Friendship Letters
Her guide had told her to look out for weird stuff today, but she never expected this. Blocking her path wasn't a rock, ice block, or anything natural. It was a restaurant sitting on the side of the mountain. How, and when it got here was a mystery to Asuka. Without much of a choice Asuka enters the building hoping to be able to just walk through.
She's greeted by a small lobby with a few dusty chairs, and a podium where a well dressed stallion is standing. Before Asuka can utter a word to qu...
Art by artist on lamker
This week it’s time to help you build your OCs. So to begin, we’d like to ask you to think about your OC and answer this question. “What is the biggest lie your OC tells themself?” This sort of question gives your OCs a flaw which is tied to perhaps a core ideal for them.An example of such would be that your OC believes that their friends would never lie to them. This would cause them to trust whatever their friends say at face value, like Pinkie Pie. While ...
Asuka steps off of the rickety old bus, and turns to watch it as it slowly churns through the snowy wasteland of the Frozen North. She turns back in front of her, and looks up at the mountain ahead of her. Wrapped up in thick winter clothing Asuka makes her way to the only building in sight; a small shack with an old sign reading "GUIDED TOURS."
As Asuka enters the shack she's greeted by a small room with a few decorations on the walls, and a counter with a stallion standing behind it. A radi...
Before I begin, I’d like to note that this character is inspired by the BBC’s hit show Doctor Who and in no way do I wish to insert myself into the canon of Doctor Who by placing her into the events of the show, rather I will be taking some elements and making the presence of Doctor Who type things present in my Head canon universe. For example Vortex manipulators, Daleks, Cyber-Ponies, and perhaps maybe even a doctor. As the universe is a vast vast place and confining myself to the planet in wh...
Once upon a time, in a kingdom that no longer exists, there lived three princes. The youngest was reckless and always getting into trouble. The middle was... indifferent to just about everything. He didn't care to do anything if something threatened his kingdom. And the eldest, always trying to control everything and hates it when he can't. Unknown to them, they tortured their citizens. Their from families would get injured by youngest one's antics. They get no support from the princes, and whe...
Hello to whichever princes reads this,
Don't worry about me, I finished my house and a new friend popped up, literally. a Green earthpony dug his way through my floor. we had tea and it was fun. Living in the Everfree isnt that bad. just got to watch the storms over everything else. last one hit me in the face with a timber wolf leg. that was interesting, how did it get that high and did the storm do that. poor timber wolf. but thats besides the point. i shall send when something of note happ...
Amy would go into her basement. It wasn't particularly different from any other basement. It had boxes piled up of random bits of items such as photo books and such. However, a familiar doll sat in the middle of the room. She would have sat her behind next to the doll. "How are you, Miss? I hope it is cool enough. I know you tend to get heat flashes down here." The would move in with her hooves out. "Whoa! I didn't know you could move!?"
The doll would pin Amy on her back softly. Amy would bl...
As the sun rises and its light pours over the land, a little filly is awoken. She smiles brightly and leaps off the bed on to the carpeted floor. She turned to the door and creaked it open. She checked the halls and proceeded to excitedly rush to the master bedroom. She peeks inside and creeps up to the side of the bed. She pounces on the unsuspecting stallion under the sheets. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S TIME! IT'S TIIIIIIME!" The orange stallion wakes up startled. "WHA- WHAT... Wha... What's time?...
Lock On is as cheap as a private company co-founder can get, even as he was about to be a father. The office he calls home is no place to raise a child, he had to get a house. Problem is, rents in the capital city of Equestria can be a bit...pricey. Nothing that breaks his bank, but when this offer came up, he took it faster than you can say "What did I agree to again?".
He's going to raise the kid in his boss's house.
Dear Princess Celestia,
Hello again, old friend. It's certainly been a while since I last wrote to you, hasn't it? Heh... Well, perhaps it has been from my perspective. Perhaps from yours, this will be the first letter you ever read of mine- time travel can be oh so difficult like that. Wibbly wobbly, and what have you. I digress. The reason I am writing you again takes precedent over my ramblings. For me, it has been a while since we have last spoke. Oh so long old friend... Oh so very long. Y...
Dear who ever is the princess who reads this. Please tell me who we are truly writing to. Corona, Celestia, Luna? Like is it RNG based? Like they just get jumbled and sent to random princesses at all? When we say dear celestia is celestia reading or did Cadance get that letter? Who am or we truly writing to.. Cause I kinda like the idea that random messages get sent to random princesses world wide...
Cause it would be interesting to see a alicorn who doesn't even know Celestia be like "The fu...
I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hoof
I felt the earth beneath my hooves
Sat by the river, and it made me complete
//This blog is here to help my new storyline to get started. It's a long one so if you plan on reading it i suggest getting some snacks and a drink.
