Friendship Letters
I just seemed to lay there. Laying there with nothing going on except for the continued breathing that my body was doing. Along side the breathing of my sleeping beauty that was accompanying me in my sleep. My eyes were closed, but my mind wasn't. These past weeks have pushed me towards an area of exhaustion that I wasn't sure was possible. What's funny about that tho, was that this was still only the beginning. As Prince of the Night, Future Husband, and Father? I never would have guessed that ...
It's been a few months now since Jule had brought the vacant plot of land just outside of Canterlot. He's been working hard and long hours trying to make the perfect house for Lana, their foal and himself. He had hoped to have the house finished before the foal arrived, but he barely had the bones of the house up by now. But between getting the permits, blueprints for the house approved, finding the right contractors for the more technical stuff, inspections and replenishing funds to buy supplie...
I've mentioned this organization a few times in previous posts, so I thought I'd make a blog explaining them in more detail.
What is the Arcane Justiciar?:
The Arcane Justiciar is a military organization which creates,oversees, and enforces laws on magic use in Nar's home country of Ysrgim. Justiciar camps, outposts, forts, and prisons can be found all over Ysgrim. Recently the Justiciar has set up an outpost in Vanhoover, and is currently attempting to gain permission to establish a fort n...
//Good vibe lore post comin' atcha.
The wizard guild of Myoorclaw (Pronounced: Me-your-claw) wasn't exactly large for Ysgrim guild standards, but it was certainly a lively one. Based in the small town of Vendon Myoorclaw undertook tasks sent in by citizens of the nearby area that needed the help of a mage. Every mage in Myoorclaw had their own unique magic. Unlike their wizard counterparts from Equestria mages in Ysgrim tended to focus on one magic type, and hone their skills with it rather t...
Off in the borders nearing the White Tail Woods, there was a sweet little hamlet that Cynbel frequently visited. Sweetcorn. It was a simple farming village that was untouched by the corruption of Equestria's xenophobic and morally bankrupt ways. They held no knowledge of the rumors of mistreatment and madness that often circulated around Cynbel, when he first arrived they simply saw a frail stranger in need of a soft bed and a warm meal. Their abundant fauna have proven to be nothing if not valu...
This is it. To have lived thirty years with a disease such as this particular one, to have gone through all the challenges that it and life had presented... It is truly a miracle. But even after all of that, the time has come.
Time to rest.
The early morning sun rises just beyond the horizon, tainting the sky with light purples, blues, and oranges, making glister the dew-covered grass of the valley. This is a nice place, always has been. Energy sips out of the body slowly, trickling away...
//No travel post today. Have a pleasant lore post instead.
The sound of fillies and colts at play permeates the early evening in the small village of Frakkas. The farmers and craftsmen are hard at work, while the rest of the village goes about it's business. Hunters, and foragers scour the nearby woods for food. Mares weave clothing, cloths, and linens. Others bake bread, and prepare meals. The elder sits outside of his home giving counsel to those seeking it, and the traders who have come in...
There are a lot of financial channels on YT and Pride had some spare money. He got suckered into falling for the investment hype and bought silver and stocks
It was a mistake
He estimates he dropped about $2,000 on this stuff and now they're worth $1,490.26
//Nar's backstory is pretty murky, and I haven't explored it much so here's an attempt to clear things up.
A lone stallion enters a remote cave situated near the middle of Mount Highmoor. A large rucksack is situated on his back. He's been to this exact cave many times before. Jek Kardul is a stallion of modest upbringing, and living. Though he's never been happy with his poverty things have been looking much better for the farmer in the past few years. 3 years ago Jek met a mare more beauti...
Think about it
Esports is a business and businesses need money. 1 tournament runner & streamer streams at a horse racing venue that's in poorasfuck town and the place is so much worse than their previous venue, in Pride's opinion. He went there once and never wants to go back there again. But also they're like 50 miles away from his house anyways. Still, they are a really famous local tournament & stream team. He'd rather go to a tournament that's closer and in a better venue. They only food ...
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1st, there's this famous tweet
Think about it
What better way is there to tell esports gamers "this is the shit you want" than to show the pros on stage using the same equipment?
What do gamers even think when they see a mere logo on screen taking up space? "WTF is this shit? Clutter? WTF do they even sell?"
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At this point in her career Asuka had gotten used to staying up for long periods of time. Sleep was a commodity in these times, and Asuka was glad she'd finally be able to get some. Her gait as she enters the mansion she calls home is nothing more than her dragging her hooves along the floor. She still wasn't used to how silent the mansion was now. Even if it was 4 AM. Someone was usually rummaging around the kitchen for snacks at this point in the night, but tonight there was no one. The kitche...
