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by on December 1, 2018
There are only 4 rules. The 1st person to get nominated for any made up award gets it. Only 1 user per award. Ships are allowed to be nominated too. You can not nominate yourself, not even if you're in the ship ♥ Users ...
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by on November 30, 2018
Dear Princess Twilight, My name is Yvonna or as my friends like to call me Cherry cupcake. In the next week or so I'll be moving from Vanhoover to Ponyville to attend your School of Friendship. My friends think that I should learn more about friendship and appreciate the friends I have. And well, to be honest, they aren't wrong. I realized I've be ignoring my friendships. I need help Princess. See you soon.
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by on November 29, 2018
There are quite a few people in this world and a lot can be described by a glass of water There are those who see the glass Half Empty There are those who see the glass Half Full There are those who share what's left with their Equals ...
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by on November 28, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia, I know I should be excited for Hearthswarming and everything, but this year, I'm just not feeling it. I'm finding myself extremely cranky with people. Even more than cranky doodle when pinkie drives him insane. It's not that I want to be a scrooge this year, I don't, but I just can't get myself in the holiday spirit because of stuff going on my life, that is making me upset and unhappy, not to mention all the extra anxieties on top of my anxiety I've had for a very lon...
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by on November 28, 2018
Did you know the longest word in the world is the Chemical name for Tin? it's Methionyl​threonyl​threonyl​glutaminyl​alanyl​prolyl​threonyl​phenyl​alanyl​threonyl​glutaminyl​prolyl​leucyl​glutaminyl​seryl​valyl​valyl​valyl​leucyl​glutamyl​glycyl​seryl​threonyl​alanyl​threonyl​phenyl​alanyl​glutamyl​alanyl​histidyl​isoleucyl​seryl​glycyl​phenyl​alanyl​prolyl​valyl​prolyl​glutamyl​valyl​seryl​tryptophyl​phenyl​alanyl​arginyl​aspartyl​glycyl​glutaminyl​valyl​isoleucyl​seryl​threonyl​seryl​threony...
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by on November 28, 2018
My princess, it is I, Summer Rose, I have come to ponyville. I am awaiting for further instructions on how to proceed. I have made several friends but i worry that i will be left alone in the dust when this is over. Sincerely Summer Rose
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by on November 27, 2018
dear celestia, i have 3 new achievements but im not sure how to equip them. maybe to log out and back in? ill try that and tell you if it works or not. if not, please send someone to help me out? hahah -Bucky
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by on November 27, 2018
Dear princess Luna, i would like to have more bat pony friends to hang out with. i was thinking about opening up a pub where we can all drink root-beer and apple cider and root-beer floats and all sorts of fun stuff and have a great time! im not sure how though..or maybe it wont be popular? im not sure what to do. -Bucket (Bucky) Blend
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by on November 25, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia, my name is Bucky, and I'm fairly new here. I've been making lots of friends but still feel as if I'm more different than everypony else. Being half bat pony and half changeling, I feel as if though nopony will be able to fully trust me. not to mention my wandering eye disorder that makes me look silly.. do you have any advice to get me over my anxiety? -Bucket Blend
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by on November 22, 2018
From: Foundation@████████/RegionalDirector To: Foundation@L-6 Your Majesties, ...
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by on November 20, 2018
Dear whoever, I don't know whether you will care or not, and I don't expect anyone to, but I have a lot of issues. I'm not very social, even though I try. Most of the time I tend to annoy those around me. And because of that, ...I'm afraid that eventually everyone I know is going to be so annoyed with me they won't want to be my friends anymore. I don't really like to be abandoned and forgotten. My mom left when I was 5 and didn't come back until I was 22. And because she left, I've always ha...
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by on November 19, 2018
Dear Princess Luna: A question has been troubling my mind since first joining the ranks of S.M.I.L.E that question is, why me? I have been struggling so much lately that the thought of leaving such a place has crossed my mind on many occasion. I feel as though I do not belong with them they are highly disciplined in secrecy, everyday I spend training with them brings new and sometimes unwanted surprises. One time I took a walk to the edge of Ponyville, I was going to resign that day but as I did...
