Friendship Letters
Lore: Utterly failing to pursue her goal to develop her multiverse technology and magic on a large scale through every avenue available, Briea was out of funding and relying on an abandoned scrap yard for parts to keep her prototype technology running. With the help of her otherworldly companion, Xander, Briea devised a plan. She would approach a publisher with a chronicling of her adventures in journal format under the guise of the adventures being fiction. The publishers adored the idea of a f...
*The royal archivist returns once again to the cities library and royal archive for another entry to add to the royal records he sat down and uses his horn to begin writing in a new blank tome*
"In the months following the return of magic to Equestria, thanks to Sunny Starscout and the harmony crystals prosperity has returned to the city of New Coltenheim and the Frozen North country yet despite this new dawn the prince has been pondering about how did magic fade from Equestria, to begin with...
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(And here we finally come to how Yinu came into my series. How Yinu formed a friendship with her friends, and an emotional bond with Stickman and Jewel. How Yinu got her Keytar Keyblade. It's all here, in Making the Record. Enjoy, everyone! This takes place after the events of No Straight Roads. Oh and i'll start referring to them as their Rhythm Thief names. You'll know why. -Stickman)
CHAPTER 1: A Resounding Sound
Stickman, Jewel, Skye, and Skystar make it to the vibrant and rhythmical cit...
"I'm not crazy! I never was! I know where I am! I know what I am! I know who I am! My name is Black Rose. I was a former magician under the orders and surveillance of Nightmare Moon. I was...taken! Taken from my family in order to serve our Dark Leader! Our glorious darkness in the harmful rays of the light. I'm not crazy. Don't think my writings are fiction! What I speak is real!.......The Nightmare has fallen. Defeated. Gone. The Sun Ruler has bested him. Us. Al...
The young pegasus held the bronze medal in front of him. He grimaced as he remembered the tournament. What a joke, the rules were too restrictive. There was no way he lost... there was no way. The third place medal made him feel sick, like everyone was taking pity on him. He clutched the almost empty mug of ale, sloshing it around before finishing it off. That clown that beat him wasn't tough, if it were a real fight he would have... Phoenix was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of cheering....
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And here I come to you guys with another info blog. This time, I'm doing a dive into the powerful Team Attacks. What exactly are Team Attacks, you may be asking? Well. Team Attacks require at least two people that combines their strengths and powers to unleash a mighty attack on their foes. In this case, every Team attack requires Stickman for activation. Let's go through each one, starting with the famous one:
Stickman and Jewel: All Together- With their bond unshattered, Stickman and Jewel ...
(Okie dokie! Let's do a new episode, shall we? In this one, we find our heroes returning to the Elements of Insanity universe. Stishoe, Stickman's Elements of Insanity counterpart, has trouble brewing in the EOI universe. Stickman and his friends must restore the EOI's powers after they are stolen by Stishoe. But how sane can you be in this universe? Find out... -Stickman)
Our story begins in the Elements of Insanity universe. In Stishoe's hideout, trouble was...
It had been a very long day for PB, a peanut butter pony both born and scientifically made. Had she lost who she had been? All sources pointed to yes that she did indeed lose her true self. Could any creature ever help her out of this situation she in? Surely there must be some creature who could. Unfortunately this would just fall on deaf ears as she'd try to be her own knight in shining armor. This is not including her own adventure to find her long lost little sister whom she hadn't seen sinc...
Is the act of revenge the same as gaining of form of catharsis? A way to relieve oneself of pain, anger, emotion towards a target or haunting past? Are they simply connected, like two strands of yarn intertwining? Or.....are they perhaps polar opposite spectrums. A set of spectrums where revenge is merely a stepping stone into petty regrets. Whereas true catharsis is only earned by letting go of the past, by means of doing things in the lighter side of morality. Who's to say? Perhaps both are di...
Further up the mountain, on a grassy patch that offered a scenic view over Canterlot and the surrounding area as the moon began to greet the evening sky, stood the older prince. Well, in this case, the only prince now. A.. good bit of time had passed since Solaris last saw his home, a large variety of emotions flashing through his eyes as he stared down at the view before him. He wished he had returned on a better note. He wished he had returned without the intent on taking back what was rightfu...
There were no birds here, at least none that she could hear. There were no insects either. This deafening silence was only broken by the rustling of leaves in the breeze and the distant flow of a brook deeper into the forest. Her eyes dully counted the fragments of metal and stone that once composed one of the walls of her now ruined home, feeling as though her mind was about to give in to the deepest states of boredom at any moment. Quarantine, he called it. One hundred years away from one's pe...
(Surprise new episode time! Welcome to the next warframe update-inspired episode, Screeches of the Past, inspired by Angels of the Zariman. In this episode, we follow our heroes as they uncover the mystery behind the recently emerged Zariman Ten-Zero. Beware of The New War AND Angels of the Zariman spoilers in here, but i'll try my best to not do many spoilers. I do think you'll like this though! Enjoy, and get a blanket, this one's gonna be scary. -Stickman)
CHAPTER 1: Out of the Void
Obsilion is panting heavily while hiding behind. He has been running from a group of rather angry spirits. Now what could he have done to grab the attention of a group of vengeful spirits? Well here is the short version of that story....There is a small ghost town that is smack dead in the middle of a random forest that is in the middle of nowhere. He had found this place a few months back and had marked it as a point of interest. After a while of further investigating the area around the town a...
