Friendship Letters
Dendrite does a huge yawn as she pulls herself out of her sleep. She doesn't know what time it is, or care, really, but she had one of those sleeps so good she doesn't even know what year it is, let alone what she was doing when she fell asleep...
...although the white mare with a rainbow mane next to her quickly explains what she had been doing, as Dendrite flattens her ears. Oh. That...was unexpected? Now she remembers. Her and Persona had fallen asleep talking about their different powers....
The following stained, dog-eared and well-protected journal entry could be found tucked in a corner of the cave...
"After the Chrysalis hive showed itself in Canterlot, the public fear and hatred towards changelings was established. And who could blame them-an attack on Equestria's capital, the assault on and temporary imprisonment of their rulers, and a swarm of monsters lead against them-their reactions of panic and racism were only natural.
However, some responses went too far. One of them ...
She always searched for it
The thing, called..”love”
When she realised she had to
She packed her bag
And set out
The room smelled of cheap butterscotch candies, and disinfecting wipes. Sitting across from Nar was his counselor. The two were in the middle of an exercise. "Alright Nar. We're going to try something a little different. I'm going to play some tapes for you, and i want you to act exactly as you would if these events were happening in person." The counselor takes a video tape from his desk and inserts it into a video player. A few moments later a video begins to play.
At first the video is an ...
Headcanon 1!
Sirens age slower than ponies and other creatures! Haven't figured out the ratio yet, but they age slower. Cuz like, Hymn is in her 140's so far, and in pony terms she'd probably be around her 20-30's maybe?
Headcanon 2!
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It's quiet. Then again, in a gated off section of a royal library inside of a castle it tends to be. Thin beams of light stream in through the windows, catching the dust that hangs in the stale air. The room itself is circular, and goes up three floors. The bookshelves are carved out of stone, and run the entirety of the walls of all three floors. Even more tall wooden bookshelves sit in the center of the room along with a few chairs and desks. On the third floor, a black leather bound book begi...
We were born to be our own destroyers. That’s how the universe ends.
We build our temples. We burn ‘em down and start all over again.
You and me were meant to be together. I hope we still remain friends
when every day’s another heartbreak for causes we can’t defend.
Desire, preaching to the choir. The truth is it’s a liar.
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Hello hello, Canterlot Avenue! I’m here to tell you that our Public Relations team is bringing you another team event! This time, the theme will be Summer! Starting on July 1st, we’ll have participating users partake in various weekly events picked out by our PR department. We would like to go over a few things regarding the event as well as how the teams will be created and function within the text below.
The two teams of this event have been dubbed Summer Days and Summer Nights, each repres...
This story was written when I was about 15 over the course of 4-5 days. Since then there's been story rewrites, timeline upsets, Sway getting married to an OC instead of a mane 6, character redesigns, and Chiller Sway (ponysona) used to have my real name. Not much of this reflects kindly on the current Chiller Sway due to all the changes to his character over the years, but I really wanted to share it with all you random strangers.
And a forewarning, this story is over 10,000 words long. How ...
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When Phantom Mane awoke the sun had yet to rise but the colors along the horizon indicated it wasn’t far away. Since it was still a little cold Phantom Mane grabbed his mother’s scarf from atop a pile of books and bolted out the door. He raced for the main entrance and threw it open. The horizon glowed a dazzling array of oranges and purples but still the sun had yet to rise. A brisk breeze was blowing and Phantom Mane knew he ought to feel cold but he did not. He trotted over to and placed his ...
The first few days were the hardest. Phantom Mane barely knew the Crystal Empire before the 1000 Year gap and now he had to try and understand it without his parents. He would have been lost if it weren’t for the librarian, Amethyst Maresbury. Today was the third day after his ordeal, this is where the story continues.
Phantom Mane blinked his eyes open. Light streamed in through the window across his bed illuminating a swarm of dust particles as it inched it’s way up the covers toward...
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Dear Princess celestia today i've learned that
If theres someone thats bullying you to do these steps applejack told me that 1. Stop 2.walk away and 3. Tell some pony from applebloom from the cmcs
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Abby's doing something she hasn't bothered to do in quite a while-meditating. She doesn't like doing it for a variety of reasons. Chiefly among them is it's hard to get a moment alone, another is that there's not often a lot of places, and yet another is that more often than not there's too much emotional turmoil bubbling below the surface for her to even meditate properly.
