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by on August 30, 2019
Bright sky, few clouds, warm breeze. It's a perfect day in Canterlot, it's near the weekend so the streets are filled with ponies enjoying the day. The sound of the crowds, noble ponies and the like, patrolling guards it's as busy as can be expected. The two stallions sit across from each other at a table outside the cafe meant for outdoor dining. The inside was quite loud and busy, but it's a bit less so for a reason and Prince Liath chose this place for a reason. He ran into his brother and ar...
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by on August 27, 2019
At this point, I'm forcing it on you, but here's part... Err... 7? Part 7 of storytime. IN BLOG FORM!!! So... Last night I was partaking in [SUBSTANCE REDACTED] at our OC's leaving party (Officer in Command, not the RP OC meaning :P) and I was reminded by some of the lads of some of the mad shit we used to get up to. Like back when we used to proper insult each other. I mean when I say insults it was fucking brutal. One guy once left the Mess crying and never came back to the Army again, that...
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by on August 25, 2019
1. There /are/ albino (all white) and melanic (all black) sirens out there. But they are very rare. You'd be lucky to see even /one/ of the two in your entire life. 2. Albino Sirens tend to be more powerful and dangerous than any others. While the Melanic Sirens are the complete opposite. They are weaker then all the others, some of the Melanics are even born mute. Pretty much completely useless to the old fashioned Sirens 3. There are many different types of Sirens, from Whale Sirens, Dol...
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by on August 22, 2019
CHAPTER ONE: Arrival at the Gala I trotted into the Gala. I still had no idea why she had been given two golden tickets in the mail. However, I decided to take as my plus one. Mainly because I had no date and Moonlight’s special some pony had been invited to the Gala by Princess Celestia since he began playing Buckball. Everypony came to the Gala for a reason. I had no reason to be here, apart from my bucket list of course. As we both walked into the Castle, my curiosity grew. “Why did you wan...
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by on August 22, 2019
Tonight was Solaris' turn to guard the Artemis Bow, having placed it in a small, hidden room with only one way in or out. There was just enough room for himself, the bow and maybe one other creature. Solaris sat across from the bow, his eyes closed as he meditated. Well, attempted to meditate, anyways. His body language showed that he was exhausted and the way his face looked made it seem like he was in slight pain. The room was eerily silent, not even an echo traveled down the tunnel that lead ...
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by on August 17, 2019
Hello, everyone. You may be wondering what's with the title... Well, I'll cut right to the chase. For two weeks now, i had been working on a project. A big group RP. A second swarmling war, that anybody could take part in and influence. I spent two weeks of time building it up. Making lore. Getting people exited. It's only just now that there are several things I didn't account for. Organizational and time frame things. ...
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by on August 17, 2019
You won't remember me. "Of course I will!" You say that today. "I won't be the friend that walks away!" ...
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by on August 16, 2019
Welcome to Ambients cannon progression, where it's finally time I laid some of the ground work for a much bigger project in Ambients life. It's time for some canon posting for a while, as I must now do character development. There are 3 possible timelines that can happen. All of it is based on how everyone.. Yes everyone interacts with her for the next few posts depending on how most deal with it. Example: 60% kill someone. That's majority so that will happen ect. . What are these timelin...
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by on August 15, 2019
So this is the stowy of how and feww in wuv! Daww, dis stowy tuk puace in a wocal cawffee shopp wiphin PonEvile!~ Dat swilly edgy Demmy Whoovsies wuz sitting awl awone... It waws pho sad! :'( :sob::sob::crying_cat_face: But wuikily Smowy Mawsh did ceed the sad edgie wed pownie and wawnted to do somephing abwout it. :scream::sunglasses::fire: "Hewwo", she say ver nicewy. But Demwonic ackted wike "HUMPH" and wooked away (・`ω´・) Bu Swow wnew Dwemmy weawy wanted a frien! :D Se taked a seat neph...