————————————————[FOUR YEARS AGO, STYLO APARTMENTS. 2:04 PM]-------------------------------------
The shrill voice of the radio host somehow managed to wake me up from my third nap of the day, my whole head felt awful and dry. I didn't hear a single thing she said... it was all muffled. Noise. My focus was on my dry mouth. Like cotton balls clung to the roof of my mouth and the strings dug deep into the cracks of my tongue. I look up at the clock hung above my fridge and only now do I notice the...
A twisted visage, a creature most foul, wearing the skin of one who once was her prized best friend. Her thoughts converged, so did her feelings, and while at first she was terrorized by the fiend that stood on those grey shores, her fear was turned into a wave of blazing anger. , She thought, . Not a second had passed since his words left the creature's mouth when she began to retaliate.
The mare jumped forward, twisting her body mid-air and using her psionics to empty the contents of her pouc...
(?): What are thy words which my ears are deciding to hear? Are you speaking that Mama's Village is currently unavailable for approach? As if I, your Dark Lord, does not possess the power to do so?
(?): My Dark Lord, it would appear that Mama and her village had run into some fortune for the time being. The Moon had decided to pour darkness close to her lands. The birthing of new creatures is currently taking place. It would be unwise to disrupt the process. As you are always aware....rebirth...
"As deft as rocks swimming upstream."
Words that forever marked her early teens. Spoken in these selfsame shores, back when the sand was just as golden as the city behind them; when the clear blue ocean only gave way to the white foam of the waves, the beautiful sounds of nature clashing with that of their boombox, their laughter, their taunts.
They're gone now. The golden sand has turned grey, ruins lay where a great city once did. With the bay closed by the carcass of a great ship, even ...
Alright, here's another info letter, this time about the powers of Stickman. In this one, we take a dive into Stickman's powers, both current and former (Basically the ones from before the reboot for the former.)
Let's start with the current.
The Eternal Ink - What allows him to take on different forms and basically survive since his former bird form was broken due to the maelstrom void that started this all. Stickman cannot basically live without his eternal ink, and MANY villains want th...
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Lavender Lily couldn't sleep, her mind was still restless from having not been used the whole day. She mockingly recounted notable interactions, "How many bundles? Where do you want it shipped? It doesn't matter that it's only one rod, that's the price, I don't know what flower that smell is coming from!" She had paced her room, quietly shouting at no one. With a groan, she kicked her bed before flopping onto it. Facedown in her pillow, she thought to herself, how long has this been going on for...
Oh boy! Another info friendship letter! This time we go through the sectors of Stickman's World in the Prime Timeline. This friendship letter will give off what's what and when the sector debuted. Let's dive right in!
USF Base
Sector's Debut: The Planet that was Long Forgotten
Description: The place where the USF resides and where most of the world's sector power comes from due to the WEG. This building is much more roomier than the HQ and has way more rooms than the Stickman HQ. It even ha...
“Don’t do that ever again,” I stated, looking at the griffon with an even expression. She lowered her ears, but only for a second before perking back up and stepping closer. I did not know what to expect at first. To me she was a stranger who had followed me through the forests and involved herself in what turned out to be a bad situation. So, out of instinct, I tensed up and pulled myself away from her, and she seemed to have taken it negatively.
To be honest, I could not b...
Ever since they voiced their feelings for each other they had grown slightly awkward, unsure of how to treat whatever their relationship had become. Knight hated it, he kept thinking of ways to end this annoying awkwardness.
In the time they had traveled, they now found themselves flying through snow covered hills, a place called bleak valley. It was snowing slightly and the breeze was cold but neither of the two were cold, Knight had his thick coat of fur and it helped keep Devine warm who r...
And yet we have another info friendship letter, this time about the weapons Stickman has or had, depending on the weapon, and in the order they were obtained. With every new weapon Stickman was eligible to get, Stickman had to travel to Master's Peak to take a test overseed by his teacher, Grandmaster Sticksei, to see if he was actually worthy to wield said weapon. Let's dive in, shall we?
The Pencil Sword: The one, the only, you'd better believe it, the sword of legend. Made to look like a p...
Surprise! Another Info Friendship Letter. This one explains the rooms in the Stickman HQ, and to give a full scale of the confirmed rooms in the HQ. Let's dive in, shall we?
The Bridge: Where all the operations happen. This room is where Stickman can pilot the HQ alongside his friends and sister. This room has quite the view with it.
The Living Room: Where recreational activities happen whenever the USF isn't doing a mission. It includes all the oldest and latest consoles, some games to go...