However, she's made it a point to do it tonight, she needs to try to get herself under control. She can feel her desire to...
Dear Princess Celestia
Today I learned Twilight suggested that I start sending you letters every day too.
I learned that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything. But beware! Because these gifts come with terrible consequences. Sometimes, it's better to just know nothin' at all.
-- Your faithful farmer,
It's just another day as the Queen. She hasn't been looking forward to today but at least her duties would be there to distract her. Today she meets with a few of the druids that are chosen to lead the ships that would bring in the first wave of Equestrian guests, she has been met with a bit of push back with a few of the nobles as well as some of the populace that have always opposed her more progressive policies. Their views are not wrong, tradition is important in her kingdom. One of the most...
So here Leon was, cruising his cherry red Chevrolet Nomad towards the home of his enemies, ready to offer up his life as a sacrifice for all of his wrongdoings. As he made his way down the huge but almost empty Mega Wangan, he spotted the tower belonging to Shikashi Industries, the pale blue neon lights running up the sides of the towering monolith of steel and curved glass giving it a much more distinctive look than most of the other towers in the area. It was kind of funny to Leon, how a Yakuz...
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Okay, so, I have discovered that I have a type of character that I love!
The Anxious Bois and Gorls.
Sasha probably knows one of the bois imma bout to talk about. Cuz he's from Warriors.
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"I often get asked what war is like, by those who have never lived it. If you haven't, you can't understand. You'll never understand. And thank god, or Celestia, or Luna or whoever that you don't. That you never will. *a chuckle is heard* I could sit here and bullshit you all day and night about how war can ruin lives. But I live and breathe war. I always have. I survived that war. That hell. To this day I have no idea how. Not really. But what was left over from that war, was a kid. A kid that ...
My name is Phantom Mane, and this is my story.
I was born and raised in the Crystal Empire near the end of King Sombra’s reign, several years before it disappeared. My father was a blue Unicorn, and my mother a golden Pegasus. All foals born in the Crystal Empire at the time were recorded in a census to make sure they were put to work as soon as possible. I was different. When my parents had me, they kept me hidden at home. I existed, but was never seen by anypony but them, like a phantom. I ...
Dear Hasbro/Lauren Faust,
Why did spike get his wings so late? Okay so he's a "late bloomer" but even that dragon kid dude at Twilight's school has wings. I mean. What's the meaning of this?? We knew him since season 1, right? And that was 2010 right? As I child I would watch this even is others didn't and he get's wings at what year? 2018 right? So like after 8 years. I had to wait 8 freaking years! But I can't blame you. Maybe you wanted people to keep watching. Waiting for the moment when h...
Hey Users! Ever had an idea for CA? Maybe an Event? What about an Activity? Or even a subscription feature!? Now's your chance to tell us! Staff has been trying to make fun new features for the users, but we need your help to know what things you might actually want! After all, the site is not just for staff, it’s for all of us and we aren't mind readers, Ha Ha. If you've had an idea in mind about something you might like to see here, we want you to leave a comment about it! Remember to be frien...
Clickbait title much? Not exactly. Welcome to another Abby blog
Let me preface this by saying that I've never ever actually done anything to celebrate pride month-first off because I'm trans and in the closet still, and second, because the concept of being proud of my identity has never been something that my family and immediate friends have inspired in me. The upbringing and religion that caused that to be the case are not something I wish to discuss, despite their causal nature.
No, I am he...
1.8k+ views
If you haven't noticed, I am no longer a mod to this site! Can't say why I was demoted, but don't worry about that, it was my choice in the end.
So, I now have a full time job and commissions to do, and i don't think i'll be doing anymore scene drawings or roleplaying on this site, so i'm just gonna head outta here.
Here are some places you can find me
I'm a random idiot, writing this random letter. Why am i doing it? Who knows, perhaps it is becuase i'm a random idiot, perhaps it was decreed by the goddess Princess Corona,(not to be confused with the drink), regardless of the reason, i am writing this letter, to no one, but then someone will read it, so it will have been for someone, so am i writing it for no one? or am i writing it for someon, who knows. I saw a bird today, it was not interesting, just like that bug that was crawling on my w...
Dear Princes of Equestria
Firstly, my sincerest congratulations to Prince Artemis and his fiancee on the successful birth of his heir, I wish the little foal the best and that she grow up to be as strong as her parents. Since the royal wedding here, it has brought a bit of change with it. It seems that not having visitors to my country for so long has left my people a bit eager and curious as to what exactly goes on outside our borders. Not much reaches us here as you can imagine and after mu...
