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by on December 11, 2020
In the later and darker hours in Equestria when not much would be going on the sky would be illuminated by several bright lights seemingly falling from the sky like shooting stars except much brighter and with smoke trails. If close enough to them they would make a subtle vibration as they impacted. At first look they looked like metal eggs but they would all simultaneously shoot flares up into the sky that would float overheat for a while marking their location. Right after the flares they w...
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by on December 11, 2020
//Had this idea for a series of stories in mind for a while. Decided it was time to start the darn thing. Also going back to an old habit and adding some music links to this series. Might feature some other people's characters in this series if their owners don't mind. ...
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by on December 11, 2020
A soft smile makes its way across her face as she tenderly holds an ornament. A angelic figure, appearing to be an alicorn, holding a candle in each of their crossed forehooves, and draped in a deep red robe with golden ribbing on the edges as well as the bow. Their wings are golden in color and the mane flows softly and gently over the shoulders, encasing their face, and their tail circles the body in a loose circle. The horn separates the mane starkly, holding up a ring. Memories play thr...
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by on December 8, 2020
about a year ago someone force polo to put this make up on and side "have you consider BOTTOM TEXT". he then ask for the make up and put it on. it was so dislike the owner of the site consider a dislike button. polo got the award for worst oc that year. the end
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by on December 3, 2020
Canterlot. Two years have passed since Zerathur's last visit to the capital of Equestria, and nothing appears to've changed during this time. The ever-present scent of coffee and cologne that hung in the air was intoxicating, even inside the energy shield. Good Khas, these pompous unicorns with their little outside cafés and snobbish looks, if only they had proper hygiene, there'd be no need for such copious amounts of perfume. "Well, who am I to judge. I've been wearing these pajamas for wha...
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by on November 27, 2020
Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that my husband can't swim. That is all.
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by on November 27, 2020
(This is all written from an OC question in a Discord server I'm in OC Interview Question! What is your character's favorite part of their job or their everyday life? This was the question) ...
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by on November 27, 2020
When the Rp Is just right and just thrown together you sometimes get gold. The plot of the RP was My OC and someone else was Chrysalis during a second war in cantorlot. Well sarcon was trying to protect what was left. But sometimes after playing Undertale it ends up as a musical and she knew exactly what I was going for. -The stain glass window of Celestia high above the cantorlot castle garden would shatter as Sarcon would be thrown through it landing in the fountain braking the center piece o...
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by on November 25, 2020
—————————————— No matter how much he tried to scrub his brain clean of that incident, his eyes just kept seeing the hazy gas. The collapsed man on the floor of the potion room. His friend, practically clawing to get in. “I could’ve saved him,” Cynbel spoke, his fork idly prodding at the small mound of peas on his dinner plate. “What happened to Mr. Moorsom was an accident. It could’ve happened to anyone. You, me, your father. Just an unfortunate accident,” his mother, Chantal, spoke after ta...
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by on November 23, 2020
//This is very short but i want spirit to have a little cottage and a fox buddy and also i want her to be HAPPY for once in her damn life. and also i want the achievements for posting blogs. eat me. The Everfree was always a place of magic. Curses. Monsters. And more recently, tell of a witch. One who’s powers come from dark places. One who’s abilities are unknown to the natural world. A slight creature, she is. But a friend of the forest indeed. Only a witch could remain a friend of this acc...
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by on November 21, 2020
Obsilion would groan and cough in pain as he slowly wakes up. Though he was now awake, he would still keep his eyes closed for a while. He could hear and feel a fire nearby as well as another creature. Did someone save him? "I see you're awake now." a voice would speak. Most likely the voice of the creature that's nearby. The voice was low, kinda deep, and a little dark. Like someone who is tired of living or just tired in general. Obsilion grunts a bit in pain as he tries to slowly sit u...
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by on November 16, 2020
Haven't done one of these in a while, eh? Alright, let's get down to business. The Rhythm Thief Force is a off-branch of the USF, specializing in pulling off heists that require rhythmic stealth as well as also saving the cartoon universe from more... musical threats. It mainly consists of us 4 plus Phantom R, our trainer. Our codenames: Stickman-Phantom S, the leader of the Rhythm Thief Force ...