366 views 3 likes
by on November 19, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia, I am a new pony to your realm, from the Land of Saoirse (pronounced SEER-SHA). I hope that you would forgive my intrusion. My business here, is to gather histories and folklore of distant realms, so as to add to the Royal Library, in the city of Myrakkar; the capital of my native realm. I welcome the opportunity to study, part time, in your magical academy; and your collages as well. And I look forward to making friends in your realm, as well. Sincerely, ...
355 views 4 likes
by on November 18, 2018
Dear princess celestia, I'm starting to think that I'm becoming a little bit like sherlock holmes. Why you may ask? Well, for one thing I'm in a state where I don't care much about things or people. Say if someone is sad, I just ignore them and go about my day. Secondly, I don't really socialize much and if I do, I tend to be an ass to people. It's not that I want to be mind you, it's just that I can't help myself. I honestly tend to be the most unoptimistic person around most of the time. La...
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by on November 18, 2018
Dear Acalllia, I hope you're doing well, I am enjoying my time in Equestria. I've learned so much and met some interesting ponies so far over the week, the spa isn't doing much...but I enjoy the relaxing time it's provided so far, though I can't help feeling the need to come back to Devka where I feel a little more welcomed...Sorry, but I will only able to write to you weekly mostly, as I'm busy learning the customs of this place! This week, I believe I've met this dark blue Alicorn named ...
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by on November 16, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia, That is how you start it off, correct? Forgive me, I have not written to in your favor before now. Normally my letter would be received by you sister. Now you may ask why I would send you a letter instead. I figured it to be time were I started to make my presence known again, being a former member of the Night Elite, and Obsidian Court, I have been in hiding for many of years. Modern society has changed since my early years in hiding from what my dear lover tells ...
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by on November 9, 2018
So.. I'm here looking for advice. I've spent years out of and away from close relationships, from love. My last relationship ended unpleasantly, 2 years ago. I havent had any success in patiently waiting for anyone to be curious enough to ask about me as a person. I want to put myself out there, see if i can find someone right for me... But how? When ever I go to give anyone a glimpse into my head it sounds like a plea for attention, and that's not what I'm going for. I want someone to genuinely...
406 views 1 like
by on November 9, 2018
Dear princess celestia, I have been out of the game of finding a special somepony for a while now to realize that it's getting lonely for me. I want to look for another mare who may end up being my special somepony, but I'm afraid of being rejected. Idk what it is about me that other ponies don't like. Sure I may be hard to get along with sometimes being depressed and sad on occasion, but I can't really control it. I try, but I fail sometimes. I just want a mare to understand me and maybe wan...
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by on November 4, 2018
I've been noticing lately a mass influx of petty arguments over eating meat. I don't get it. Is it so much to ask to not be berated because I happen to eat how humans are *supposed* to eat, a mixture of ALL food types? Every night when I look at the feed all I see is stuff like this. It's depressing! I come here for ponies, roleplay, and friends. Now, let me make something VERY clear: I do NOT support eating only plants/not eating anything from animals, HOWEVER, if you DO, I RESPECT YOUR...
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by on November 4, 2018
~Our life is like living in the ocean, ~We feel alone in this empty blue, ~Everything is quiet and in slow motion, ~Feeling lost, not knowing what to do. ...
394 views 1 like
by on October 30, 2018
To whom it may concern: There's a reason why I'm the way I am. Always depressed, sad and what not. It's a bit of a long story really. See when I was young, around four or five, my mother decided that she wanted to leave me with my grandma and move to someplace else and not come back for several years. I eventually was adopted by my aunt and uncle, but the post traumatic stress I had from her leaving left me with a lot of bad qualities. I got into fights a lot, especially when someone talked shi...
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by on October 24, 2018
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by on October 24, 2018
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by on October 23, 2018
alrighty, first off, I'm aware nobody here actually asked that, but we all know what people tend to theorize what happens when people are offline for an extended period of time. obviously, no, I'm not dead. sorry guys, I'm still alive, no death bets won today. seeing as I do have at least one or two friends here, I suppose an explanation for my absence is warranted. just a warning in advance, parts of this blog are going to get pretty heavy. that's my trigger warning, consider yourself warned...
