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by on February 14, 2023
//Actual final post for the site. I wasn't happy with the ending I gave Asuka and her family before, so I wanted to give it another shot. If I don't end up being dissatisfied with this one I'll probably go back to to being dead after this. "Hey. Sock. Is my mane still good?" Mateo questions his wife on the state of his hair for about the fifth time since he'd styled it an hour ago. Asuka rolls her eyes, but her coy grin betrays her feigned annoyance. "Yes Matty. It looks great." Mateo pops a...
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by on February 12, 2023
Hello, This is Thomas Reid of the childrens ward. I will be discussing an oddity. The Glutton. The Gluttonous Eater is a unique mutant that isn't made by anything alive. In fact, the creature in question is made up of the corpses of livestock. Pig, cow, and sometimes chickens. The idea was coined by me in an attempt to lessen the loss of children. The point of using them is attempt to use cadavers or animal bodies to out advantage. Mayhaps the mystetious substance that is Choke can bring lif...
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by on February 9, 2023
NEFARIOUS! would be walking the streets as a small child would grab his hand. "Help mister! There is a bad man and he has my brother! Please!" NEFARIOUS! would sigh and walk towards the alleyway. It was a trap. He knew that much but what was it? Gang activity? Murderers who rope children in. No... He would keep an eye on the left side of the alleyway. Neffy hears breathing instead. Once he got close, he could see deformed fingers as he stopped mid-walk and just after a big row of teeth would ...
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by on February 5, 2023
This is Thomas Reid of the childrens wing. Today, I will discuss another failure made by simple morbid curiosity. I also want to put on record that despite the children being considered failures, I will always interact with them. Even the most dangerous of the sorts. Just because they are made this way doesn't mean they are worthless or unlovable. The Conjoined is the first mutant to make me realize this. This gentle type of mutant is often loving, kind and, touchy feely. It enjoys hugs an...
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by on February 4, 2023
Greetings and hello! This is Thomas Reid of the childrens wing. I specialize in child psychology and humane human transformation. This was what my goal is. Now my goal is to not only save what children I can buy uncover corruption unlike anything. I will be going over every 224 cases involving child experimentation here at Sunnyside Childrens "Hospital and Orphanage". Our first case is going to be about myself. Unlike my cohorts, I use only willing people and myself. However, I have don...
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by on January 23, 2023
Talon had now become part of the group, he was a welcome addition especially since Knight and Devine still had trouble talking to each other like they used to, they really needed to talk things out but it just never seemed to be the right time. As they traveled Knight would train Talon in weapons and combat as well as teach him science and a few other things that he thinks he could master. "So, not to pry, but we have been traveling together a few weeks now, are you two like dating or somethi...
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by on January 22, 2023
Hello, everyone! I'm sure you're all curious if I had scrapped content from all 4 series that I've done. Well... *Pulls out big idea journal* I sure do! I'm not gonna go into every detail, but know that there have been 3 journals worth of scrapped ideas for the 4 main series, yes, including the reboot. I'm gonna go into the more interesting ones to save my fingers some room. Here we go! By the way, to save my fingers even more, I'll title each of the 4 series as such in chronological order: Orig...
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by on January 17, 2023
(Welcome back to the island of tortured memories. Ready to see the mascot-only room once more? This is a sequel to a horror story I did way back when involving Destroy Man from No More Heroes, and the Abandoned by Disney creepypasta main location, Treasure Island, or, as it's called in this story, Mogwlii's Palace. This time around, the heroes return back to the horror place where it all began. The abandoned Mowglii's palace. There has been some unusual activity on the island lately, and Stickma...
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by on January 15, 2023
First up is of course my main girl Svarlet Batfire! She is a precious baticorn. She is in many different AU's with many different ships, one of which she has 3 children! In her main AU she is just a simple baticorn who travels with her friends! She hangs out with Spoof the most. He is her most loyal companion. Svarlet Batfire and Spoof by Alanah Perrone Svarlet by Wolf_lover1227 ...
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by on January 11, 2023
After the scuffle with Reid. Shila and NEFARIOUS! would be at the incubator. Admittedly, the lack of security was rather... Off putting. The grandiose nature of the Devil's Incubator was so incredible... What was the catch. Neffy would have stepped up the placible staircase with worry. He would then look over to see it completely darkened. He stared for a long while as the door to it was left unsealed. He sighed and said. "Alright... I'll bite..." He would move to the door to open it. Neffy w...
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by on January 9, 2023
As both a student of Celestia AND a somewhat casual acquaintence of Hydaelyn as of late...I wonder if they would get along - they both have a habit of 'meddling' in the affairs of others afterall! xD #WOLSunset
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by on January 6, 2023
It was so long. So dark... Yet I will not fall... Not yet. I have work to do. ...
