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by on November 7, 2021
The rough sounding voice of a young male speaks up. "Alright..Its working..Good...Obsilion..I hope this message reaches you..If you're still out there. I'm out of food and my life support has ran out....You probably still see me as a traitor...That's alright I guess...I just wish you knew the truth..." The voice sighs softly. "I'm just glad I got to run one last mission with you....It seems now I'll be going home..Funny..I never imagined I'd die like this...I always thought I'd die fighting...
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by on November 6, 2021
Blood is thicker than water. The full quote reads, “the blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb” and is rather misrepresented. In this case, however, the shortened version is the more apt choice. This is the case of Winter Rose, better known as Blind Faith, whose loyalty is swayed in the passing of a strong breeze. She longs to be better than she is, yet falls short of every opportunity that might make it so. At this moment in time, her fickle nature has lead her to a high sec...
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by on November 4, 2021
There was no way to know for certain how long it had been since the pegasus had been apprehended. Locked in a horribly cramped room with no window and with bright lights on at all hours, Faith's only measurement of time came every few days when she was held down by several guards and the IV that slowly fed her just enough liquid to survive on was replaced. She was exhausted, yet unable to sleep for more than moments at a time, for fear of losing the precious time she needed to plan an escape. ...
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by on November 3, 2021
Greetings, today we have the apatosaurus. Apatosaurus is a large sauropod which originated in North equestria during the late Jurassic period. Reaching up to twenty-seven meters in length, Apatosaurus is a gentle giant with a small head in comparison to its body. studies suggest that Apatosaurus could crack its tail like a whip, producing a sonic boom in excess of 200 decibels, which would have been loud enough to kill a pony from the shockwave alone This makes the tail a perfect weapon against ...
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by on November 2, 2021
10 years ago. Polo break down a door before tackling a nobody into the ground and used reality shift to beat it. The family inside are looking at Polo with fear as the nobody vanished then he spoke "Sorry about the door..." The earth pony punch Polo in the face and said "Get out of here you monster." Polo was about to say something before thinking about it then leaves the house. He look at the keyblade as a few heartless appeared from the shadows like a swarm before charging at him but, as fa...
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by on October 31, 2021
Perhaps the worst of it all was the sickly smell of decomposing leaves, Fletcher was never a fan of the Fall season for that very reason. Mist crept through the trees, crawling up their roots and wrapping around his legs as he made his way through the woods. He didn't mind the cold, he didn't mind the dark, those had become oh-so natural to him over the last few years. What truly bothered him was that smell, decay. The certainty that all things are one day to whither and rot. He halted by ...
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by on October 30, 2021
A List of Pre-Unification Deities and Beliefs Earth: The Spirits of Water, Harvest, and Rot (Three Spirits for the Birth, Life, and Death of All Things) Pegasus: The Four Winds (The Winds Will Guide You, If You’re Willing to Listen) ...
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by on October 22, 2021
Concentration. It's the first rule of all magic users attempting any form of spectacle performance. Magic starts at the base of concentration. Wiping away the world around you, whether it be for hours, minutes, or seconds, to purely focus on what you attempt in achieving. It's at this beginning stage where no mistakes must come into being. For the most minor distraction or hesitation will only result in failure. Sadly....failure was a common pattern as of late. A small flower was straight ah...
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by on October 21, 2021
Greenery on all sides soon gave way to the familiar clearing which housed the cottage Mirror called home, and she made her way to the door, face set with determination and head held high. The illusion of confidence provided her with just enough real confidence that when she pushed open that door and stepped inside, she really was ready to confront Faith. She had practiced in her mind exactly what she would say. But Faith was not there. A quick glance confirmed that. No lights were on in any roo...
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by on October 20, 2021
It was evening, and a beautiful one at that. Gold cascaded down from the heavens above to find a lone pegasus bent over her desk in a little cottage in the Wandering Woods. She gripped a letter open tightly in her teeth by its dark leather handle. Naturally, this pegasus was Blind Faith herself. ...
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by on October 19, 2021
Light filtered through the trees to dust gold on the grass and the dirt, and on each thing that lived beneath that canopy, so that the Wandering Woods looked nearly as magical as they were. Among the light and the trees stood a lone unicorn. She glittered like glass, from her pale blue mane to the soft pink coat of her fur, and seemed as delicate, too - her long limbs were thin, and they trembled and creaked when she moved. The only part of her immune to the shimmering light was her beach glas...