Haven't done an info friendship letter in a while. Anyway! In this friendship letter, I take you through what Gary, a penguin who hails from Club Penguin, has developed for both the USF and Stickman. Let's dive in, shall we?
Wristwatch Communicators: Exactly as it says it does and more. Allows to call and dismiss Warframes that are assigned to each member of the force, allows access to a miniature teleportation cube in case for emergency extraction, so on and so forth. The Master upgrade is o...
(Don't let the title of this episode fool you. Welcome to the Mysterious Mansion sector of Stickman's World, and this is the introductory episode to it! I made the title of this episode backwards... ON PURPOSE! *Imagine spooky thunder here* Anyway, This sector may bring back memories of being in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland... or in the Lonesome Manor level in the Epic Mickey game. Mostly cause this sector is based off of both! Oh and I maybe got some inspiration from Luigi's Mansion too. D...
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(Alright, time for a shitpost story cause why the fuck not. Carmine's mad lib post got me inspired to make this short story, but i'm going to make it in MY style. The epic way. No chapters this time cause, well, it's a short story. Letsa fuckin' go! Oh and this is canon to my series. Shoutout to Carmine! -Stickman)
It was a beautiful night in Rio De Janeiro. The hero of this story was Stickman... not that dumb idiot poop face Carmine Gumshoe. He was out and about in his and Jewel's homeworld....
Sylvia gasps as she wakes up and quickly sits up.
Its dark. Very dark. There is no light whatsoever, yet she can see as if there is a dim light, but there is nothing to see. This is a dark void with nothing, yet she can see. She knows she shouldn't be able to see. There is no light. Just a black space. Yet, she can see.
"What is this place?...." she asks herself as she looks around....As if there is anything to look at. Why would she have to look around if there is nothing in this void?
"It l...
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Sylvia had stationed herself on a rather large island in the middle of the ocean, far, far south of Canterlot's harbor. She had set up a small camp for herself since she planned on being here for quite some time. So far, she has been on this island for only two days. She had come to this island a day after the little bit of excitement, or annoyance, that had happened at Artemis's castle. She is still dressed in a midnight blue sports bra and black yoga pants with her hooves still wrapped in band...
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"It is not a matter of discussion at the moment, Nightmare. It's not a discussion I'm willing to have in general. What you speak of? The power? The Limitless abilities we could gain? That'll only lead to targets. Targets placed on our backs. Our Kingdom's back. That is something I'm not willing to put into debate. It isn't an option I see taking place. My Future? Our Future? Isn't set in stone just yet. Hasn't been formed yet. Jumping into the area of threat will only make us the threat. We aren...
(Let's skip forward in time to where the best space pirate arc I have ever done is... well, being done. Welcome to Dead Pirates Tell No Tales, a Warframe-inspired arc, now turned into a full-on story. In this story, we follow Stickman and his crew as they uncover the mystery behind the Tempestarii's re emergence from a void storm, and fight off the fearsome corpus space captain, Vala Glarios and her so-called Sisters of Parvos. If you are confused about some terms of Warframe, do let me know in ...
Mirror rose before the sun.
She had not slept, not really, and every part of her ached… but going back to bed would be futile. Her reality felt so surreal that a dream would have been a reprieve, had the universe deigned to allow her one. Weary in every sense of the word, she made the trek to her mirror, where she picked up a makeup brush and looked into the mirror.
Her eyes flicked over each feature with increasing confusion. The features refused to resolve into a face - there was one eye, a...
(How about we do a new story? This one has a sense of mystery and, as the title suggests, tragedy. This one is set in present day, after the events of Operation: Final Battle 6. So basically we're seeing Stickman as his sentient reign self in story form for the first time here. The story? Well... Let's set the scene. Sentient Reign Stickman and his friends happen upon a mysterious theater in Equestria that's been seeing disappearances of ponies for the past few... months. However, once they step...
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Hasbro has officially announced 3 different content coming soon to both Netflix and Youtube.
The first content to be released will be a 2D animated series that will air on Youtube on April 7th called: My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale. This 2D animated series will still consist of our Mane 5 cast of ponies.
The second content announced will be a 3D animated special called: My Little Pony: Make Your Mark. Alongside that, Hasbro also announced a 3D animated series which will also use the title "M...
It was a cold February night and a thick layer of snow blanketed the town of Seaward Shoals, leaving the streets feeling silent and desolate. Coronet Cresthaven found herself trudging up the hill to the local cemetery, a scarf wrapped tightly around her shoulders and an overwhelming sense of emptiness weighing heavily on her heart.
Thick snowflakes swirled down around her as she walked. She shivered and pulled the scarf closer to her face. It was hard to see through the curtain of falling sn...
At first, Mirror hardly noticed the frequency of Faith’s trips into town. She herself was rather indisposed, and so it only made sense that Faith would go instead for food and other necessities. When she did notice it, well - it was easier to pretend she hadn’t. If she had failed to notice these trips, she had no cause to wonder at the reason behind them, and no cause to look over her shoulder in fear of what Faith might be planning.
Her mind seemed unable to lay the issue at rest. Despite her ...
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