I was born on the 5th of January 1980 in the city of Kublinka in Russia. My father and mother came from humble backgrounds but managed to rise to the higher society of the soviet union. My father was a political activist for Communism since his early years, he managed to fight his way up until he was part of the communist leadership. My mother was the good soul of the family, always there for me until i turned six. My father decided that I needed to be prepared and formed to be the perfect sovie...
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This is just a theory craft from intuition and observation only. Pride never did any statistical research to test his theory
Esports devs are too afraid of making anything too good so they just make everything equally bad and boring
Older esports games are broken as fuck. Halo 1's pistol kills in 3 HSs (Head Shot) which takes less than 1 second. Halo 2 nerfed its main gun, the battle rifle, to kill in 11 bullets, or 4 3-bullet bursts. Then Halo 3 further nerfed it by changing the bullet sp...
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1 thing quarantine taught Pride is to stop having material possessions. He has a long history of buying shit because he has a replenishing source of money called a job which made him not care about how much money he has because he'll always regenerate more. He also has a history of giving/throwing shit away because he ends up not needing those things anymore
"Less is more" is a stupid phrase because of its blatant contradiction. Maybe "less is better" communicates the idea better. Minimalism ...
Pride isn't gonna put in the effort to actually test anything. These ideas are just on his mind right now
Playing Smash Melee on Dolphin emulator is so painfully laggy. Melee is way too sensitive to lag for him to tolerate even if it's as little as 1 frame. He's tried it before on a gaming monitor used at EVO tournaments, aka "The EVO monitor" and at native resolution, it has 8.3 ms of lag. Upscaling the Wii's 480p resolution to 1080p makes monitors have to process the smaller image and up sc...
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Once pollen season 100% ends, Pride's gonna practice some archery while listening to anime dubs so he can multitask looking at screens less (hopefully improving eye sight) and listening to fun stories
But also, social media is fake because everyone fakes themselves into making the best presentable versions of themselves for attention and approval. The internet connects people from far away, but those connections will always be severely limited. Everything seen is through a screen and everythi...
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today i learned that there is/was a shrek musical! who let this happen. who let this happen WITHOUT telling me. why.
that is all.
If I'm gonna go back to RPing with people I was RPing before I need to clarify some shit, mainly why the fuck Abby looks different
The story is that my wonderful friend that RP's her hubby Lyle mentioned wanting kiddos a while back. Now cause I'm a stickler of an admin and really mean to my characters, Aubade can't have kiddos cause she's trans male to female. As her backstory was that she's not even FROM Equestria originally and basically woke up here cursed after dying elsewhere, it was part ...
Abakan was sitting next to the entry of the reactor control room. He had taken place on an old wood chair. In his hand a rifle. His eyes were carefully watching the group of scientists that hat gathered around the multiple Displays of the main control panel from where the new Experiment was controlled. The scientist seemed very excited about this new experiment. "what's all this about exactly." Abakan turned his head to look at Dr. Grostky who had been standing next to Abakan. "A new experiment....
Crunchyroll struck down a 60 frames/second conversion of an anime OP that's been on an alternate channel of mine for like a year
Could they be polite enough to just block the video instead of being strike addicted? Probably half of every strike I've ever received was from Crunchyroll
I know clip uploading is in a gray area and I set myself a 2 minute clip because I think that's a fair length without getting too close to stealing territory. I hate when shows get worldwide copyright blocked ...
[i]You know those dreams that always seem to crop back up when you sleep? The ones with the same house, the same town, the same plot, and it's usually some sort of wish fulfillment?
Tink was having one of those. It was actually nice for her. Given her sleeping habits, getting good dreams was nice. This one was that good recurring dream. The one where she was back in her kitchen with her mother and father. And with all four limbs. It was a Saturday, which was her favorite day-she was always a co...
Phoenix's blade glinted in the moon light as he sat in the tall oak tree but it was not the blade of his scimitar, This blade was far more dangerous. Despite being smaller. It was a beautifully crafted dagger, A well balanced blade and a sturdy handle. One could hardly blame the pegasus for picking it up even if picking it up was a grave mistake. It was odd, he had found the dagger in a small little cave that a small wyvern was using as a den. He smiled softly as he remembered the battle he had ...
//Loooore. New character. Based back when he first became a pony, and when he first arrived in the city he’d eventually learn to call his home.
Screams of agony and pain echoed all around, with horrific images of slaughter flashing through his mind. He heard the vicious snarls and growls, followed by the hollering and cries as teeth tore through flesh and bone. The images and sounds only got clearer and more intense, until they were like a drum beating within his head, sending vibrations t...
