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by on September 17, 2021
The burden of growth can be referred to as a necessary process when transferring from a state of dormancy or stagnancy. A seed is quite happily a seed, that is until it's tossed into a growth medium and drenched. Now the addition of water stimulates the germination process which includes the breaking through of the shoot. The burden of growth is often times an uncomfortable and even painful experience. But pain is what ultimately drives us. We can't experience life without experiencing suffering...
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by on September 16, 2021
Queen Jonquil had never been a particularly affectionate mother. By the time White Rose was old enough to fight, she was in training to be a soldier, princess though she was. She had never known another life, and so was glad to serve her kingdom. In short order, Rose had risen through the ranks, and at last for all her efforts her mother noticed her - in fact, she was appointed the general of Jonquil's personal guard, made of those elite few who would have laid down their life for her, but would...
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by on September 14, 2021
Welcome my little listeners, today we have another dino to discuss. This dino is a plant eater ( but they also eat lizards and stones ) known as gallimimus an excellent runner when being hunted or travelling and like to be in a group of 20, they also have great vision to spot predators like the t-rex. They pretty harmless so I'm sure theres nothing to worry about and are the largest and best known of the ornithomimidae family. Well that's it for today everyone, have a great day and as always sta...
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by on September 11, 2021
A dazzling new day broke through Bee's curtains, to find her already lacing up her leather gauntlets for what promised to be a grand adventure. Birds greeted the sun from the trees outside. She tied her leather pouch on and slipped her red cloak over her head - up went the hood, just covering the two sharp horns between her ears, and it was time to get started! Bee moved almost silently down the tavern's stairs. She tossed a few bits in the tip jar on her way to the door, as not even the own...
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by on September 6, 2021
Smiles are the one thing Canterlot ponies seemed unable to afford. Their riches could buy them almost anything, and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to buy the Sun and Moon. Walking these streets almost daily left me with more dread than even standing up to an Ersa Major. Their “clean” noses held high, hoof steps in sync, and eyes almost closed as the mindless wondered about. At least until eyes landed on me. Within an instant the faces of hoity-toity righteousness quickly burn...
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by on September 4, 2021
Before I tell you my story, and before I delve too deep into the mystery of my life, I would like to explain what a Godhunter is. Godhunters* -though far and few between- are trained fighters who serve only to delay, stop, or end those that wish to or have become gods. Gods, in this case, are ponies and creatures who have found power far beyond that of your average pony. Those that find artifacts, weapons, elixirs, and other means of incurring their deepest desires and manifesting them to real...
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by on September 2, 2021
Welcome again my faithful little listeners to another know your dino, this guy is known as the allosaurus a ferocious apex predator that doesn't tolerate it's own kind unless it's a female. It doesn't have a very strong bite but it is theorized to use its upper jaw like a hatchet to inflict bleeding damage. It lives in semiarid environments with distinct wet and dry seasons and flat floodplains. Thanks for listening and have a great day
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by on August 30, 2021
Wind whips a cloud of white snow around the bus as it lazily chugs along a long forgotten road. It's driver has ridden this route many times before, so this storm is not unusual for him. His sleeping passenger had fallen asleep only 5 minutes after the bus left Vanhoover, and now that they were nearing their destination she was beginning to wake. By the time Asuka has managed to wake herself up she finds the wrinkled face of the veteran bus driver staring directly into her soul. That was as ...
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by on August 28, 2021
Residents of equestria better watch for the tall grass because most likely these guys will be in it, the large claw on its foot is used to kill its prey. They have a call that they use to signal others for help, they're length is roughly two meters long and weighting 15 kilograms on average, they're extremely intelligent too knowing how to set traps and open doors, when they look at you they're already figuring things out. They hunt in pack and they attack from left and right using another rapto...
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by on August 25, 2021
Cast your mind back several years, for this is where our story begins. It has been only months since her love was locked away in stone, and Mirror is restless, even as she walks the path she has marked out on a map. This path would lead her to an ingredient she believed may be essential to healing the wounds that had brought her to cast the stone sleep spell upon Blind Faith. Walking felt so slow. Each step seemed so much shorter than she would have liked, and she longed to run, as she had at ...
