head away to try and hide the blush rapidly spreading across her cheeks. Something about the way Nar is looking at her... No one's ever looked at her like that before. Finally, Nar manages to get a word out. "Wow..." Asuka then harshly elbows her brother in the side. "Well, lunkhead? How's she look?" "Cute as a button!" There's another moment of silence, which is broken when Aki turns to look back at Nar and ask. "R-really? You mean it?" Nar nods enthusiastically. "Yeah!" He opens his arms for a hug, but doesn't seem willing to actually initiate it. He doesn't want to mess up her outfit, hair, or makeup! Suddenly, Asuka shoves him forward, and Aki gasps, throwing her arms open to catch him. The two 'accidentally' embrace, and Askua smugly smirks at her job well done.
The couple stands in the doorway, locked in each other's arms for what seems like an eternity. This is only broken when Juno shouts from the living room. "Get a room, you two!" At this, the two break their hug, and Asuka moves in to shove the two towards the stairs. "Run along you two! You don't want to be late!" She then leans in to whisper into Nar's ear. "We understand if you want to spend the night at Aki's. We'll give you two some privacy." She gives him a wink, and he responds by pushing her away with one hand. "Oh shut up!" Asuka cackles before she closes the front door behind them.
Nar, and Aki sit at a booth inside of one of Vanhoover's most prestigious cafes. After ordering their drinks, the two are left to wait for the person they're expecting to meet tonight. The longer they wait, the more Aki's anxiety rises. She begins to tap her foot, and her breathing becomes more shallow, and erratic. Nar takes notice of this, and wraps an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close. He gently rubs her shoulder as he whispers comforts, and assurances to her. He's with her, and he's not going to leave her to face this alone.
After their drinks arrive, and 10 more minutes of waiting...
A limousine pulls up to the cafe, and a chauffeur steps out to open the back door. As he does so, a slender leg wearing pink, designer, knee-high boots with fashionable buckles steps out onto the pavement. The chauffeur offers a hand, and helps the person inside out. Out steps a gray unicorn mare wearing a sparkling, pink dress, a fur scarf, and a pair of designer sunglasses. He long, black hair is perfectly prim, shines like a gem, and flows with an unnatural grace. The makeup on her face appears to make her rosy cheeks shine, and gives her a doll-like appearance. In every sense of the word, she looks to be the 'idea woman.' Petite figure, with desirable features, fashionable, designer clothes, and body language that just screams "I'm too good for you honey."
Cameras flash. Microphones jut outwards, but are pushed away by two burly minotaur bodyguards. Where all the paparazzi and the bodyguards came from? Nar doesn't know. The chauffeur opens the door of the cafe. As the woman steps inside, all conversation stops. The click of her heeled boots are all that can be heard as she struts down the aisle, towards the booth Nar, and Aki are sitting at. From a few tables down, Nar hears one patron whisper excitedly to her friend. "Oh my Artemis! That's Miki Inoue!"
With each step, Aki sinks further, and further into her seat. If it wasn't for Nar slipping his hand under her arm to pull her back up, she probably would have just slid under the table. Miki stops in front of the booth, and reaches up to remove her sunglasses. Her eyes underneath seem to sparkle. Miki slides into the opposite side of the booth. All is silent in anticipation. Then, Miki beams a superstar smile, and cheerfully greets her sister. "Aki! Oh. My. GOSH! It's been forever!" Miki goes to grab her sister's hand with hers, but she's blocked by Nar, who takes Aki's hand into his first. At this, she raises an eyebrow, but maintains her beaming smile. "Oh? Who's this? Have you made a new friend, Aki?" Aki sinks into her seat once more. Nar takes the opportunity to respond. "Actually, we're partners." He then looks over to Aki, giving her a warm smile. His gaze stays focused on her for around five seconds before he turns back towards Miki. At this, Miki speaks again, only now, she's switched to Neighpanese. "I never thought you'd manage to get a boyfriend. I always thought you'd die alone." Despite the words spoken, Miki's tone is still light, and cheerful. Aki's chest begins to rise, and fall faster, and faster. Nar keeps his bright smile on his face, despite the rage he's just been filled with. He doesn't want Miki to know he knows Neighpanese just yet. He gives Aki's hand a tight squeeze. 'Hang in there.'
"So. You're a pretty famous actress, huh? Miki, right?" Asks Nar, quite casually. The other patrons in the cafe seemed shocked. Miki nods in response, switching back to Equestrian. "Award winning! I have quite a few awards from many different film academies!" She then lets out a playful giggle. "But I don't like to brag!" Sure. Sure. Nar continues to smile as he responds with. "That's cool! My band recently got inducted into the Equestrian Music Hall of Fame." Eyes widen. Gasps are heard. Then, people begin to realize. Miki's expression doesn't change. "Oh! Really? And what's your band's name?"
"Attack on Mango."
She doesn't show it, but Nar can see it in her eyes. It's just clicked for Miki who she's talking to. She lets out another giggle, turning her attention to her sister. "Ooooh, you didn't tell me you were dating a rockstar!" Aki mumbles something under her breath. Miki tilts her head slightly. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Nar interjects. "She was just asking when the waiter's gonna come back."
For the rest of the meeting, Miki makes polite conversation, mostly with Nar. Aki does her best to stay upright, and not embarrass herself. Though, Nar can tell that Miki enjoys seeing Aki struggle every time she tries to talk to her.
