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by on November 8, 2019
Wyatt sat in his Office, clenching his eyes shut, opening them once again, his breathing slow. He seemed to be concentrating hard on something. The voice that first spoke was tormented, and sounded like a raspy whisper, almost full of rage. "Do you know how it " The next voice was Wyatt's. "Of course I do. How long have we known each other, after all?" "Far too long." Wyatt sat there talking to this individual, and he appeared to not be enjoying said conversation all that much, although seeme...
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by on November 8, 2019
~Parents~ Moonstone, a pink, black, and purple earthpony. Having grown up in a spiritual, nature interconnected home, Moonstone was always an observant, calm pony. Often much so that her lack of defense skills would land her into situations where people challenged her to fight and she would simply stand, trying her best to evade attacks and running when she could not. Quartz Twinning Prance, originally Quartz Twinning, a blue, lilac, and purple double winged Crystal Empire pegasus, borne fro...
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by on November 8, 2019
No more procrastination. No more excuses. No more major preparations needed. The time has finally come for Solaris and Sunbreaker to split apart. Was Sol still anxious about it? Of course! It's not every day you rip a piece of your soul out of yourself, after all. Solaris sat at the desk that was within his room, looking down at all the tools that were gathered. An open book, some chalk, and most importantly a dagger. This was no ordinary dagger, though. The blade was created from a mix of quart...
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by on November 7, 2019
Welcome to Spellopolis Plaza! Unicorns of all ages come here to prove their worth in magical turf war battles! Starting at the age of 14, unicorns gain the ability to use their magic for these turf war battles. Every unicorn has their own weapon preference, all of which are powered by the magic of their horns. There's the standard magicshot, magic roller, magic charger and the magicbrush to name a few. The goal of the sport is to get the most of your team's magical essence on the ground than the...
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by on November 6, 2019
Greetings, everyone! This is a very important statement that we would like to share with all of you regarding certain things that you may, or may have not heard and we would like to clear things up. For starters, we’d like to apologize for any controversial topics that you may, or may not have been hearing over the last couple months. We have been handling a situation in which an individual was attempting to gather identifying information from various sources in an attempt to locate membe...
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by on October 30, 2019
Dear My Old Self, I've been looking back at the old Friendship letters that you/I made. I now cringe at you, myself. The Friendship Letters I made were so random, I made a lot of typos and such and had no understanding of what I was talking about. (Well, except for the "Dear Hasbro," one) So this is advice for future me. Please, when you read this tell me if it made any sense at all. If there was meaning. And Remember not to leave Canterlot Avenue for about 3 months again, because you/I do that...
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by on October 29, 2019
In the early afternoon Detective Joe Winters exits his house, and enters his vehicle. His wife watches from the front door as his vehicle backs out of the driveway, and heads off down the street. As far as she knows he's off to the police station. Things have been very tough for him, and all the other detectives, and officers lately. She's hoping that whatever it is that's causing them all so much stress will be over soon. Joe on the other hand doesn't just hope. He's certain what he's doing tod...
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by on October 28, 2019
I seem to have ended up in a strange land after working a case, the place is filled with ponies, and griffons, some dragons. I don't recognize where I am at all, hopefully someone or something can help guide me, for now though. I've got to go it alone.
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by on October 24, 2019
Though it's universally believed that the mare has a childish and absent mind, Mina's new hobby says otherwise. She finds that writting them down in the form of poetry a great way to release her own thoughts; those too personal for her to write in a journal. Even if no one quite understands the meanings, Mina still picks up her quill. Onto paper the colour of snow, in a cute little pink book, the mare found sometime to be alone, so she could confess her feelings as shown: A brave little kitten ...
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by on October 24, 2019
Dear self, have i done something wrong? i usually try and make everypony happy - but it just so seems that whatever i do, even if i don't realize it . . . something that i say or do it makes ponies/people upset... i feel awful after this - and i try to apologize, whenever i apologize its real! i truly mean it that i am, "very...sorry," but even sometimes - no matter what i do - they still run away from me.... or.. have you ever heard its very, VERY easy - to smile around everypony else, to...
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by on October 13, 2019
I never wanted to grow up, I have always defended myself. My exterior grew hard as stone and yet I was hurt quite often. ...
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by on October 12, 2019
Dear Princess Celestia, I didn't learn anything! Except how to not be irresponsible with money. Looking at saved brony commission art I have and recalling prices from memory only, I think I spent at least $1,100 on art commissions & packs. I don't have a well paying job so I shouldn't have spent that much money on mere picture files. I understand that art skill is rare and difficult to develop, which explains the price, but I'm just saying that the benefit of digital art pics might not be ...