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by on October 19, 2021
Hello and welcome, here were gonna talk about the triceratops. Among the largest of the ceratopsian family, Triceratops is one of the most famous dinosaur in the world, originating in Late cretaceous. The most distinctive feature of the Triceratops are its neck frill and the three horns which gave the animal its name. it’s arch-nemesis and equally famous Tyrannosaurus, was known to hunt and battle Triceratops. In terms of its environment, it lived in a range of ecologies, including subtropical i...
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by on October 18, 2021
As you must know my name is nova moon , daughter of King Sombra. I want to learn the value of friendship so one day my father and I can live in harmony with all the other creatures and ponies of Equestria, i'm not used to writing letters... but i hope you understand that my father has changed and wants to learn about friendship and harmony...
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by on October 16, 2021
It was early morning when Mirror crept back into the cottage, but Faith was still awake. She sat at the table. Mirror plastered a bright smile on her face and lifted her head as if she hadn't been trying to sneak in. "Hello." "Welcome home, my dear. You were out so late. Is everything alright?" "I was caught in the storm. I do apologize, I wanted to come home to you, but I could not make it in those winds." ...
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by on October 14, 2021
Faith tapped four spots on the desk, watched a slot roll open, and put the parchment she'd been writing on inside. It slid smoothly back into place with a click at the same time as she stood up. Her wings clicked, too, when she stretched them out, and she noticed that it was dark outside the window, which struck her as odd. It struck her as odd because Mirror wasn't home yet. For twelve years, Mirror had been devoted entirely to Faith. She had come to their clearing each day, had read to her, h...
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by on October 12, 2021
The damage was worse this time, and Whiplash had already been dismissed for the night. The sting of her numerous cuts and bruises dulled out any sense of emotional pain at her best friend leaving her to rot in the jail cell of Manehattan’s holding cell. The all-too cold bench of the cell had become somewhat of a comforting embrace over her numerous years ending back up in here – now going on three or four years of this dance. The pain-laced scowl was etched on her strikingly-bright face – a h...
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by on October 12, 2021
Usually, Betty would be surprised to find her husband home when she woke up. Considering he usually worked from nearly 5 in the morning, until 6 at night Monday through Saturday it was rare for him to ever spend more than an hour or two awake once he got home. Sure, it limited the time they got to spend together during the day, but they were both pretty busy, and Betty didn't mind only having one full day a week with her husband. The time apart just made their time together all the more special....
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by on October 11, 2021
( ) ...
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by on October 9, 2021
Hello again , here we have the parasaurolophus. Parasaurolophus is an average sized hadrosaur but is otherwise distinguished by its prominent curved Crest. They're social animals and mix well with other herbivores, their Crest are used as a amplifying chamber to communicate or for mating displays and as defence. They're herbivorous animals, they're peaceful but not be provoked. Hope to see you all again in the next talk
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by on October 8, 2021
— Today at 7:16 AM Buster wakes with a start again, though much less dramatic this time. Noticing the absence of their largest member wakes him up fully and he gazes about the room to notice a new open door. He checks on his brothers before curiosity urges him away from the warm pony pile. — Today at 7:20 AM His new mother stirred and mumbled, groggy. "Where do you think you're going?" ...
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by on October 7, 2021
When Ignition stepped out of the medical bay, he was greeted by a crowd of wastelanders all enthralled to see him walking. Cheers of "blood talisman" swept around the main floor, like a chant. A chant that was more damning than any of them would ever realize. The stallion did not bear this new scar of that title with any resemblance of pride, but despair and shame. And that flickered on his face now as he began to move through the crowd slowly, painfully. It parted for him of course. And he was ...
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by on October 3, 2021
Changelings are the most notorious of Equestrian fae. They require love to sustain themselves, and for a very long time, this led them down dark paths. Foals were stolen from their cribs and replaced by newly hatched changelings in their likeness. While horrifying behaviour to pony kingdoms, it was a custom formed of desperation. No changeling wanted to let their children starve and suffer, not while ponykind gorged themselves on hoarded resources, and they did not harm the stolen foals. Each on...
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by on October 2, 2021
I am holding a party in the Town Square with pinkie pie and I want you to come to my party because, I want one princess to come to my party, and after that I want you to come to my friend's baby shower (don't forget the presents for the baby) and of course the trip to the rainbow factory.:rd_sunglasses::ninjadash:
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by on September 30, 2021
Rise of the Gods and the Void. Approximately 20,000 years ago, a star was shattered and the eldritch horde was pulled into the world, the moon was sent careening towards the galactic west. The planet was under siege from interstellar menace until a creature of unbridled fury rose up. This was Midan, the god-breaker. The raging flame burned black as he tore through the ranks and stole their power. Accumulating the strength to punch the skull of the eldritch elder god’s head open. Once stealing h...