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by on January 5, 2023
Alone, the Chloromancer roamed the dark sea. Were those seconds, or were they entire eons passing right before his eyes? Waves crashed upon the cold hull of the steerless metallic ship, yet no matter how much it rocked, the ship would never sink. No matter how often he tried, he could not jump into the dark waters below. With his book of memories held close against his chest, Zerathur hummed songs of old, and another voice joined his chorus. Sat upon the taffrail, The Traveler examined the o...
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by on January 4, 2023
You’re alone in your home. The storm outside is spilling something fierce, but lucky for you, you’re in your nice, warm house watching a bit of TV while the rain spatters against your window. Unfortunately, strong winds have taken out the picture of the TV. It’s all static… You sit, you wait… and it still doesn’t come back on. Perhaps now’s the time to turn it off and go to bed? That seems to be the appropriate thing to do. It’s not late, but it’s well within bed time parameters. With the thou...
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by on January 4, 2023
It is done. Their memories were compiled and adequately rewritten to further fact from fiction. Did it take him long to revise his work, or did it take no moment at all? Zerathur closes his book and carefully cradles it in his arms. Every lover, every friend, every acquaintance, forever with him. None of them shall ever be forgotten. The breeze died millennia ago; The endless forest was illuminated solely by the illusionary phantoms that moved back and forth in their unending routine. ...
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by on December 22, 2022
Eadil is a Necromancer. It is common in his kind's folklore for healers and medics to arrive too late to save the heroes who've fallen in the great battles of old, those born with the natural affinity of healing often mocked as 'healers of the dead': A pejorative term turned official with the consolidation of the Velgraviran Empire. As he stares at the skulls piled upon his desk, he curses the irony. He wasn't here to help those who needed it when they were hurt, much like the 'Necromancers' of ...
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by on December 7, 2022
Wander for long enough, and it will find you, for the forest hungers just as every living thing does. There are many different tales told by many different tongues. Each carries a measure of the truth, muddied though it becomes in the telling. Many are kind enough, speaking of the healer who came for four months to tend the ill, asking only a small fee, or of the mysterious adventurer who could locate anything or anyone with a few words. Some talk of a fae being, a benign entity of a magical fo...
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by on December 7, 2022
Another turn, another wall of thorns. Another path that leads nowhere. By now, Mirror has grown to expect it. She turns back the way she came without so much as a sigh to show her discontent. The warm summer air is bordering on stifling, now, with the thick sweater that hangs almost to the forest floor on her thin frame. Mirror is drowsy, and separately, she is tired. Tired of seeking a way out of her own home. Drowsy from the lull of crickets, little light, and warmth. The thought of laying ...
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by on December 6, 2022
Silence. Silence is the subject I have learned about my entire life. My name is Dr. Shila Shulziker, but those in my way call me Death. I turned the sound off when it needed it. I make those who are so full of themselves: Powerless. Fearful of what comes next. Toying with my food. Like a confident predator stalking its prey. God can't silence the world, so I will. Shila would be walking into what looked like a once abandoned house. The floors were creaky, and the air was thick with dust. ...
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by on December 2, 2022
Admittedly, I wasn't smart by the end of it all. It was all my fault. I was too involved with those children. I wish I were heartless... I hope they didn't have to see me suffer anymore, for it makes them weep. I was hardened by each loss, but what progress have I made to have it squashed into the floor? No more, I swore. I will take on this burden, no matter the cost to myself. What is a cut on a wrist or botched subject if it means another life is preserved even for longer? The answer: It is t...
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by on December 1, 2022
TWAS THE MONTH OF CHRISTMAS (Poem was made for my, but enjoy.) ---------------------------------------- 'Twas the month of Christmas, when all thro', Many creatures for sale, even a mouse; ...
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by on December 1, 2022
It is the duty of a Hospital Corpsman to wait in obscurity most of his life for a crisis that may never come, but when it does, he must give it all he has. The duty of emergency medical response is a broad spectrum of military medics and the civilian doctor who goes sleepless into the Emergency Room within The States. The difference between bloodied gloves and tattered cammies only stops there for those who put others before themselves. Although locations may differ, the sights and smells of tho...
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by on November 30, 2022
Dies for every mare, kisses every man, Laid every mother, drools at every pan. ...
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by on November 29, 2022
Polo sat there wanting to run from what he was looking at but can't he was chained up away from the computer as Sivanro said "Okay Sheep started typing out the story and don't stop." Polo looked at the screen in pure pain like the one meme that has Mr.Increadible. Sheep starts working on the sequel as Sivanro eats popcorns. detetive honse was sitting on the char outside watching the mini fridges as the song of ptsd start playing as depress hors was using his wings as a hlicopter while holdin...
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by on November 29, 2022
"Why did you write this cringe Sheep?" Polo asked as Sivanro looked at the screen then, throws up in the trash can for he seen what was the worst story in history of fanfiction. Five hours ago on depress horses computer Sheep start working on a story that cause art to be made of it that made me regret even writting this whole thing out. Detetive horse breaks into depress horse house for a fridge that had milk in it. "Oh fridge sempie how i missed you" Carmine sandiago (the red horse that...
