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Flower's Art of Trash
2 likes Artist
Welcome! I'm Flower and this is my home of trash art that I've done. I mostly do Traditonial Art. I will edit this alot so here is the basic things for now....
Smol Flower
Bright Brave
pony adoption page
6 likes Ponies
Welcome looking for a little one or maybe something else like a sister then this place is for you ^-^
Queen BlackLight
Black Ace
Corrupts Art Banaza
9 likes Artist
A place for me to make my awful art and letting everyone take a look at it. Your welcome to request anything you wanna see on the page.
Littchie Von Bleed
Amy Callihan
Astral Blade
Canterlot Avenue Confessions
A page to confess things that you like or have done (As long as they are not against the rules of the site)! Do you have something that you want to share, but have never been in a situation where it wouldn't seem random and out of nowhere? Well, now's your chance to do so!
Phoenix Genevieve
Amethyst the Hippogriff
Amy Callihan
rart's art
h-hewwo my name is rart police and i am the embodiment of mental police brutality please appreciate my art (i take commissions, trades, collabs, and sometimes requests when i'm really feelin it) (normal art: pixel icons are $1
Rart Police
Adrian Coalhopper
Ponka Woof Artsy Commisionseses
Welcome to a magical place to receive commissions from me, Ponka Woof! ((It'sprobablygonnabewhathelpsmebuygroceries)) Sketch: $1.00 Colored sketch: $3.00 Colored drawing: $6.00 Colored drawing with shading: $9.00 Colored drawing with shading and background: $12.00 Detailed colored/shaded with background and more than one character: $15.00
Pinkie Pie (Werepony)
2 likes Ponies
Upload pictures of your computer desk/battlestation for judgement and discussion.
Starlit Spackle
Bright Brave
Lonna's Art stuffs~
2 likes Artist
This page is to post art I make for others, to show when I am open for commissions or requests, and other general nonsense~ Commissions : open(discounted for entire summer) Requests : Closed General nonsense : I am playing though the entire KH series right now, its awesome