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by on August 14, 2019
So... Storytime.... Part 4, blog post version. Forgot to upload the other day. Oops. Right, so... Another instance where for all intents and purposes, literally... I should be fucking dead, and the world must suffer my continued existence. On ops again. We'd been doing some recon, and I was hit by some debris. Not that bad, aye? Went down, concussion, some bangs and bruises, thankfully not really worse for wear. I was just unconscious, lazy cunt that I am. ...
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by on August 14, 2019
"Well, I am not sure how to even go about addressing this. Do I even have to justify myself? Is the purpose of my letter just to try and explain what has been going on? Though I have not been much for writing or academics, perhaps I will feel some ease putting my feelings to paper." "From a young age, I always assumed that once you were married, that was it. Concepts such as divorce were genuinely foreign to me before I moved to Ponyville, those years ago. My parents were always..together. Th...
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by on August 13, 2019
Hello Ambient Waves. It's been a long, long time since we have last talked. But I wish to inform you as a diplomat of the Zephyr Kingdom and a piece keeper of a curtain jewel. Your goal is to keep peace between our Kingdoms, but two of your dragons you call Adine and Anna has killed a couple of my guards on Zephyr Kingdom grounds they were last seeing flying to Equestria. As you are already aware this is classified as a act of war in most griffins eyes.. We wish to know how the Zephyr Kingdom...
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by on August 13, 2019
So! How to start? Hmm... Organized? Sections containing different things? Or a big sloppy mess of a paragraph? organized sounds good let's see DISCLAIMER: If bits of the paragraphs don't seem to fit well, or seem to interrupt the flow, that's my fault. It's mostly because sometimes I forget to put things in that I should put in it, and remember to do it after I've already moved on, so I go back and add that in. ...
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by on August 12, 2019
Hello Ambient, We wish to inform you that Adine is a wanted dragon as well as Anna now. We have found three dead with claw marks, we are currently in lock down in the kingdom letting no one out or in. We wish you don't attempt to return till everything is checked and secure. Guards have been increased massivly so don't have to worry about me, we have now lost our chef Adine and our scientist Anna.. We have reason to believe dragons are trying to rebel for no reasons if one more happen we migh...
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by on August 11, 2019
*From the carriage ride that Trixie, Zaten and Hymn were apart of. The large Journal is leather wrapped, and old. Very old it seems. As old as Wyatt himself. On the front cover there are multiple addresses crossed out. The final one is printed: IF FOUND RETURN TO CMDR. WYATT C. RYDER, MILITAIRES SANS FRONTIERES OUTPOST, COLUMBIA* The first page has a some kind of... Vow written down. Scribbled out is something saying he has no one to dedicate the book to. 'A Vow unto my own, that never from th...
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by on August 11, 2019
"Hahaha...haha...hahaha....This has to be weird. Writing down the action of me laughing. But....How couldn't I! Finally! He took some damage! It was true! It was all true! The Bow! It was there! We got it! And we took it from Torment!...Oh my heavens...I can barely process all this. I gotta take some breathes and catch this journal up with what happened." "The Zebras have done a fine job on fixing my wings. They are wrapped and set into a sling. Both of them. Meaning, I won't be able to fly ...
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by on August 11, 2019
I, personally, don't have the greatest feeling, concerning Gen 5. Like.. I don't have anything wrong with rebooting or whatever, just... There's too many things that just raise red flags for me. I don't really want it to flop either, but considering the state of the entertainment industry, My faith in them isn't the highest... I'll be giving it a chance myself. ONE chance. If what I'm hearing about Gen 5 being more teen oriented is true, they have a great oppourtunity to explore some really a...
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by on August 10, 2019
Sophitia was a bundle of heartache and nerves. She knew that Niakoro had the right idea, hiding away from the vampire lord and any of his cohorts, but....Tia just wasn't that kind of girl. Being cooped up in a witch's hut, in the dark, dank Everfree, was a burden on her very soul. And yet, staying in Ponyville hadn't been an option either. As much as it pained her to be losing gentle, beautiful creatures like Ephemeria, whom she hadn't embraced in so long because of being in hiding, she would...
