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Ask Edgy Kayla
38 likes Ponies
Here is a page where you can ask Kayla personal questions or anything you would like! Answers will be drawn with lineart and possible minimal shading/coloring. To ask a question, post one on the way, to see answers, and not scroll so much, Check out This Kayla is different from the Kayla I use on my actual profile, she is scarred up, hates griffons, and is very aggressive.
A Scientific Pegasus
Adrian Coalhopper
Amy Callihan
Roseluck's Little Flower Shop!
A small flower shop! Where ponies in Ponyville come together! Only on Canterlot Avenue! :D Cover: Page image: Located in front of a small alcove between her home and her friends' homes, Lily and Daisy, she runs this humble little establishment that the three friends created together, with tender loving care. Just recently, Roseluck had been the one to get the majority of the word out, thanks to her passion: that light botany and expert floral landscaping is something that everyone can do. She made a bit of an impact on a few ponies, and that got her thinking that, with the spike in business she'd gotten since moving to Ponyville, she should actually make a real business out of growing flowers and selling them to ponies! But that would come later, if this prerequisite proves successful — for now, this little flower stand will have to do. She still kept it relatively simple, but she hoped that with this new area of town, she could attract more customers or even passersby to befriend. Golly, did she love all the new friends she was making... It's a simple establishment for now, but she's got the biggest of dreams in her head, and in her heart.
Dancing dynamite