7:45 AM, Vanhoover's industrial district, old Mintford Company Masonry plant, 3rd floor office.
6 stallions stand in the dusty, old office of the long abandoned masonry plant. Two stallions stand across from each other across a table. One wears casual (mostly yellow) street clothes. The other wears an immaculate suit and tie with an expensive...
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Bright sky, few clouds, warm breeze. It's a perfect day in Canterlot, it's near the weekend so the streets are filled with ponies enjoying the day. The sound of the crowds, noble ponies and the like, patrolling guards it's as busy as can be expected. The two stallions sit across from each other at a table outside the cafe meant for outdoor dining. The inside was quite loud and busy, but it's a bit less so for a reason and Prince Liath chose this place for a reason. He ran into his brother and ar...
At this point, I'm forcing it on you, but here's part... Err... 7? Part 7 of storytime. IN BLOG FORM!!!
So... Last night I was partaking in [SUBSTANCE REDACTED] at our OC's leaving party (Officer in Command, not the RP OC meaning :P) and I was reminded by some of the lads of some of the mad shit we used to get up to. Like back when we used to proper insult each other. I mean when I say insults it was fucking brutal. One guy once left the Mess crying and never came back to the Army again, that...
1. There /are/ albino (all white) and melanic (all black) sirens out there. But they are very rare. You'd be lucky to see even /one/ of the two in your entire life.
2. Albino Sirens tend to be more powerful and dangerous than any others. While the Melanic Sirens are the complete opposite. They are weaker then all the others, some of the Melanics are even born mute. Pretty much completely useless to the old fashioned Sirens
3. There are many different types of Sirens, from Whale Sirens, Dol...
CHAPTER ONE: Arrival at the Gala
I trotted into the Gala. I still had no idea why she had been given two golden tickets in the mail. However, I decided to take as my plus one. Mainly because I had no date and Moonlight’s special some pony had been invited to the Gala by Princess Celestia since he began playing Buckball. Everypony came to the Gala for a reason. I had no reason to be here, apart from my bucket list of course. As we both walked into the Castle, my curiosity grew. “Why did you wan...
Tonight was Solaris' turn to guard the Artemis Bow, having placed it in a small, hidden room with only one way in or out. There was just enough room for himself, the bow and maybe one other creature. Solaris sat across from the bow, his eyes closed as he meditated. Well, attempted to meditate, anyways. His body language showed that he was exhausted and the way his face looked made it seem like he was in slight pain. The room was eerily silent, not even an echo traveled down the tunnel that lead ...
Hello, everyone. You may be wondering what's with the title... Well, I'll cut right to the chase.
For two weeks now, i had been working on a project. A big group RP. A second swarmling war, that anybody could take part in and influence. I spent two weeks of time building it up. Making lore. Getting people exited.
It's only just now that there are several things I didn't account for. Organizational and time frame things.
You won't remember me.
"Of course I will!"
You say that today.
"I won't be the friend that walks away!"
Welcome to Ambients cannon progression, where it's finally time I laid some of the ground work for a much bigger project in Ambients life.
It's time for some canon posting for a while, as I must now do character development. There are 3 possible timelines that can happen. All of it is based on how everyone.. Yes everyone interacts with her for the next few posts depending on how most deal with it. Example: 60% kill someone. That's majority so that will happen ect.
. What are these timelin...
So this is the stowy of how and feww in wuv!
Daww, dis stowy tuk puace in a wocal cawffee shopp wiphin PonEvile!~ Dat swilly edgy Demmy Whoovsies wuz sitting awl awone... It waws pho sad! :'( :sob::sob::crying_cat_face: But wuikily Smowy Mawsh did ceed the sad edgie wed pownie and wawnted to do somephing abwout it. :scream::sunglasses::fire:
"Hewwo", she say ver nicewy. But Demwonic ackted wike "HUMPH" and wooked away (・`ω´・) Bu Swow wnew Dwemmy weawy wanted a frien! :D Se taked a seat neph...
So... Storytime.... Part 4, blog post version. Forgot to upload the other day. Oops.
Right, so... Another instance where for all intents and purposes, literally... I should be fucking dead, and the world must suffer my continued existence.
On ops again. We'd been doing some recon, and I was hit by some debris. Not that bad, aye? Went down, concussion, some bangs and bruises, thankfully not really worse for wear. I was just unconscious, lazy cunt that I am.
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"Well, I am not sure how to even go about addressing this. Do I even have to justify myself? Is the purpose of my letter just to try and explain what has been going on? Though I have not been much for writing or academics, perhaps I will feel some ease putting my feelings to paper."
"From a young age, I always assumed that once you were married, that was it. Concepts such as divorce were genuinely foreign to me before I moved to Ponyville, those years ago. My parents were always..together. Th...
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