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I'm up for most things. I usually won't turn someone down unless I have a real problem with what they want me to do. However, you might want to expect just I bit of grammar hounding. If I can understand what you say it'll be fine but if it's something like "an thn u fnd a tresser chst." I'll probably ask you to write it again. Also, despite what it says in "Roleplay Type" I'll usually do just about anything. I mostly just picked that because that's where I average out. if you want to do multi pa... View More
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I'm up for any universe really.
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Nitroxus Soulspins Strange Stallion
*Nitroxus slowly floated down from using gossamer wings on his arms. He landed in front of the being. He smiled as he passed a gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus climbed down a stone column and landed right next to the being. He smiled to them. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Drilling out of the ground, Nitroxus would look around.* Okay, now here that pony? The one that always tries to follow me home?
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It was called Brick Mansions, I set it 25 miles outside of Balitmare, The city only stood for 2 years before the anarchy started. The entire place only stood for 3 years before I had to shut it down. Thankfully before they attempted to use my B.R.A.C.E. weapons.
December 11, 2022
"Anarchy? Do you mean actual Anarchy or chaos? Why was there civil unrest? What does B.R.A.C.E. mean?"
December 11, 2022
Oh by anarchy, I do mean the whole shebang. I believe what caused it was the lack of competition. Since everypony was on a leveled playing field, they believed that there were no endgame. No goal to achieve. Then they attempted to set up a social class structure, all on their own mind you. After lik... View More
December 11, 2022
"Quite frankly, I must ask if the ponies you asked for were a bunch of sociopaths. I'm not sure how a 'lack of competition' forms, or what it means. And consequences still mater in a society, even in a good one. I don't get it. Why would these ponies do these things? I don't see a reason, but they w... View More
December 11, 2022
Hey, I only asked for the most sane of ponies to join the city. As for what caused the society collapse, it was a lot of stuff. I'm still trying to figure that out. Also, good luck trying to figure out B.R.A.C.E. It really hard to replicate it without my guidance, even Suxortin couldn't do it, and h... View More
December 12, 2022
*Nitroxus was looking down as he was slowly floating down in his hot air balloon. He landed on the soft ground and parked his balloon. He soon looked around for Stange, seeing if he was around with th... View More
*Nitroxus floated down from the sky with the help of an assortment of balloons. He landed in front of the tree.* My my, you gotten bigger since I last seen you. How Strange been treating you, is he ne... View More
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*Nitroxus pressed a button on his jacket and balloons popped out. He began to float off.*
May 21, 2020
*Nitroxus would climb down a rope from the very heavens. It was really odd on how that worked, but don't question it. It will warp your view of physics. Nitroxus landed on the ground beside Strange.* ... View More
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*Strange thinks for a moment. "Are you able to use parts of your body to manipulate objects?"
April 29, 2020
*Nitroxas would pop out of the ground and look for Strange, she wanted to tell him something.* Strange, where are you hiding?
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*Nitroxus would write a few letters to certain ponies in the wide world of Equestria, in no particular order. He would jump into their mailboxes so he could see their faces as he gave them the letter.... View More
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So fuck it, I'm going to do an anniversary post. but it's not going to be a "hug" Post, and more of just what I think about people. everyone that comes to mind. this isn't going to be in any order, by... View More
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Does anyone on this site actually roleplay? I keep trying to find someone to RP with but the only RP I've ever really gotten into was with Nitroxus (and I don't know if that counts since I might have ... View More
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If you just send people a starter out of the blue then yeah, most likely they won't respond.
I don't just send a starter out of the blue. I ask if they want to RP first.
October 26, 2019
Sorry, just noticing this right now. I love to rp, it what I do on the daily on this site. So my rps do count.
October 26, 2019
I had some strange rps in my time, but this one is something new. A rivalry rp is something I never had with Nitroxus. So that why I keep posting on it
October 26, 2019
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Gamer, Roleplayer
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