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by on October 12, 2019
So I see that today is the day of the final episode. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I fell out of my own frequency of watching the show some time ago. But here we are, 9 years and a whole generation wrapped later, with a new generation soon to come. As I see everyone is talking about their experiences and how they came to discover the Magic of Friendship, I feel like I should share a bit as to how I managed to stumble into the wonderful world of pastel colored horses. It was back dur...
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by on October 10, 2019
"When I met her eyes, it was like the world stopped moving. There was a connection there, unlike anything I'd ever felt before. When I finally met the Princess, I could feel what I saw. Someone just as broken as myself. One who knew death. Who'd seen the things I had. I remember inviting her to share a drink after the Games. Was it a date? I could flatter my ego and say yes, but it was more just two souls who felt a connection to another for the first time in a long time. We shared some experien...
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by on October 9, 2019
I must admit, writing in a journal, expressing my thoughts feels rather.. foreign. I'm more for photographs when capturing moments to cherish them later. Maybe it's because writing requires me to actually reflect on my inner thoughts and feelings before expressing them? That, in of just itself, is something I've rarely been able to do. For as long as I can remember, I've always had to act calm and collected with a level head due to the expectations Father had for me. Even when Mother was lost to...
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by on October 5, 2019
"I just....I need wisdom in my actions. I need...guidance. I know that we have a plan. He got the solution to defeat this Tyrant. To end his games. B-But....what if it isn't enough? What if we can't kill it. I don't fear my own death. But I fear dying before I can guarantee a safe future for the ones I care about..." He was frustrated. The weight on his shoulders, that is usually shared with his Brother, was more present then ever. He was sick and slowly dying. Each passing day his sickness was ...
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by on October 2, 2019
LEAD GUARD: Up, my lads! The sun's arise Night is at an end Greet the scarlet eastern skies Our duties now begin. ...
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by on September 30, 2019
Yes there was once a time, this profile had a much different profile picture and username. this picture and "orange_man_from" as the username. And why? many would ask. The roleplay site would look at my profile identity and say "Ohh, you are approaching me?" [I would edit in a Jojo meme but I'm away from my computer] And while some have asked, I'm sure many were just confused and thought I was a troll account. Or that I was just OOC and didn't even have a character to roleplay as, or that I wou...
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by on September 25, 2019
Storytime with Wyatt's Admin, number idon'tfuckingknow. Blog form cause yay. This one... Now this one is interesting. And I know a few people on here who'd be interested in this. It's not something that directly happened to me but a story I was relayed by someone else... So, everyone knows who General Custer was, aye? Yes, THAT Custer... ...
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by on September 22, 2019
Asuka swears she was falling just a second ago, but right now she's hanging in the air. She looks up to find her front right hoof being clutched tightly by a silhouette. It's slowly, but surely pulling her up over the ledge. She grabs onto the ledge with her free hoof, and pulls herself up. "Thanks. I thought I was-." When Asuka looks up to speak to her rescuer she finds no one. She stands in confusion for a few seconds before snapping herself out of it.
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by on September 21, 2019
Sirens are actively hunted Whether it be to lessen the competition for fishing (the fisherponies) Or just to get rid of them ...
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by on September 16, 2019
Asuka had eaten breakfast, and packed up her things to continue her climb. She was expecting another tough day ahead, so she had taken a little extra time to rest after waking up this morning. After having packed up, and being ready to leave Asuka decides to check her campfire one last time just to make sure there are no embers. Sure she was on a freezing mountain, but Smokey the Bear would be upset if she didn't properly put out her fire. Asuka turns back to her fire pit, and leans down to make...
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My name is Bluey. A few or so more months have passed ever since I've been living in Ponyville and got myself a mare friend (Or, Special Somepony at this case). But I ask myself, what gives me the strength to keep going and live right now? But I believe I know the answer to that, already. I found out one day where Star Violet and I went shopping in Ponyville for groceries. But, I wasn't feeling so well at the time. It felt like my head was pounding really hard. What the hell was wrong with me...
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by on September 12, 2019
Dear Princess Celestia, My name is Perseus and can you please send me some spears to help keep my heart heart safe? Many ponies say that if you need help you just need to ask the pretty horse lady that lives in the place next to the mountain. I have my own pointy spear but I was wondering if you could send more to help me keep my heart heart safe. Shes super pretty and has wings and a horn like you. Maybe, I could run all the way there if you cant bring them to where I am. I know Im near the pl...
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