Friendship Letters
I can feel a string pulling me in a display case someone built for me. I'm youthful here forever and with that comes beauty and impurity. Dancing in my heart a clock ticks to the same beat. Each beat is a second on the clock and every second the clock beats faster. I dance in excitement over this clock echoeing in my vacant head. Everything had moved from my limbs, all the blood pumping to and back to my heart. The repeated rhythm goes faster. And for that, a heart becomes fragile. Smother it ...
Two lanterns softly swayed in the darkness, lightening up the way to their destination. No breeze rolled through the hills, a light mist curled and twirled by the corners of the eye. This was no ordinary night, but that information was never given to the young stallions. No, no, no, that would ruin the whole surprise, we wouldn't want that, would we?
The colder temperature seeped into the flesh and bones of the smaller one like thousands of thin needles, but none of the others seemed to be re...
The blood red sky loomed over the graveyard, the last quarter of the sun shining over the tombstone of Wolfe Sheepskin. Flowers and aluminum balloons scattered around the freshly dug mound of dirt. Standing solely at the foot of the grave was a mare, smiling sadly as the autumn wind swept her flowing cherry colored mane. Just three days ago, this was a simple patch of land, unfilled and unmoved, until Wolfe's untimely demise. A large tree branch fell on him during his bi-weekly walk through the ...
Day 1
I have just recently arrived to this land and I think I should start keeping a journal to document my travels. The forest I find myself in has a serene, calm like presence in the air. So far I have not run into any sentient creature yet. Hopefully the natives are friendly and willing to interact with me as the last country I visited so long ago has. So many faces that I have come across as well as names just seem to blend into one happy memory from that place; maybe I shall find those f...
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Day 1
Dear Readers,
My name is Diamond. I am a Unicorn-Dragon hybrid that has been possessed by Sombra. Obviously though I managed to get rid of him. In that process though, I absorbed his power. Today I decided to explore where he managed to hide from the princesses, the Shadow Realm.
So far it's very similar to our world, but is essentially the meeting point of every universe and dimension as well as it's own spreate thing. Also everything there is bathed in an eriee purple light and has no...
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The ocean. It doesn't want. It doesn't wait. It doesn't love. It doesn't hate. All it ever does is roll back and forth, and so it would continue until the end of time. No matter what happened, the waves would still roll up the shores then trickle back down with the constant movement of the tides.
In moments of uncertainty, these thoughts were the most reassuring. Everything has changed so suddenly, so drastically, but not the ocean. The salt in the breeze, the deep blue that clashed with the ...
The night was chaotic and loud like an amateur band playing at a seedy little venue. A chorus of background noise that painted a putrid scene. The jarring alarm acted as the metronome, setting the beat for the pule abominations of magic-fused flesh crawling the hallways while the bass of clay golems pounded at the only room in which the music hadn’t reached. Each note sent a bigger dent in the metal door, the heav...
White clothes. Originally the symbol of Protoss who weren't born white-coated, a way to hide from the shame of not being 'physically pure' under the eyes of their society. That until Empress Arden, daughter of Great Khas, started using them in every meeting, every ceremony. Many Lorekeepers joined in an outcry, questioning her for breaking the tradition. And to those, she replied, "These are the clothes of someone who is in shame, are they not? Then I am not breaking traditions, for I am ashamed...
When Asuka got a call at 7 in the morning she was expecting it to be one of her co-workers, or her cousin calling to tell her he forgot something. Despite the sun not being up yet Asuka found that old habits die hard, and she'd been awake for 2 hours before she had gotten the call. When she picks up her phone she gives the caller an unenthusiastic "Hello?"
"Hey Asuka!" Asuka's heart skipped a beat. This was no mere co-worker, or her dim-witted cousin.
"H-hey Mandy." Asuka clears her throat...
//Disclaimer: I did not compose, preform, or publish any of the songs featured in this blog post. The songs are by Anamanaguchi, and Guitar Wolf respectively. After party post to either follow shortly, or be posted tomorrow.
September 25th, 8 PM, Glorian Amphitheater.
To whomever this may concern,
My name is Diamond. I am half unicorn, half dragon, but I fear I might be more than just that. Since I could remember, whenever I sleep or get upset, I'd hear voices. At first the were bearly audible and couldn't have been made sense of. As I got older though, the whispers got louder till the were you could easily hear them. Then they started to make sense. There was always one though that was more distinct than the rest. Last night while I dreamed, I met the sourc...
The sun rose high over the clouds of Las Pegasus, the bright yellow ball, cresting the various buildings of the metropolis with a large reach. Orange hues met the skies as Flam Flimflam sat at a tea shop of the city, relaxing temporarily, and with slight tiredness before he would begin todays work. He sat back and sighed, wearing an old brown cardigan, and simply taking a break from this fast paced, never-ending life of his. he breathed in for a moment, the fact that he already no doubt, had pil...