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by on September 30, 2021
Novaya's eyes moved back and forth between the blank piece of paper on the table in front of her and the old polaroid next to it. The pen in her mouth wobbled slightly as her lip quivered. She was hesitant. The mare had attempted to write this a thousand times already, but could never find the strength to put her thoughts and feelings into words… Closing her eyes she sighed heavily, the air escaping her lungs in uneven bursts. No, she couldn't burst into tears and give up again. It had to be...
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by on September 30, 2021
Somehow, the entire world had flipped inside out over the course of a single afternoon. It had even found time to shatter at the same time. Mirror could feel her head nodding. She was beyond tired, and could not have said how long she had been walking, nor even where she was going. Her lungs ached so fiercely that she longed to stop breathing, and perhaps that would have made more sense - but then, Mirror was not a mare to give in so easily. This was the same witch who had spent anywhere fro...
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by on September 30, 2021
This might end up being more than one blog simply on the area of length. I wanted to express my headcanon for the magic in the show and use in roleplay from my point of view, this is by no means a hard rule that I expect everyone to abide by when they RP with me, but it is the line of thinking that I follow whenever I make a pony who has a basis around magic. On the forefront there inherently are two kinds of magic, active and passive. Passive magic is the type of magic that isn't cast or...
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by on September 30, 2021
The jokes that sonic performed in front of everybody were so funny. He added a few addons to his jokes and also a few movements too which made everyone like him more than their Canterlot duties. I want you to calm down the Canterlot ponies for a couple of moments so I can talk to the crowd about the speech I was pre[aring for till today. love, Amy Rose
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by on September 29, 2021
I can't wait for my friend sonic to perform on the stage at the gala, he is kind of scared performing a joke show in a front of a crowd but I wish you were there to see this. it will be a pleasure for you to come to check it out, Sonic has been practicing saying jokes to me and the mane 6 last week and he did a great job telling them, we even laughed at his jokes. If you can't come I am also thinking to make a video of him saying jokes and send it to you by email. Your biggest fan, Amy Rose...
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by on September 28, 2021
Bridlely hadn’t been much, especially in the seaside town on the riviera. Days had been spent well-warmed by the sun and full of laughter, chasing after her friends along the sea. Life had been good, albeit filled with minute struggles, full of long days ending with her sleeping on the bar at her mother’s job, well into the earliest hours of the morning. It hadn’t been much, but it’d been . Chiara liked Until it wasn’t. The news of “moving day” had been something the filly wasn’t supposed to ...
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by on September 26, 2021
It had been a long day for Silver. Getting back into her career as a flight racer was a long process and a lot of publicity, this meant enduring interviews and tackling questions that she would not find very appealing. Alas, that is what it was if she were to become a coach or even reignite the passion of racing herself in the lower divisions of the leagues, not pleasant stuff. These requirements to fulfil were what had her out of place. The mare at home left pacing back and forth as her mind ...
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by on September 23, 2021
Each second passed so slowly. She could not think, because that hurt as badly as anything else. Every breath stung like bitter cold in her lungs. There was nothing, nothing but pain in every part of her. Needles across her skin and daggers in her eyes, hammers and bowling balls in her head. Her ears ached inside and out. Her skin felt pulled tight across rows of molars jutting out from her muscles. Every so often, she would stop breathing, just stop so that she could have that moment of peace....
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by on September 23, 2021
Herd, Equestrian, Crystal Empire: 1.) A group of ponies all led by one or a hoof-full of central mares called matriarchs. 2.) A family where the oldest living mare is in a leadership role. 3.) A relationship between a stallion and two or more mares. (Archaic) Herd, Outside Equestrian Lands: 1.) A term for any group configuration of ponies with the leadership role being either a mare or a stallion. 2.) A relationship between a stallion and two or more mares. Matriarch, Equestrian, Crystal E...
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by on September 21, 2021
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by on September 20, 2021
Papillon had been staying in a hotel for a few weeks now. She always hated hotels. They were always so uncomfortable. The beds were too thin and coarse. The beds themselves were always either too tough or too soft. The pillows were basically decoration. The television didn’t have anything on it- and there was hardly even a way to cook. This was exactly what led to the current situation of the mare sitting alone on an uncomfortable couch, watching a styrofoam cup of noodles. A small timer was sit...
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by on September 20, 2021
The hunt was always the same. Search abandoned buildings, sewers, caves, and more often forests. One lead always led to another until an end was met. I had never called myself a detective, but looking back on it now, it was the closest to a… positive description of my mission. This hunt, like many others, had led me out of Canterlot and into the unknowns of Whitetail Woods. I had stood way too long outside of the forest as if something surrounding it kept me out. As if I were being told...
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