379 views 4 likes
by on October 22, 2018
Yeah, didn't want to post too long a post on the thread, so here I go. Tried to go with some kind of rhyme or little poesy... (Judge me, everyone! Judge me and tell me how bad that is!!! :p) Some night, a moonlight shines, Such fright, for those in line, ...
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by on October 21, 2018
Dear Princess Luna: I would like to extend my deepest of gratitude for giving me a recommendation letter to join S.M.I.L.E. I will find Bon Bon and hand it over to her as soon as I am finished helping a friend. I know this next chapter of my life is going to be challenging but I will not let you down and I will protect Equestria from within the shadows. Thank you again old friend sincerely: Kind Claw.
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by on October 21, 2018
Hey guys. Everdash here. I've decided to start writing a story exclusively for . It's a story about how I came to Canterlot and all my adventures after meeting some cool characters. But I'm looking for OC's that are willing to join me. Thanks goes out to Lavender Wish, who is a good friend and gave me this idea for the story via the role play we're doing together. Hope you get to see this message sweetie. You're the best friend a pony could ever have. :smiley:
372 views 0 likes
by on October 20, 2018
Rain Reinhardt is my Skunksona, she is a Western Spotted skunk with gre­en eyes an­d a white spot in between her eyes and one below each ear, hai­r is white­ and black­, body is ­black fur ­with two w­hite strip­es down her back, two­ following­ the curve­s of her sh­oulder bla­des (one o­n either s­ide) two ­following ­the curves­ of her hip­s on eithe­r side, a ­white stri­pe on both­ arms and ­legs and a­ white spo­t above ea­ch buttock­s. She works in an antique store, loves the smell of o...
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by on October 18, 2018
I can tell that most of you probably (aren't) wondering why Zaten eats food, when he is a changeling. Well, let's see here... *checking of notes* Aha! It says here that his digestive system mutated at birth, and can digest normal food, albeit less efficiently than a normal one. He still eats love, but he also eats solid food because it tastes nice. The possibilities that random mutations give me. ...
331 views 0 likes
by on October 17, 2018
Pinkie had to be the last pony awake in Ponyville, she was only heading home to get some rest because Twilight had insisted after seeing that it was nearly 3:30 in the morning. The bed had, unsurprisingly, remained stoic and accepted the weight of a Twilight who had fallen asleep halfway through her allowing it to perform its one true purpose in Equestria. Pinkie heard the dull pomf from upstairs as she dragged her feet towards the front door, poor little Spike hadn't even made it to the stair...
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by on October 15, 2018
No, no use in lecturing them, or in threatening them They will just say who are you Is that a question or not, and you see that the plot Is predictable, not new But you're still stunned at the things you will do ...
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by on October 12, 2018
Dear princess Lulu Trixie, thank you so much for taking over Equestria and removing the mane 6 as well as enslaving the princesses. I hope your reign as a queen goes very well, in all regards anonymous.
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by on October 12, 2018
Welcome to my description of Devka, Devka is a world I have created taken place with-in the Equestria (Pony) World. Over the past long while I've been RPing, I've taken liberty of creating my OC's own world and own story behind it. In part I've created a place called 'Devka', Devka is a huge world/Place in the world with new Trees, Flora and Fauna hand designed in description and more. Each Castle/Province/City has even it's own celebration and more. The state of Devka has changed immensely. Thi...
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by on October 11, 2018
I don't know who would be reading this, probably should be writing this in my journal, not a throw away letter... I've been seeing things that I shouldn't. I've sent a picture of a blot I've spilled. I've added it to my rorchach panels, but I'm reluctant to use it. I don't like to speculate, and I trust in myself to be sane and reliable, but I'm starting to notice creatures move about... Getting "brave"... If your a stranger who's found this lying on the ground, then I'm sorry, but I can't help...
403 views 1 like
by on October 11, 2018
The walls are closing in, but they never existed. The world is collapsing, but everything's fine. The wounds may heal, but they'll leave scars. Reminders of where we've come from, where we've been. Where to go now? ...
371 views 1 like
by on October 11, 2018
What is an identity? Is it what I am, or what others see of me? Do I truly get to define what I want to be Or am I born marked by a man’s theory? ...
343 views 3 likes