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by on August 25, 2021
Say hello equestria's newest queen. T-rex is the most recognisable dinosaur in history, they're big and ferocious, they prefer to be alone except if it's a Male or a female. Males have a green skin tone while females have a light brown, they cant see you you dont move, they're bite force is stronger then a crocodiles. I hope you'll use this information when you happen to encounter one, if you see a nest make sure you stay away or they will track you until they find you. Have a wonderful day
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by on August 23, 2021
Hearing about Prince Dusk Shine made Lesa think back to the day when she was his assistant, she was twenty-one years of age when she met Dusk for the first time. Without any doubt that stallion loved his books. He did have quite a collection of books in his library all nicely organized. How did Lesa become Dusk's assistant? You would think he wouldn't need one because he already had one his trustworthy dragon assistant. She didn't use her charm or her looks nor did she use her knowledge, she was...
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by on August 22, 2021
"Arold!....Arold! ....Arold you shouldn't go against the Dark Leader!" "Mhm...." A quick open of the eyes seemed to be the first action taken by the Nightmare Spirit. The Nightmare Spirit of Artemis himself. A spirit with power and control. A being of pure danger. One that would normally be doing his current night job. The job of dream jumping and eliminating terrible dreams from sleepers without any of them being the wiser. However....that's not what he was doing. That's not where he was goi...
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by on August 21, 2021
None would have dared notice the disappearance of the occasional castle staff member, for the fear of meeting a similar fate, and certainly they didn't ask why they'd been promoted to a role that had been filled for years. This meant that the maids, the cooks, even the guards, all kept to themselves. It made for a very lonely castle, and was lonelier still for Blind Faith. She'd once been the general of the queen's personal guard. When she lost her vision to an injury in combat, she was given...
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by on August 17, 2021
Obsilion sat out in front of a tunnel, panting heavily as he sat against a tree. He is pretty much soaked in sweat and is nearing dehydration. There is something strange about the tunnel that he is sitting in front of. The tunnel appears to have been freshly carved. Not only that, but there is some blood splattered here and there. The way the tunnel was carved made it seem like someone was punching or kicking the rock away. Obsilion would continue to sit against the tree, panting heavily. His a...
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by on August 12, 2021
When at last the day of the festival dawned, Hebe rose with the sun, too excited to be tired. She did not have much to prepare, but she found that a white linen gown had been laid out for her, and so she put it on and brushed her curls free of knots, humming a bubbly tune all the while. Then she looked in the mirror hanging on her wall and smiled at herself. At last - at last, she was to see those she loved again. Her heart raced at the thought. Two brusque knocks came at the door, as always ...
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by on August 10, 2021
The late summer heat was bearing down, rendering many to seek the shelter of their homes as soon as they could, surrounded by fans, air conditioning, or even pools if they were so lucky. However, being deep in the Everfree did have one good thing going for it. The trees blocked out most of the sunlight, leaving the forest floor cool and calm, albeit a bit damp in some places. Light filtered through the green leaves, allowing small spears of sun to pierce through to the ground. Spirit sucked ...
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by on August 10, 2021
These past weeks have began to blend together. Throughout my current rule over half the Kingdom, it seems trouble finds ways to arrive at my Castle doors. Brother isn't giving up is he? Course he isn't. He was always stubborn. Stubborn in his ideals. Stubborn in his agreements to Father. Traitor. Backstabber. All titles he claims me to be. But, I'm not the one that was pushing his only sibling aside. I wasn't the one that was going on about building a Kingdom in 'my' image. It wasn't only about ...
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by on August 7, 2021
(this is part of the new time line that happens if Crimson stop the 20 year into the future one from happening) Polo kick down the front door of a building as Darker simply levitated Polo then fling him across the room and said "I don't even miss fighting you, all i care about is benefiting my employees and having a healthy wage to live on and i heard my grandson has decrees the minimum wage, remove the health care plan for each race to benefit and make this place a joke for all of those...
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by on August 4, 2021
Hello, everyone, Misty Nights here with some awesome news! We're proud to give you all a teaser on a very cool feature we've been working on for a bit of time now. This new feature allows you to easily switch between characters to create a post as them. here's the best part, you don't have to go through the process of going to "Your Characters" and clicking/Tapping the "Switch" button anymore! At least for character interactions. It does it seamlessly. One other cool thing about this is that it...
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by on August 3, 2021
Prince Aster's obsession grew only greater as each day passed. He took no food or rest, and would not see anyone. The kingdom trembled on the verge of falling. And then a rumor whispered from the shadows crept into the castle and into the royal court, where it found the prince. All at once his demeanor changed, he spoke with his subjects in the streets and even threw open feasts, as if all his love for Jonquil had turned to his subjects. None could complain, for he personally made certain ...
