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by on April 15, 2023
Brim had been walking the streets of manehatten with his basket of food. He heard "Father!" from across the street as he gave a confident chuckle. He looked both ways to meet them at the side walk. The four promiscuously dressed women of various kinds would surround him. "Hello, fine ladies. Care for an offering from her highness herself!" He cooed happily. The ladies would press against him and one said. "Maybe if the offering is you." Another said. "I bet you're hiding a hunk under those ...
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by on November 1, 2022
Ephemeria Spring's List of Botanical Oddities! ⠀ ⠀ Ephemeria’s first arcane plant. A plant comprised of orange tones taking on a red gradient upwards, with a tall stem containing five to seven curled leaves. The leaves all have a series of smaller flexible leaves extending from them, and when in full bloom give off the appearance of a line of chimes as they lose all rigidity. It is said that when the area has an abnormally high amount of magic combined with strong winds, one can hear a magic...
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by on October 25, 2022
Using the last of her strength, Ephemeria fished out her keys and unlocked the entrance to her store, tugging the door open and pocketing back the key into her saddlebag. She walked into the shop and dropped the tall stack of packages trailing along with her, releasing a hefty sigh. It turned out even plants could begin to weigh one down if in significant quantities. Her near-panting breath supported that fact. But... rest will come soon enough. Her rhythm had been set for the finishing touche...
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by on September 3, 2022
[/u] There was an unfamiliar tense air filling the interior of the Spring household, in the otherwise pleasant and sunny dawn of a weekend day. A gnarly-looking bandage on the upper half to shoulder of Ephemeria's left leg appeared to be the main contributor to the awful mood. Odd enough, her current frustration and gloom laid particularly on the immobilising part of the injury. Any more than a minute and the pain left her panting and burning up. The admittedly funky and cool metallic crutch p...
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by on June 13, 2022
Lore: Utterly failing to pursue her goal to develop her multiverse technology and magic on a large scale through every avenue available, Briea was out of funding and relying on an abandoned scrap yard for parts to keep her prototype technology running. With the help of her otherworldly companion, Xander, Briea devised a plan. She would approach a publisher with a chronicling of her adventures in journal format under the guise of the adventures being fiction. The publishers adored the idea of a f...
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by on April 11, 2022
————————————————[FOUR YEARS AGO, STYLO APARTMENTS. 2:04 PM]------------------------------------- The shrill voice of the radio host somehow managed to wake me up from my third nap of the day, my whole head felt awful and dry. I didn't hear a single thing she said... it was all muffled. Noise. My focus was on my dry mouth. Like cotton balls clung to the roof of my mouth and the strings dug deep into the cracks of my tongue. I look up at the clock hung above my fridge and only now do I notice the...
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by on February 16, 2022
It was a cold February night and a thick layer of snow blanketed the town of Seaward Shoals, leaving the streets feeling silent and desolate. Coronet Cresthaven found herself trudging up the hill to the local cemetery, a scarf wrapped tightly around her shoulders and an overwhelming sense of emptiness weighing heavily on her heart. Thick snowflakes swirled down around her as she walked. She shivered and pulled the scarf closer to her face. It was hard to see through the curtain of falling sn...
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by on February 9, 2022
A band of griffin mercenaries were traveling south toward Equestrian territory when they came across a factory in the mountains. They figured they’d stop there to rest for a day before setting off again. The crystal magitech that could be found here was still operating to some degree. The lights were on, but dim, and the place was heated and air ventilated, all by crystal magic. A few of the mercenaries messed with some crystal tech that had been abandoned and showed to still be working by cr...
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by on October 12, 2021
The damage was worse this time, and Whiplash had already been dismissed for the night. The sting of her numerous cuts and bruises dulled out any sense of emotional pain at her best friend leaving her to rot in the jail cell of Manehattan’s holding cell. The all-too cold bench of the cell had become somewhat of a comforting embrace over her numerous years ending back up in here – now going on three or four years of this dance. The pain-laced scowl was etched on her strikingly-bright face – a h...
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by on September 30, 2021
Rise of the Gods and the Void. Approximately 20,000 years ago, a star was shattered and the eldritch horde was pulled into the world, the moon was sent careening towards the galactic west. The planet was under siege from interstellar menace until a creature of unbridled fury rose up. This was Midan, the god-breaker. The raging flame burned black as he tore through the ranks and stole their power. Accumulating the strength to punch the skull of the eldritch elder god’s head open. Once stealing h...
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by on September 28, 2021
Bridlely hadn’t been much, especially in the seaside town on the riviera. Days had been spent well-warmed by the sun and full of laughter, chasing after her friends along the sea. Life had been good, albeit filled with minute struggles, full of long days ending with her sleeping on the bar at her mother’s job, well into the earliest hours of the morning. It hadn’t been much, but it’d been . Chiara liked Until it wasn’t. The news of “moving day” had been something the filly wasn’t supposed to ...
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by on April 14, 2021
//It's about time I cracked this out. not really using Tony much anymore, so no point in keeping it a secret. For once, Tony was actually satisfied with the food the cooks had whipped up for lunch. With the help of the RnD guys they'd managed to start growing much of their own food onboard, and it wasn't half bad. Sure, they had plenty of food from Equestria to last the ship for decades, but it was nice to save it for emergencies. He just couldn't believe the sauce he'd had with his veggie-c...