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by on August 10, 2019
"Joy taught us both, and we all became thick as thieves. A bond closer than family, than lovers. It's not something you can explain. We developed a new type of hand-to-hand combat together, were taught how to be soldiers. True soldiers. *chuckle* A question I often get asked... Did I love her, though? Did I harbour romantic feelings for her? Yes. Yes, I did. That's the simple answer. But, after training with Joy for a while, she left. Without reason or explanation. Of course, I knew she must hav...
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by on August 8, 2019
//I've decided to write a few blog posts here and there to sort of flesh out the kinds of things Asuka might experience when she responds to calls. Doing them in blog form because they'd be too long for wall posts. It had only been an hour since their shift began. Asuka and Frank had already responded to a handful of calls, and it didn't seem like they were going to slow down anytime soon. After having just dropped off a stallion at Grace East Hospital the two are greeted by a voice from the...
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by on August 5, 2019
ALRIGHT! Storytime part 5, THE REBLOGGENING. Don't even know if anyone reads or cares about these, but fuck it, here we go. This is a little lesson in trickery, and goes some way to explaining my risky joke history, and will show how far military people will go for a prank. Also, this may traumatise any car enthusiasts. Right, so. Military family day out! We were doing some demonstrations for the families of army personnel in the local area. It's a nice day out, food, drink, kids welcome ETC....
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by on August 5, 2019
The morning was dark with the storm clouds covering the sky. It had rained all in Vanhoover the night before, making everything humid, damp, and dreary. Sitting inside one of Vanhoover's many coffee shops were two ponies dressed in EMS uniforms. The first pony was an Emergency Medical Technician. A broad pegasus stallion with a short, slick, black mane, and a light blue-gray fur coat. The second was a Primary Care Paramedic. An earth pony mare with light pink fur, and a long, straight, blonde ma...
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by on August 5, 2019
I started as nothing but a thought. And from that thought, I emerged into the darkness of existence. I came as a shining light in the middle of many others, which dimmed upon my arrival. Father called me of Hope, and I was soon introduced to the other lights. Despair, Justice, Knowledge, Love... And Life, my mother. Back there, there is no such thing as time, so I can't say when the Agreement occurred. But it did. Darkness came out of the void, but it had a shape and was not affected by our p...
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by on August 4, 2019
*Ambient receives a letter that had a sharp coloured red boarder signalling importance of the letter. * Hello Ambient, We have had a small problem, one of our guards were killed and Anna is missing, we have clear evidence that she was the attacker. We have claw marks around the room on the walls and on the armor. We are asking that if you receive any future to disregard and if you see her or she sent you a letter with her location, please let us know. ...
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by on August 4, 2019
"I'm bored." Midnight mentioned out loud to herself, sitting on the couch in her living room. Nothing was going on that day, her shop was all caught up on orders, her garden had already been tended to for the day and she had done her laundry and shopping. There was nothing at all for her to do. She let out a sigh as she flopped backwards onto the couch, shutting her eyes and starting the wait for the end of the day. A peculiar thought hit her; she was lucky. Lucky she had her own shop, lucky she...
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by on August 3, 2019
"Dammit, Dammit, Dammit! Why this?! Why did it have to end this way! Why have we gotten to this point! What mistakes have we made to have these things plays out as they have?! Me, the Second in Command, having to write in the Prince's Journal as he's being treated for major injuries! I'm forced to do nothing, but sit here and wait! Me! Miss Velvet Sweets, couldn't keep her Prince safe! did I fail...." ===================== *3 hours ago...* ...
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by on August 2, 2019
Well, I am back with a new mentally and a lot of new things. With that said few people have been blocked and the waters have tested and now I do have to say, such a better user experience for me beinf on this site, so I return and I considering how replies to blogs, posts or such go when it comes to people being general asshats will just be blocked and forgotten. Things that will be returning ...
