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Ask the Tsundere Artist
1 like Ponies
Scattered papers laid around, blank to used ones, some spots on the floors stained in paint, sounds of hoofsteps hitting below. An unicorn messily working on her canvas. "You obviously here for something..." She scoffs. "Don't waste my time .. or be a nuisance or just be there." Ask Sketchy Canvas any questions you have.
Sketchy Canvas
Politics in a Nutshell
This page will be about and disscusing Politics. Now I will not have anypony disrespect each other here or anywhere! We all have opinions. Be kind if you have debates or just talking about ideas.
Trixie the Scavenger
Ask Blaze! <3
9 likes Ponies
Heya everyone! Feel free to ask me any questions or do whatever! ^~^ Also, please keep lewd questions to PMs!
Blaze Midnight
Blue Streaks
Distant Shores