After an hour, Miki finally stands up to leave. "Well, that was fun! I'm so glad you brought your little friend along!" Miki then pulls a notepad out of her purse, along with a pen. She writes something down on one of the pages before ripping it out, and bringing it up to her lips. "We should totally hang out, just us, some time, Nar. I think we'd have a lot of fun together!" She then levitates the page over to Nar, revealing it to be her phone number, with a pink kiss mark at the bottom. Aki shrinks in her seat. Nar simply takes the paper, and 'accidentally' crumples it while trying to put it in his pocket. "I'll think about it."
Then, the clicking of Miki's boots echoes into the distance, and she exits the cafe. Her limo pulls up to the cafe shortly after, and she turns to peer back in through the window to give the two a little wave, and blow them a kiss. Miki then hops into her limo, and is gone.
Nar pulls Aki into a tight hug.
"Aki, I'm so proud of you. I know that was incredibly difficult for you. You were so brave."
Aki lifts her head just in time to see Nar take the crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket, and rip it up. He then crumples the pieces together, and wads them into a napkin, which he places on his empty plate. "C'mon. Let's go back to your apartment, and put on some My Hero. I know you're dying to get to the finale."
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The sound of her phone ringing forces Aki to rouse from her slumber. She lets out a groan as she reaches over to check what time it is. 8 AM? That's far too early for anyone to be making a phone call. However, when she checks the number, she vaguely recognizes it. Too tired to recall exactly who the number belongs to, Aki picks up her phone, and places it to her ear, accepting the call. She doesn't even realize that the number isn't an Equestrian number.
"Hello?" Aki's voice is groggy, and sluggish. The voice on the other end responds with an energetic, cutesy tone in Neighpanese. "Heeeeeyyyy sis!" Instantly, Aki's entire day is ruined. "I'm shooting a movie in Vanhoover starting tomorrow, soooo, I was wondering if you'd like to meet up! I'd love to catch up, and tell you all about things back home!" Aki does not respond for quite some time. Deep, mental scars that had only just begun to heal are opened anew. Aki CAN'T deal with her sister. Not now. Not ever again. Yet... "S-sure." The word slides out of her mouth without thought. "Great! How about I pick out a nice cafe, and we'll meet tomorrow at 6 PM, your time, kay? Bye!" Click.
Later that morning, around 10, Nar makes his way into Aki's apartment for his usual morning check in. He's a little upset when he finds that Aki has not left her bedroom yet, but he knows it's going to take more than just a week or two for her to get into a better sleep schedule. He heads over to her bedroom, and gives it a few knocks. "Up and at 'em Aki! Time to wake up!" He doesn't get a response. At this, Nar opens the bedroom door, finding his girlfriend curled up around her pillow. She appears to groan softly as the light from the hallway hits her eyes. As she lifts her head to look up at him, Nar thinks it looks like she's been crying. The partially dried wet spot on her pillow where she'd had her face buried in it seems to confirm that.
Nar's tone softens. He eases to sit down on the bed beside Aki, and begins to gently rub her shoulder. "Hey, Spidey. What's wrong?" Aki only manages a half-cried groan in response. Her head then thumps back onto her bed. At this, Nar takes off his skates, and slides over to the other side of the bed. He then gently slides up behind Aki, wrapping his arms around her in a big cuddle burrito. "Did you die in that permadeath game you got into yesterday?" Aki only manages to groan again, but she does slowly flip herself over to face him. Nar reaches a hand up to gently stroke her hair as he plants a kiss on her forehead. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here." Aki looks up at him with big, adoring eyes. She then wraps her arms around him in a hug as she buries her face into his chest.
The two cuddle in silence for around 10 minutes before Aki manages to break the silence.
"My sister called."
Genuine confusion washes over Nar. "I didn't even know you had a sister." Aki gives a slow nod in response. "I... I don't like to talk about my family... I moved here to get away from them." "That bad, huh? Do you know why your sister called you?" "She wants to meet tomorrow. She's filming a movie in the city." "And what did you tell her?" Aki is silent for a few moments. "I said sure." "But you really didn't want to, did you?" How can he read her like a book? Can Nar read minds?! "No... I didn't." "Well, you could call her back, and cancel." Aki simply groans. "Or, I could go with you." "You don't have to..." "Well, you clearly don't want to go, and you aren't going to call her back to cancel, so I'm going to go with you." Aki tries to protest, but Nar simply isn't having it. He refuses to let Aki go meet with her sister alone if this is how a simple phone call ends.
Eventually, Nar manages to cheer Aki up enough for them to get out of bed, but by that time, it's well past time for breakfast.
After a quick shower, and change of clothes, the couple sets out to find themselves somewhere to grab some lunch. Nar shoots a text to his bandmates to let them know he won't be home until tomorrow, then begins to form a plan to help Aki prepare for the meeting with her sister tomorrow.
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Nar has started playing various online games to spend more time with his girlfriend. One such game being 100% Orange Juice. When he learned that she had unlocked/bought EVERY item in the game, he wasn... View More
You know what? Haven't seen one of these in a while, so I'll do it myself!
Voice claims! Comment a voice claim for your character below! (I.E: An existing character/person your character would sound ... View More
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Whoever voices Bee from Bee and Puppycat is about as close to Magius as you will get
I can't really think of a voice that fits Yearling outside of a lower, more gruff version of my own voice, but my other characters definitely have ones that I can name.
Star is basically like a Hinata voice, except a lot less shy, and somewhat less whispery. Basically more willing to actually shout... View More
I don’t think there are any clips of just her for reference but Piama from Malcolm in the Middle for Pepper https://youtu.be/OrUJeOa-1-g?si=xr_jEvh8NM2iFiu1 and Nadia Vulvokov from Russian Doll for Sin https://youtu.be/YHcKoAMGGvY?si=bPEFOuSdTUpfpN58
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