Sophitia doesn't have a spring in her step today-her usual little gait doesn't seem quite so energetic as before. It's not the weather-she likes the gray, springtime drizzle. It's not the fact she's sober either, her step would still be a bit bouncy...
No, today she seems to be stalking, moving purposefully and almost tensely down the street with her poncho clutched about her to keep her at least a little dry, her fluff ears perking this way and that as her piercing blue eyes steal glances alon...
Rose does a lazy cat-stretch, her wings rustling as they extend, before going to plop down at her cushion. She doesn't have time to finish stretching before a white bean plops on her back, a little changeling with a dorky grin on her face, pink mane falling into her eyes. She nuzzles a kiss on the babe gently as she lays down, cooing. "Yes hello my love. I know I'm your favorite seat."
The cave seemed...rather odd and empty after their time in Canterlot. She had felt...slightly important and....
The night hung high over the coastal city of New Kyoto, a deep, dark blue sky covering the vast neon lit metropolis like an ominous yet beautiful blanket, speckled with burning white stars and a hazy off white, almost yellowish moon. On the mountainous outskirts, a single set of headlights made their way up the narrow passage towards the peak of the towering snow capped mountain, the road winding and twisting like some sort of tarmac serpent. Leon sat at the wheel of the one vehicle he had bough...
//You may want to grab some snacks and a drink. This is a long read. Links to music added for ambiance.
The camp around Nar was small, and very much makeshift. Tents made of any material that could be placed over two sticks, and fires burning old newspapers, as well as boxes, and small pieces of wood. This was home for the 6 creatures who were there at the time. Each of them had tried to make their way through the Highway, but had turned back. They had nowhere else to go, and simply formed th...
[ As one of the founding members of Lore Gang, It turns out I've already covered most of Zerathur's lore in this old blog right here. So, I've decided to update it, re-write it, give the full treatment, you know? This is just a resumed version as well, so I can write a couple more blogs telling stories in between the big events if people want... I even have a couple planned. >3> ]
Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
Long ago, four tribes of ponies lived peacefully in the Northern are...
It hadn't been more than an hour since Nar and his new companion left Shoaltown. So far everything's been just fine. Some rough footing here and there, but it wasn't anything the two couldn't handle. The two were have a pretty lively conversation as they went. Nar was so wrapped up in the conversation that he failed to notice the star on the door ahead of them was nearly completely faded. Without looking he turns the doorknob, opens the door, and steps inside.
Nar takes a moment to look aroun...
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"Have I ever told you, if you've ever met me, that I despise war? Or that it's not my cup of tea? Well, if I did, I can tell you I lied to your face, or muzzle, as I suppose the saying goes. War is... My bread and butter. It's my profession, my life. I know little else. Stalingrad was my first taste of true war, true hell. And I loved every second. The adrenaline, the fear, the... . All of it, combined to make an experience I can never forget... That's what war does. Gives you such a fucking rus...
Juno was pretty tired after a long graveyard shift. Being the only employee on shift was pretty tiring, but he was able to get done and get home without collapsing. He lazily unlocks his apartment's front door and shoves the door open with the full weight of his body. He takes a few seconds to throw off his work uniform and put on some sleeping clothes before he goes to lie in bed. Just before lying down Juno spots an envelope on the bed. The outside simply says "Juno." Might just be a letter fr...
Well this is weird. I haven't exactly talked to a princess before. Twilight said I should probably write the letter this time. Well, anyways, today I learned that doing random acts of kindness is actually one of the many ways you can find joy in life and make new friends. Even if it feels like your day is terrible, doing something nice, even if it doesn't benifit you, can end up being the cure to a bad day or even a bad life. Chances are as well that the pony you helped was having a bad day too....
Sister is fucking maaaad, friends. So, I just remembered that Frecklewish is the one that Mapleshade kills right? Right. Well. They’ve. FUCKING. REUSED HER NAME. And they had said they would not reuse the suffix -wish anymore! And you know why? Because they had only made it to honor a young warrior’s fan who had died in a tornado! AND THEY JUST FUCKING DISHONORED/TARNISHED HER MEMORY!!! WHAT THE FUCK ERINS??! And I know probably most of you don’t know what Warriors are, but it’s a really good bo...
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