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Nar loved to watch the sunset before heading off to bed for the night. It was just nice to be able to take a moment to rest, and relax after a long day of working. Plus, the sunset sky was always quite pretty over Ponyville, and with his vantage point there were no structures to obscure his view. Today's sunset was particularly beautiful, and Nar was more than happy to soak it in.
He probably would have stayed still for the entirety of the sunset if it weren't for one issue. A scream cut shor...
Dear princess celestia,
It has come to my attention that you’d like me to preform in the music department for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala.
I have to politely decline, as i will not be attending the gala, as i have volunteer work at sweet feathers sanctuary, and my social status has been booming lately. As you know, i hate the attention i get through just my wealth, and it seems that nopony cares about who i am, and just how many bits i have. I will also not be coming due to the fact my ...
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I find myself wanting to vocalize often, with conflicting reasons to why in the moment. Hesitation has saved me many potential blunders, immature statements, and burnable bridges here on CA. The hesitation naturally leads to my self-reflection finding my ultimate motive and the stupid things I can vye for sometimes, and reminding myself it'd be better for me to keep my mouth shut and 'public image' intact.
But hesitation is a last defense. It still means that I went through the initial mental r...
"Dude! We nailed that show!" Nar's enthusiasm radiated to the rest of the band huddled around a table in the dining room of the mini-mansion. This time the enthusiasm was well earned instead of just being hopeless encouragement like it normally was. Juno lifts a bottle, and nods in agreement. Asuka also nods, though she is not holding a bottle. Of the four bandmates crowded around the flimsy plastic table only one was unsure of their success. Roy stands with his unblinking eyes staring at a spec...
//Taking a break from the kiddie lore posts to do a more recent one I've had in mind for a while.
1 year ago, Vanhoover, 3 weeks into winter.
A thick blanket of snow has coated Vanhoover. The road crews have been working tirelessly to keep the roads from icing over, and many citizens have been shoveling the sidewalks almost hourly to keep them visible. Which is lucky for the group of four running nearly full speed down Pine Street. Three of which appear to be wearing guitar cases.
Spirit felt out of place fighting here. She was used to battles with Creatures ending up in some dark, dank, cave system. Maybe in a cavern if she was lucky- but usually in a cramped hallway. But… here? She was under the sky. Under the sun and the clouds. She tried to breathe in the fresh air, but all that filled her lungs was the smell of brimstone and fire. She coughed and looked back to her opponent. It looked like a pony, with a deep purple coat and a black, curly, mane. However, the closer ...
It has been long since the owners of the three story house on the hill had gone to sleep, but their little visitors in the basement were not quite ready for bed yet. The four misfits had been doing all manner of things besides sleeping despite the fact that it was around 9:50 PM. This included playing board games, drinking soda (their parents weren't there to stop them), watching TV, and just recently deciding to start a new game. This game was something the group had seen a group of teenagers p...
It was a rather quiet afternoon here in the Everfree. Obsilion would be making his way to the Tree of Harmony to start his.....I guess you can call it rehabilitation. As he walked he would be lost in thought, thinking about everything he's been through. He thought about all of his responsibilities. He thought about the burden that was placed on his shoulders. He sighs a bit and shakes his head as he tries to clear his mind, allowing himself to just listen to his surroundings for a moment.
As ...
The excitement that filled the SUV could be felt by Kisho, and Betty in the front. The four young children sitting in the seats behind them growing more excited as their SUV crested the hill of an old driveway. At the top of the hill a massive 3 story house came into view. Standing outside the windowed patio that lead into the house, garage, and backyard pool was an older couple. As soon as the SUV came to a stop all four of the children in the back quickly unbuckle themselves. Three rush toward...
It’s hard to talk about the relationship between my father and I. Mostly because I never felt like there was one to begin with. I have conflicting memories of him, sometimes he was there but most of the time he was a background figure who happened to inhabit the same home as us. I remember him pacing around the house and sitting at his big majestic leather chair at the study, always scheming. The garage was filled with his old guitars and drum sets which he liked to polish and play from time to ...
“Still…. It just doesn’t make sense.”
“…What doesn’t make sense?” I ask incredulous.
“The… you know… that whole acting thing…”
“That whole acting thing?” I respond with a bit of a scoff. Truth be told she caught me off guard. It was at this point that I had stopped looking at the stars in the sky and I turned to look at her, Heather. My best friend since… well… since grade school.
// No, this isn't lore, but rather the sum of a series of dreams that I've been having. I still do not know how the story will end and only will when the dreams stop happening, so... Yeah, this will hopefully be updated as time passes. The apparent theme around it is horror and survival, set in Europe during the period of the second world war, although not partaking in it. Hope y'all have fun reading it.
Bunkers and trenches carve the borders of Europe, yet, the war never seems to come by. S...
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