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by on August 3, 2021
Spirit’s eyes shot open. A cold sweat broke against her brow. She slowly moved herself up to a sitting position on her small cot, resting a hoof against her face. She didn’t know why she woke up. It must have just been another nightmare. Though usually she remembered them, this one slipped through her memory like sand through a sieve. She inhaled slowly, and exhaled again. It was fine. She was fine. She just needed to try and get back to sleep. A sound. Glass cracking? What… was that? Her body...
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by on July 12, 2021
*If you haven't read the first part I would suggest reading that one first. Its titled "Found" Dragonfly would jolt away and shake his head, slinging water all over the metal floor and walls. He would try to move but found himself restrained to a pipe connected to the wall. He looked around and found two stallions standing in front of him, both in uniforms he couldn't identify and masks that covered their faces. One had an empty bucket beside him that looked like it was holding water, water ...
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by on July 11, 2021
It isn't often that a story ends with the death of its protagonist, at least not the stories sung by the bards or written in the common books. This one proved to be no different. However, unlike the other stories, this wasn't the tale of one born with great power tearing down the evil of their homeland, nor that of a simple commoner rising and winning against the otherwise impossible. This is the story of one who has done nothing but flee. And flee he did. ...
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by on July 10, 2021
Guard duty. One of the most boring states of being in the history of the world, Carmine thought. Perhaps it was only slightly better than book sorting, but at least book sorting didn't involve long-winded lectures by his partner for the day. Glorious Valor, a squeaky-clean pegasus with an otherworldly regal air about him. Everything about him said "I know better than you," from the booming way his voice carried his virtues, to his color scheme reminiscent of a paladin's armor. Valor's pristine...
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by on July 7, 2021
So, every day, I wake up at 6. Doesn't matter how long I slept last night, always 6. I got like, 3 hours'a sleep, but it's cool - that's what coffee's fer. I untangle myself from Gray without wakin'im up 'n slip outta bed - we cuddled last night, like always. Good frickin' stuff! (Don't tell anyone I said that though, he gets real embarassed about it.) I grab my bag off the floor, and head ta the kitchen. Gotta have a good breakfast. While the coffee brews, I whip up some eggs 'n toast fer my...
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by on July 4, 2021
mission log number: 2,137 location: pastel horse world subject: depress horse ...
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by on July 3, 2021
(I just wanted to share a list I made recently describing the differences between my OC Prince Glaciem and some of the canonical cast of the show. If you see any I left out and want to see included feel free to leave a comment." Princess Celestia: Prince Glaciem *A Princess *A Prince *A psudo Mother *A Psudo Father ...
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by on July 1, 2021
Canterlot was quiet in the heat of the day. The sun reflected and refracted off the white stone buildings, causing the cobble streets to be nearly unwalkable surfaces. But Spirit didn’t mind this. She’d felt worse, for sure. She had something much more important to deal with than nurse burned hooves today, after all. And she knew she’d not be on the stone for long. She would pause outside of the gate that she needed, before sucking in a deep breath. Canterlot Hills Cemetery. Soon, her hooves we...
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by on June 26, 2021
I'm super excited! Well, Starsilk doesn't seem too excited but her expression is probably more along the lines of "it's about time" more than anything 🤭 So, as you might have noticed, Starsilk has evolved into quite some changes throughout the years. I find that doing digital art is not the same for me as drawing on paper. So I've chosen to draw her on paper first and -then- add a digital touch and eureka! Progress. ...
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by on June 24, 2021
Name: Stardusk Strider Age: 10 The first night out and about in such a long time. The stallion was beginning to give up the idea of ever seeing the outside world ever again. Of course, it's not how he would have liked to see it: It's the dead of night (around 2 AM), with the streets barren as all the ponies have sheltered up for their rest. This is quite the opposite for his clan, however, as they are most active in the night, to work on keeping the peace in the later hours. He could not re...
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by on June 24, 2021
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by on June 24, 2021
If you wanna :I
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by on June 24, 2021
I'll keep repping you queen 🙏🏻😔💕 Barb for life
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by on June 23, 2021
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by on June 22, 2021
I like hay, I am partially gay, my dog is a stray and you are now my bae. We are here, I am queer, no one will touch your nor my precious beer. I look like a ghost, you look like burnt toast, hope you liked that roast. I hate the kazoo, I hope you do too, guess what? You're the #1 waifu.
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