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by on August 1, 2019
"Do you know one of the best feeling in the world as I'm writing this journal entry? Having a room. A well fitted room, nothing too fancy as it's suppose to be for ponies that are traveling into the village for trade or rest. Still when me and my Lunars and some Solars had trotted our way into this late night village, we probably should've expected the reaction we got." ====================== *One Hour Earlier* ...
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by on July 30, 2019
"I wonder if such a thing could exist. A weapon that was so pure and powerful, that it could eliminate all manner of Darkness with just the tip of the arrow. Hearing it and writing it, sounds like a work of fiction. An old tale one tells to their children to pass on legends of battles and wars. Still, if such a thing did exist? I know who the owner used to be. The Artemis Bow. A bow that was given to my Mother before my own birth. I've seen this weapon first hoof. Elegant gold at it's base and c...
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by on July 29, 2019
Crystalline's life has been shaken to the core. Twisted and burned at both ends to leave only a center of avenue left. Everything so far has begun to amount towards something...important. Something everlasting. Her life had always been a stale lesson on how to be a princess, but with nothing to rule over. It's been like this up until now. Freedom now reigns for the pegasus princess as she slipped away from her "guardians." She ran into trouble with her magical orb teleporting her across Ponyvil...
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by on July 27, 2019
OP rpers are an annoyance. I think we can all agree that at some point during our time here on CA we have all met one or more rpers who are all powerful 'gods' who cant be beat. While sometimes the best option is to simply ignore them or to ask them to stop, often times that doesnt work, and an rp dies. However, i am here to offer you a few fun ways to screw with op rpers and mary sues. Let us begin with the op rper. If he enters the chat and starts messing up the rp for everyone, someth...
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by on July 26, 2019
Reposted blog story, as usual! Alright, so... We were on ops. It was a hot country we were in. We'd been standing in full kit in the heat all day, guarding a border. Boring work, really. Nothing special happened while I was on duty, although I've heard some stories and there's been a lot that's happened on said border. Anyway, myself and a bunch of the lads decide to go out past the border that night to a nearby town for some drinks and to possibly pull. Anyway, the latter never happened f...
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by on July 24, 2019
"I've been called a lot during my life. Butcher, Legend, freak, heartless, cold, unkillable. Done a lot too. Been only one thing. When I first came to Equestria, it was... It was something I had no idea could exist. It was like a dream. A fairytale. There was no war. No hatred. It has it's problems of course, but... It's so much more peaceful than my world. Equestria holds a freedom I'd never known. Like the cards of life laid bare before me. It didn't need soldiers. The type of soldier I was. I...
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by on July 23, 2019
Okay, so... Storytime with Wyatt's Admin, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. Part 1 is also in blogs. This one might seem like it's going in a dark direction, but stick around. Oh and I forgot to mention in the actual post that I may have been involved in the events detailed below... :eyes: I fine tune the details a bit more in the blogs as well. Alright, so. We were out with the RA, Royal Artillery on an exercise. They were showing off their big guns *cough*totallynotovercompensating*cough* and w...
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by on July 20, 2019
"Greetings, Twilight! Lemon Breeze herewith a letter from my journey with Chiller Sway. You know my husband, the brown one with the green eyes. Well the two of us have been traveling east for a couple of days now. Trains sure are a wonder of the world, they've taken us all the way from Ponyville to Griffon station. It sure was quite a trip to get around the ocean, and the griffons are weird folk. I can't even call them ponies!" The yellow mare giggles to herself. What a strange world it is over ...
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by on July 19, 2019
Alright, so... story time with Wyatt's admin. Reposting it in a blog. So, I was on a patrol, regulars mixed with one or two reserves. I was Charlie man, or last man. I was there to give the lads a kick up the arse if they started to lag behind from tiredness. It had been a long day for us and this was our last patrol. Anyway, we're walking as usual and then I turn to check our 6, make sure we're not being followed or anything. I turn back around and see a rifle barrel poking out of a building...
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