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by on January 22, 2021
"It's fuckin' hot, dog," said Corporal Persons with a coming sigh, the anger of boredom is evident in his voice before he leaned out the window and spat his small puddle of chewing tobacco spit out the HUMVEE window. He wasn't incorrect; the Syrian sun emitted such a strong radiance of heat among the sands of the desert. We could barely even rest our hooves on the window because the metal of the vehicle was scorching, each time we attempted it felt as if our skin would melt to the metal. What ma...
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by on January 3, 2021
//This is a story that explores a sort of alternate future I had in mind for Asuka. One that I ended up scrapping since it would effectively retire her prematurely. So I've decided to write it as an alternate future story. A young stallion steps off of a rickety old bus in the middle of the Frozen North. Despite his heavy coat the young man can't help but shiver after hearing the crunch of the compacted snow below. His eyes focus on the mountain ahead. A mountain so tall that it pokes above...
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by on December 29, 2020
Rarely did Ephee ever feel the need to vent instead of sulking over a source of frustration until she naturally moved on by the end of the day. It was nothing serious, but enough for her to consult her venerable listener: Pocket. An ashy gray kitten who probably just enjoyed the social attention if not lazing around. Pocket sat by the corner of the desk, molding into his special self-claimed blanket with a curious stare at a pony who had plenty of things to share while resting her head close by...
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by on December 22, 2020
"A shooting at 3423 BonBon View, Rosetta Apartments. Several shots were heard and several people yelling at each other. Caller stating a pony was shot. Unknow weapons. Unknown Suspect." The mare dispatcher stated over the radio air before asking for elements. The day has been filled with a few murders, a couple robberies, and major crashes which made all elements unavailable. Cally could feel that breath suddenly crawling up her legs and back into her body as she pulled into a small closed ti...
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by on August 29, 2020
"Dude! We nailed that show!" Nar's enthusiasm radiated to the rest of the band huddled around a table in the dining room of the mini-mansion. This time the enthusiasm was well earned instead of just being hopeless encouragement like it normally was. Juno lifts a bottle, and nods in agreement. Asuka also nods, though she is not holding a bottle. Of the four bandmates crowded around the flimsy plastic table only one was unsure of their success. Roy stands with his unblinking eyes staring at a spec...
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by on August 27, 2020
//Taking a break from the kiddie lore posts to do a more recent one I've had in mind for a while. 1 year ago, Vanhoover, 3 weeks into winter. A thick blanket of snow has coated Vanhoover. The road crews have been working tirelessly to keep the roads from icing over, and many citizens have been shoveling the sidewalks almost hourly to keep them visible. Which is lucky for the group of four running nearly full speed down Pine Street. Three of which appear to be wearing guitar cases. ...
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by on August 26, 2020
It has been long since the owners of the three story house on the hill had gone to sleep, but their little visitors in the basement were not quite ready for bed yet. The four misfits had been doing all manner of things besides sleeping despite the fact that it was around 9:50 PM. This included playing board games, drinking soda (their parents weren't there to stop them), watching TV, and just recently deciding to start a new game. This game was something the group had seen a group of teenagers p...
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by on August 24, 2020
The excitement that filled the SUV could be felt by Kisho, and Betty in the front. The four young children sitting in the seats behind them growing more excited as their SUV crested the hill of an old driveway. At the top of the hill a massive 3 story house came into view. Standing outside the windowed patio that lead into the house, garage, and backyard pool was an older couple. As soon as the SUV came to a stop all four of the children in the back quickly unbuckle themselves. Three rush toward...
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by on August 20, 2020
//Yet again I have remembered a lore post I thought about just before going to bed. It was another long day at work for Kisho. Running a restaurant was difficult work, but the smiles he helped form were well worth the toil. Of course while today was just like any other day it wasn't quite just a normal day. It was his 52nd birthday. His employees had scrounged up some money to buy him a cake, and a gift. Of course the gift was a 'Worlds Best Boss' apron, and he was definitely going to be we...
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by on August 18, 2020
Adherence is a curse. Adherence is a blight in the form of addiction. An addiction that when played out screams in the face of those that follow its dark definition. Adherence, over all else, is a word- but words have power. A vocal call, a spell, a command that is conjured up through the voice. ...
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by on August 3, 2020
Dragonfly was given up by his Rassulian parents and treated by the rest of his kind as inferior and weak like he was broken. He was adopted by a mare from a neighboring planet and raised there with her loving care. Although being bullied harshly for being a Rassulian, the ones who took over half their own galaxy for control, he would follow in his adopted mother's footsteps and forgive. After mandatory military service as a rescue pilot Dragonfly would inherit a ship and become the stallion, he ...
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by on August 3, 2020
Everything was quiet. Ponies trotted along, talking flamboyantly among themselves with jubilance. The shouts of peddlers trying to sell their wares and the buyers arguing or negotiating right back. The chittering of rats and other pests scurrying about trying to find any scraps that hadn't been cleaned by one of the many homeless that took refuge on the streets. Despite all this, the world was desolately empty, audio void of its existence in this alley. Everything was quiet. A cardboard wreck...
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