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Ask the Children of the Cloud
1 like Ponies
Hi, fellow strangers of every part of the wasteland ! We are the Children of the Cloud ! We want you to join our cult of love for our Goddess, our guardian and guide: the Pink Cloud ! Ask you doubts, and get answers from us ! Also, one at a time, we are having problems with technology (you know, atomic blasts, radioactivity...) We also have rad cookies. --- Decided to reopen this thing for boredom. Future link to the tumblr page coming as soon as I finish the first question.
pony adoption page
6 likes Ponies
Welcome looking for a little one or maybe something else like a sister then this place is for you ^-^
Queen BlackLight
Black Ace
2 likes Ponies
Upload pictures of your computer desk/battlestation for judgement and discussion.
Starlit Spackle
Bright Brave
Land of the Kitsonies
2 likes Ponies
Hello and welcome to my page of "Land of the Kitsonies" This is a Closed Species of mine and so far its still in the progress of the works with the lore and such. So far I got this amount of Information about them here that I put up on the DeviantArt Group of the CS: "Kitsonies are Mythical Rare Creatures and aren't like any Kitsune Ponies you'd see often around. These creatures have tons of healing magic and various of other elemental magic, depending on their abilities and strength. Some Kitsonies are mostly reliable of healing while others with combat. Sadly while there are those who can heal theres also those who are aid to the darkness, and they're known to be Velarians. While most would think they'd gain the same name as Kitsonies , they wish to not be compared to those who fell into darkness and call it their home. Those who seek harm." This CS is still underway with again the lore and other various of information especially the dark versions the Velarians since theyre part of the lore. [due to them being Kitsonies but fallen into darkness]. I hope to bring these guys more to life and also bring some interest in the communities eyes and also make the lore much more interesting with some help and possible suggested ideas. I also made a Discord server but it is also underway in construction. So far only whoever joins in as a moderator are allowed to be in the server until we all agree its time to open the server up completely.
Awoken Artist
Pinkie Pie (Werepony)
Ask The Virtues of Light!
3 likes Ponies
Duchess Chrysalis : oh hello there, I'm Duchess Chrysalis and this is our little ask blog that myself and my friends made. Do ask us any Questions you have, we'll do our best to answer them.
Monarch Masquerade
Littchie Von Bleed