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by on November 16, 2020
how do i get out help
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by on November 6, 2020
The hum of the elevator filled the gaps between the silence. Necessary white noise to ease young Cynbel’s mind. Today’s birthday was... different. But no less exciting. Rather than give Cynbel a physical gift, his father decided to pass on something a bit more meaningful to his oldest son. A tour of the factory, something Cynbel had been asking about for a while now. His father stood beside him, his snow white mane all slicked back revealing the coming widow’s peak. The family resemblance was ...
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by on November 3, 2020
In an unmarked location within the Region of Equestria laid an old temple. A temple that wasn't seen or discovered on any map of the new age. One that was hidden with ancient magics and powerful curses. This temple was one of the old ages. It's architecture of carvings and stone showing it's lush history. It's rich history decaying as each century passed. A temple that housed something of value within it. Something of worth. Something that was worth more then any amount of bit, any amount of kno...
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by on October 30, 2020
Loneliness. It was a subject that Minsa had struggled with for quite some time. Always having family, siblings around, in her younger years it was genuinely difficult for her to find time to be alone. When her father had passed, it had been even harder, trying to provide a solid rock for the family. So many nights she had waited until the others had gone to sleep before going to sit in the field her father had tended to cry. Loneliness wasn’t a concept for her though, even in those moments. Now ...
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by on October 28, 2020
Flam, Being the often busy pony that he was, did not often have the luxury to tour his own park. The great Las Pegasus resort, he barely knew his way around after inheriting it from Gladmane. it was a shame too, as ponies left and right seemed to have so much fun. He sighed, looking down upon his park, before returning to his work, signing documents and reading transcripts about his more troublesome employees. it was all so tiresome and a bit irritating. he wanted to have fun again, go out, and ...
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by on October 27, 2020
We didn't know how far we would go... How far we would go to hurt someone. We were not but kids and yet we tore the life from a normal creature. Someone who didn't have anything to do with it all. ...
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by on October 27, 2020
Two people stood outside of a cave, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, the wind howling like a pack of werewolves all around them. Said cave was sealed, covered over by rocks. The woman turned to the man, a questioning look on her face. “What are you thinking, Master Star?” she asked him hopefully. It was clear she yearned for something, some kind of solution, and he hoped he could give it to her. None deserved the fate that had been unleashed upon this poor woman. Star neglected to answer w...
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by on October 26, 2020
The banging of the gavel signaled the trial’s beginning. An old, stern looking mare set the wooden instrument down and sat it by the corner of her podium. “Court is in session. Today, we will discuss he case revolving around decorated knight Glorious Valor and the circumstances leading up to his death. The prime suspect has been apprehended and is in this very room as we speak. Mr. Porter, will the prosecution please introduce the guilty party?” An earth pony stood up, dressed to the negative...
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by on October 23, 2020
So, this story is a working progress and I would love some feedback! It takes place in an alternate universe, where King Sombra has taken over half of Equestria and a war is raging on. Well, I won't spoil too much, just enjoy the first chapter of this. Chapter One “Be careful out there Cakepop, Colonel Dash is running drills out there, so you stay out of her way!” I remember my mother's familiar voice, comforting me when I was a filly. She was the most relaxing pony I ever had the pleasure...
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by on October 22, 2020
This was it... The purest moment. A moment of truth. ...
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by on October 21, 2020
Gravel and dirt shift as an ambulance comes to rest on top of it. Inside the occupants of the vehicle can barely make out the shape of a large manor backlit by the full moon. The lights in the front of the vehicle dissipate as the engine is turned off, leaving the area ahead in darkness. The doors to the vehicle open, and two ponies dressed in EMS uniforms step out. From the driver side, an older earth pony stallion of 36. From the passenger side, a young mare of 22. The doors of the ambulance ...
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by on October 21, 2020
Carmine always enjoyed the sand on his hooves. The grainy, loose texture was always a nice antonym to the clodded and clumpy dirt that permeated his childhood. The salty water and the smell of the collective ocean life's toilet did little to entice him, but the sand... the sand was always an enticer. The chill of autumn made swimming nigh unbearable, but the sun beating down on the trillions of sand grains did make the sandy floor nice and warm. He saw something floating off in the distance. ...
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