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by on November 19, 2022
I never thought myself a writer. In truth, I never thought myself expressive at all. In being alone I forgot, perhaps, what it was to have someone to whom a fleeting moment may be explained, to be understood. Pen and paper make poor substitute for the beloved, but they are all that is left to me here, and so I shall write. Not a week may go by without that awful thought. It plagues me day and night, an abyss that I should jump into by ever entertaining, and somehow a siren’s call that I long ...
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by on November 19, 2022
Waves crash upon the golden sands of the Southern Shores. Seagulls fly above, silent fireworks explode in the distance. His shoes sink into the damp sand, and the maritime breeze of the early evening fills his lungs. "Zera?" A feminine voice calls out, prompting him to turn his head to look over to its source. Even though she was heavier than him, the changeling mare skips next to him with unparalleled grace, not leaving a single mark where she stepped. Her purple mane flows along the win...
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by on November 15, 2022
Lord Somber: "I have an interesting experiment for you to participate in, my most precious Apprentice. This test is to see if you have been taking in any of my wise teachings. For understanding how to view life correctly? It aids in understanding how to view Arcane. For Arcane is in everything we do. And seeing is one of many things we constantly do." My Master's words seemed to seek in subtly upon my body as he looked before more. Being inside the Throne Room, next to my Master was not an od...
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by on November 14, 2022
"I'm glad we're doing this," Star Stream said. "To make up for last week."  "You didn't enjoy the storm?" asked Royal Gift playfully.  "Not when I'm camping in it," Star retorted.  ...
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by on November 12, 2022
6:00 AM, August 7, 2026, Ponyville. Asuka has been up for around 2 hours this morning, and for good reason. Today was the first day of school, and Asuka wanted to make sure everything would be ready for Cyan for his first day of Kindergarten. She's packed his backpack, made his lunch, and checked, and re-checked all of his clothes for any holes, or wrinkles. She can hardly believe it's time for him to start school, even though he'd already been through Pre-K the year prior. The thought causes...
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by on November 11, 2022
The message has ended. The forest is now quiet again, but only for a moment. The entity on the throne would take in a breath, then would slowly exhale as it put away the device it used to play the message. “…..Some would say that was a fitting end for him. There are always casualties in war. He was just one of the many….They are wrong. He was never supposed to die… No one else could see that. No one else could see how wrong things were. We lost all we ever knew. I lost him. The one thing that I ...
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by on November 10, 2022
This forest is quiet. Too quiet. The sky is gray with bits of light poking through, but the forest is dark. The forest is full of trees and many other plantlife for it is a dense forest, but the plantlife is barely alive with the leaves barely hanging on. There is a tense air to this forest, as if nothing is right. Something is watching. Something is listening. The forest is dead, yet it is breathing. There is an air of death that lingers. The bodies of animals large and small are littered every...
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by on November 10, 2022
A full three months. A full three months had passed and yet I'm still finding struggles within my research. Arcane is a complicated center point. The subject itself is unique and vastly unpredictable. Therefore experiments, tests, and theories can so easily be stated as fact or thrown out the window in a matter of minutes. Why is Arcane the way that it is? Why is it so addicting yet so corrupt? Why does it aide powerful magic, yet create a unstable process of spell? Perhaps there isn't a why. Ma...
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by on November 10, 2022
Lord Somber: "What is it that you see before you, my dearest apprentice?" These were the words spoken to me by my Master. Lord Somber, the Ruler of the Dark Kingdom and Master of all things Arcane. From first glance, you'd suspect yourself to be meeting the Devil. A large Alicorn with a rather darkened blue complexation. Even darker were his bat like wings and horn, which seemed almost a midnight. The same could go for the horn as well, which was the most upsetting feature, being that it rese...
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by on November 9, 2022
??? "Ahhh! Ahh! P-Please! more. No more please. I-I have done nothing of notice....Nothing of value. I'm just a nopony! Ahhh!" ??? "It is rather sad to hear you refer to yourself as a simple nopony. Where as here? In this space? You are providing purpose. You are involved in the steps for future knowledge." My name is Arold Murk. I am a unicorn blessed in knowledge and will. Brought into this world for purpose. Gifted to this land in order to change it. I may not kno...
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by on November 7, 2022
//Wanted to post this a while back. Figured I should go ahead and do it before I stop using Everest for good. When I begin to open my eyes, I shudder violently. All around me is icy cold water. Light shines from the surface above, and with a little effort I manage to begin swimming upwards. I surface just as my lungs are about to give out. With a large gasp, I suck in much needed air, and begin to cough up some of the water I'd swallowed after plunging into the lake. I've barely even gott...
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