Nearly three weeks of constant battle. With freshly battle-scarred bodies, and exhausted minds the two casters trudge through the darkness ahead. The only light they have comes from a light cantrip being cast by the wizard. The light only illuminates 30 feet ahead with their path ahead shrouded in darkness. The two stopped trying to lighten the mood days ago. At this point they were both aware of how hopeless their situation was. They were sent in here to die. If the thing they were sent in here...
Many years ago, there were only hills in the area near the forest, thick and rolling, natural wild flowers growing atop them. Fertile and empty, the land was left alone for quite some time, waiting for the right group to come across it...And one day they did. Two rabbit beastkins, a sailor and a florist, came here to settle. Taking inspiration from ancient ancestors, the two began to create their home on the side of a hill, lovingly dubbed ‘The Burrow’. Over time wildflowers were joined by culti...
The air that was once calm and soft became increasingly humid and thick to breathe. The beautiful forest scenery began to melt and metamorphose into a swampy waste with dangerous cliffs and crags. The colors of the environment began to turn dark greys and greens, beautiful deciduous trees fading away to overhanging and gloomy coniferous flora. The swamps were murky, hiding whatever critters or dangers that called this hostile environment home. They could hear the calls of wild birds, scavengers ...
FZZZsssst. FZZsst. FZZZSSsssst.
Amity sighed quietly as sweat dripped down from his brow. He'd grunt every time he'd attempt to focus, his horn going from dull blue to a deep cyan as his magic rose with intensity. Gritting his teeth, a soft aura formed around a small rock in front of him on the ground. It would start to wobble and shake, matching the intensity of the glow from Amity's horn.
"GAH!" The red stallion's horn sparked out, leaving a few shallow scorch marks against Amity's foreh...
Many centuries ago...
Deep in the Everfree Forest a long, ferocious battle was coming to an end... William was tired, battered, and loosing blood fast. If the manticore didn't kill him, the blood loss and venom coursing through his body would. However his injuries didn't deter his spirit, his will to fight on. He had to slay this beast, he absolutely had to! The stallion spat out a bit of blood and pushed himself up with the end of his spear, breathing ragged and sight growing blurry. He coul...
//Ey! It's Tony lore time!
"Captain's log number one. Equis Date 4/6/2179.
This is Captain Nathaniel Vreems of the starship Reconnoiter. Our crew departed from Equestria exactly one week ago. We've just reached the edge of the Equis star system, and are making plans to head for the Kepler22 star system in order to investigate Kepler-22b for the possible habitation of Equestrians on the planet. Our mission is largely an expeditionary, and scientific one, but we have been granted the power ...
"Where are we? It's… so dark."
She heard the adolescent teen express a soft concern from her back; eyes kept focused on the dark steps descending the stairwell with a beat of excitement pulsing her heart. Her calm gentle pace seemed to vanish any trace of initial worry, reverberating down and up the narrow steps.
"It's alright, 'Phee, the lights are just really old here - and afternoon! I was wondering if you were going to wake anytime soon," the mare cheerily whispered over, only to receive a...
Albho was a very small village hidden inside a cave deep within the Crystal Mountains, a veritable asylum close to the Frozen North. Despite it being a cave, there was a luminescence shimmering from the town, gems and crystals lining the roof of the cave above the wooden huts and cabins that the inhabitants called home. Unlike most villages and cities, there were a variety of species living here: Pegasi that had developed thicker and more complex feather layers, griffins with similar adaptations...
No pony knows what has become of Solaris's only son the mother passed away after childbirth and then taken in and raised by cherry's long time friend Sky a blue pegasus. Northern Equestria was now ruled by the crystal empire with Cadence and Shining armor as their rulers. The city coltenheim and the lands surrounding it were abandoned and unpopulated save for a few dragons that lived in the mountains. The years passed and now Princess Twilight Sparkle now rules Equestria which has become more di...
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In the darkness a door opens as light shines into a massive library "I been witness to many things" said the mysterious pony in his thoughts "death....war......peace and most of all treachery and now I look back on my bloodline realizing that we came so far and fought for something that started small then turned into something bigger" he continues to walk down the halls of the library as he trots over to a large thick and dusty book titles "history of Northern Equestria and bloodlines of prince...
A cloud of steam left his breath as the red stallion looked out towards the snow swirling and blanketing the mountain range before him. High peaks rose as far as the eye could see, the mountains capped with a white hue that left them pale enough to blend in with the rest of the scenery around them. He would've been left there, amazed at how beautifully treacherous the landscape was before he was prodded from behind, one of two griffin sherpas nudging him to keep return back to the journey. Amity...
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